Full auto handguns, Beretta 93R, Glock 18

C Philip

New member
I was very interested to find out about full auto handguns such as the Beretta 93R and the Glock 18. Are there any other guns like these? How can I get one? These would be great for CCW for obvious reasons. The full auto fire power in the size of a normal handgun would be great. Any other models or info?
There are a handful of "transferable" 93Rs built on Taurus frames. Last one I saw for sale was over $20,000. If there are any transferable G18's, they are even more rare and would be significantly more expensive (probably $30,000+). There are also some S&W59's which are till quite rare, but could probably be had for under $20K.
There are other FA handguns but the Beretta and the Glock are comparatively commonplace compared to others out there. The Stechkin, Drotik, and Pernach are Russian select-fire pistols.
Some of the early autoloaders had FA capability also; Mauser Broomhandle for one. Can't recall offhand if the Bergmann, the Borchardt, the Mars, or the Manlicher <sp> had FA or not.
Never heard of a 59 FA. Or are you talking about a Hush Puppy style? Saw a 1911 FA at Knob Creek going at it on the line a couple of years ago. That was really cool!
There's a handful of converted 59's out there. I think Jerry Prasser at Recon Ordnance had one or two. I can't remember who the conversion manufacturer was, but there was an article in SAR about them last year (IIRC). They were some sort of a "sear" type conversion so although they weren't factory F/A guns, the registered part could be moved from one host to another.

And speaking of the odd/unusual/rare machinepistol, ever hear of a Trejo? A friend of mine collects full auto .22's and has a Trejo, sn#1 (and yes, he even shoots it!).
Even if you could get one, carrying a full-auto submachinegun as a CCW would not be a good idea for obvious reasons. Plus, it may be illegal, as it is in Florida.
Well, also there were Astras (901 through 904), as well as Schnellfeuer versions of Mauser C96...

and those ugly Steyr M1911/P16, with fixed 16-rd mags...
Actually would be BAD for CCW. The first best reason is that if you DO have to use it to defend yourself, the police will generally confiscate it until investigation is over - very annoying and who knows what may happen to it while out of your care.

MORE importantly is you are spraying a lot of rounds with a full auto not-so-controllable pistol. What do you think is going to happen if ONE round hits an innocent? You'll have the first incident where the anti's can use to go after our full-autos. Up to now we have a spotless record - all we need is for one person to abuse it to make it bad for rest of us.

Sorry to come off so heavy-handed, but it's hard enough to find full autos that are transferrable, but think ho wbad it could be if popular opinion went against us. No thanks.
Full Auto Handguns

Two thoughts on full auto handguns.......First, many or most LEOs would be outgunned and the BGs would get hold of them and we'd all have a problem. And I would feel uncomfortable if the LEOs were packing that type handgun.

My big bore handguns buck and snort when the trigger is pulled and it is easy to imagine the climb of a FA headed upward. Since the primary goal is to hit the target of a BG,
additional projectiles abover either would not accomplish the goal of hitting what you aim at.

Full auto other types are available, fun to shoot, and with approval by ATF and local Leos and a tax stamp one may obtain and own them. I love to shoot them but like having more than one wife, can ill afford to feed them.
FA weapons, BAD FOR CCW! You still have the same ammount of ammo if you use a FA handgun, or a traditional one. The only difference is that you have fewer rounds impacting the target, so in essence, you have fewer rounds to begin with. Would I like to have a FA handgun, yep, but I would never CCW it, or use it for defense, unless it was a last ditch effort, and no other weapon was avaliable. Not to mention the legal ramifications of such use.
Two thoughts on full auto handguns.......First, many or most LEOs would be outgunned and the BGs would get hold of them and we'd all have a problem. And I would feel uncomfortable if the LEOs were packing that type handgun.

You have fallen into the typical "anti" trap. First, LEOs can legally carry any firearm manufactured anywhere in the world if that is what their agency wants to issue them. LEOs are only outgunned if their department causes them to be.

Second, a full auto handgun isn't any more "dangerous" than any other firearm. The Beretta 93R, Glock 18, M11/9, Micro Uzi, Mini Uzi, standard Uzi and the MP5 all shoot the exact same bullet, so how is one more dangerous to LEOs than the others?

Third, as for "the BGs would get hold of them...", by definition, the BG does not obey laws. As such, he can get any firearm manufactured anywhere in the world if he desires it.

It is illogical to believe that banning anything from the average citizen would result in the inability of a criminal to obtain that item. It is illegal to possess, manufacture, sale, use, import and distribute crack cocaine. There are no legal sources for crack cocaine in the US. Yet, anyone that wants crack cocaine can have some in less than 30 minutes if they choose to get some. Do you think banning civilian ownership of the Glock 18 will prevent a single BG that wants one from getting one?
trivia time

There are no legal sources for crack cocaine in the US

Actually, if you are a researcher with a DEA liscence approved for schedule I controlled substances, you can order free base cocaine from certain supply retailers. Not even (most) doctors can do this, as any drug with approval for human use is by definition Schedule II or less. Cocaine is a Schedule II, but free base cocaine is schedule I.

And cpileri jumps off the plane so as not to hijack it further...

The problem with the H&K VP70Z isn't getting one because they're easy to find. The problem is getting the stock

The VP70M is the one that can be used select-fire with the stock. The VP70Z won't work, and transferable VP70M's are just about as rare as transferable Glocks and Berettas
I would have to do some checking on that. I'm not too sharp when it comes to NFA firearms because I don't have the money or need for them.