Full Auto Accuracy

I agree with Zak Smith

I will say it again after seeing that great film (thanks for shairing) no matter what any one here says, unless you put one of them up to your sholder and feel the effect of 20 rounds of 30-06 full auto, or 25 50bmg, no one can tell you what your looking for, you have to experance it once in your life.
In the German military we shot the MG3 at 25m at small landscape targets. The center was about as big as a quarter and the next score ring roughly two to three inches. A short burst of 3 to 5 rounds had to stay within the rings.
The Uzi, as mentioned before is very reliable but a little less accurate and controllable than the MP5. At 65 yards I could put a short burst onto a 10" steel plate.
By the way, the German military manual ZDv 3/15 stressed that the UZI was to be shot semi auto or in SHORT bursts. Same for the MG3 on a bipod, while from the Marder it was shot in longer bursts and then barely ever jammed.
I just got to shoot some full auto this past weekend for the first time.

So, here's a FA n00bs experience:

Glock 18: Fun, and suprisingly easy to control with short bursts. Would definitely take some practice to get good with though, I didn't hit much with it.
MP5: True Love. I was hitting a bowling pin around 30 yards with bursts fairly often.
Thompson: Even easier to hit that bowling pin! BudaBudaBudaBuda
Supressed UZI: Much harder to control. I was surprised how heavy the gun was, yet it still bounced around a whole lot compared to the MP5. I didn't hit much with it, so I dumped the rest of the mag. I shot it more so I could say I shot a Full Auto Supressed Uzi. :D

MP5 and/or MP5SD are extremely accurate when using controlled bursts, including out to 50 yd. SpecOps and SEALS use them depending upon mission. Steyr AUG .223 is similar in that "what you see is what you hit". MAC 10 .45 ACP has too high of cyclic rate and difficult to control but great for across room distances. I have no experience with 9mm versions or MAC 11.
Zak I see you're point

however that guy is about twice my size! He has a little more padding too. After a day of roadmarching/range time I usually came home with a really sore shoulder. It was, however, my favorite weapon to shoot. The .50 was just TOO damn heavy.
I have shot a lot of FA stuff, my favorite was a commercial 1918 BAR Winchester, if you shorten the front hand and shoot with your left elbow sorta dug into your armpit, it is amaxing how controlable 20 round of FA 30-06 can be, same with the M-14, shorten up the left hand and it it rocks, too many people try to hold it with the left arm extended and then you take away the weight of the barrel helping you. I was able to just cover a Five gallon bucket with both guns at one hundred yards.

Ifi had the money, my choice would be a suppressed mini UZI not a micro the mini, cheaper to feed and easier on the shoulder after a day of blasting. A civilian legal M-14 or FAL would be fun too
Those are interesting vids, but that is NOT the 60 I carried. I had a longer barrel and no verticle foregrip. It was quit a cumbersome weapon, but I shot it well.
I took a small PD out for handgun/shotgun quals last Sunday, and the Major brought along one of their Thompson M1A1's. I hadn't shot one of these in over 20 years, but it was no problem to keep 3-5 shot bursts on the head/neck of a B21FS at 25 yards.

About the only negative to the Thompson is the weight of the things. For the same load you could tote an AKM.