Full Autos

America is just about the most gun-friendly nation in the civilized world. I have thought of relocating at times, but I really haven't found anywhere that compares (though I've not covered EVERY base). There are quiet a few countries that don't have the police power logistics that America has. Meaning, they'll still have gun laws but not really be enforced. I looked into chile and argentina one time. They are all probably armed the same as we are, but they have tighter laws. Just not the system in place to enforce it. In Chile you have to register any firearm with the military (scary!!!).

Sad as it sounds, you're in one of the very few civilized places left that will even allow FA.
And moving to another country and leaving your family JUST because you want some stupid full auto rifle is not worth it in my opinion, the only place I know that has good gun laws besides us is Switzerland to answer your question, Im not sure how they are on full auto's though.
you can own a full auto if you are willing to go through the trouble of getting the class3 license for it. So again, very few places in the world give you this much freedom. I like shooting full auto for fun, but in the real world it is useless unless you are into indiscriminate killing. that is one law I have no problem with. Machine guns are for war only.
that is one law I have no problem with. Machine guns are for war only.

I'm glad you are willing to have your constitutional rights taken from you so easily...any more you don't want?

also there is no "license" needed for them. (well not for all of them anyways)
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This isn't the right forum for a poor rehash of the "intent of the second amendment" argument.

i'll assume you meant "thread" not forum, and i'll also assume you meant "eloquent" not poor rehash.:D

if you are willing to go through the trouble of getting the class3 license for it

should we just make believe this is true? or offer correct information?

in the real world it is useless unless you are into indiscriminate killing

also ridiculous...

Machine guns are for war only.

spout absolutes like that and expect no one to rebut?

Im wondering if the state can allow transferable full autos made after 1986 and converting them legal. Like override the federal law and make its own law on the thing, and make it to where you can get them without paying Bazillions of dollars and standing on your head while picking up beads with your eyelashes.
Nore have you checked out the NFA guns and gear section? you can find quite a lot of helpful information there. cant remember the thread but there is several discussing many of the questions you have.
FA is not illegal in this country! It is regulated, you need to have a tax stamp and do the proper transfer. Some states may have restrictions on what it's citizens can own, but mine does not. If you can afford to buy and feed a FA gun, do it, biggest smile you well ever have. You can burn a $100 in a minute, it's something I try and do once a year. Everyone should go to a machine gun shoot and try it, some say it's better than sex.

Brenten said:
you can own a full auto if you are willing to go through the trouble of getting the class3 license for it. So again, very few places in the world give you this much freedom. I like shooting full auto for fun, but in the real world it is useless unless you are into indiscriminate killing. that is one law I have no problem with. Machine guns are for war only.

I own 2 MGs and I'm not a Class III Dealer. It does require serious capital...the cheapest FA are the M9/10/11 family and those will run you 2.5-4K, then come the converted Mini 14's 4-5K, then the AAC 556, 5-6K, then come the M16 family...depending on what you want...9K to 20K
FA Auto in use

I like a 3 shot or 5 shot burst control for home defense. Hollywood never really shot a human being!! They do not fly across the room when shot with a 9mm. But, even a determined/high enemy pauses with a 3 or 5 shot burst. The Government took the right to own these weapons away from us in 1935 plain and simple. Then again in 1968 as a knee jerk reaction. Just because you still can do something with the proper forms/process doesn't mean you still have the right. You have a compromised right that the citizens failed to defend. IMO
And moving to another country and leaving your family JUST because you want some stupid full auto rifle is not worth it in my opinion, the only place I know that has good gun laws besides us is Switzerland to answer your question, Im not sure how they are on full auto's though.

Does not surprise me that a student from Illinois would neither understand the importance of gun ownership or why he should not have voted for Obama.
It's pretty easy to own full auto in Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland. There are quite a few Latin American countries where it is technically illegal, but the authorities turn a blind eye. There are massive areas in Africa where there is no authority. I don't know what the laws are in NAMESTAN (North Africas, Middle East, and the 'stans), but there sure do seem to be a lot of people with full auto AKs.
Uhh david I was trying to act civil and just state my opinion and here you bash my state and my supposed politcal beliefs, first off I and my entire family are conservative gun owners and second off who cares if I live in illinois, their only stupid rule is no cc, I was just stating that its a little silly to move to another continent just to own a cool little toy, I mean would you move to Estonia or something just so you could have a fancy car or something and leave behind your family and AMERICA, some people wonder why the gun community is shrinking in some states, now I know why, because its not welcoming and some are just ignorant like david, I now leave this discussion due to it now being a waste of my time.
Im wondering if the state can allow transferable full autos made after 1986 and converting them legal. Like override the federal law and make its own law on the thing, and make it to where you can get them without paying Bazillions of dollars and standing on your head while picking up beads with your eyelashes.

In short, no. It's one of the reasons the Civil War was fought. IIRC, Montana wants to though.
Uhh david I was trying to act civil and just state my opinion and here you bash my state and my supposed politcal beliefs, first off I and my entire family are conservative gun owners and second off who cares if I live in illinois, their only stupid rule is no cc, I was just stating that its a little silly to move to another continent just to own a cool little toy, I mean would you move to Estonia or something just so you could have a fancy car or something and leave behind your family and AMERICA, some people wonder why the gun community is shrinking in some states, now I know why, because its not welcoming and some are just ignorant like david, I now leave this discussion due to it now being a waste of my time.

The fact that you think the only bad gun law in Illinois is CCW and the ownership of any firearm is a cool little toy is exactly why I made the comment, you proved my point. The fact that you call machineguns stupid, while you might be conservative for someone from Illinois you are what we refer to as a Fudd, someone who thinks firearms ownership is about hunting. You have no use for or interest in NFA firearms, yet you come into a forum specifically for talk about NFA firearms and spew your anti-gun opinion. Fudds are a much worse enemy to the gun owners of America than the anti-gun liberals as you pretend you are one of us while you vote for us to give up the guns we prefer as long as it does not effect the guns you prefer. I hate Fudds
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Machine guns are for war only

Mabe so in your opinion but let me ask you this.

How many wars in all of history have there been where citizens of a waring nations/factions were not targeted even if unintentionally targeted?

If it were possible to reseach all of them I bet it would be well under a half of a percent of all wars if there were any at all.

The 2nd was thought up because war has been/can be upon our doorsteps.
(nessassary for the security of a free state.)
If war was at your doorstep wouldn't you want to be as well armed as possible? if possible?

I would.