Full Auto 10/22

The only stupid question is the one you do not ask. He got good realistic answers too. Don't do it.

I suspect its just a phase he's going through. I went through the same phase, bought the Paladin book and never did it. It is an interesting read and has some real good pics in it. It's soo involved and soo illegal, and would be such a waste of ammo that thats all it turned out to be was an interesting read.

Gunzines will suck you into all sorts of weird ideas...and now, the net. :rolleyes:

Just keep reading and thinking and asking questions. And heeding these good peoples advice here!
It's got step by step instructions, material list, machinist drawings & templates, comparison photos, test procedures, and all sorts of stuff. It's very detailed and actually looks viable but that don't mean squat.

It didn't look like anything someone could bang out in their basement, or at least not me. It's called 'The Ruger 10/22 exotic weapons System' I don't know if its still in print or not. Paladin Press.

To me, the best thing about this book is the spirit of resistance. "They" don't want me to have it and that just gives me the warm fuzzies all over. :D

Who needs FA anyway? Not me. I suspect it'd be novel and fun for a very short while and then gather dust only to be taken out to impress the friends once in awhile. Eh. Now 6000 dollars worth of ammo? That'd be useful.
Now that I think about it, they had a really nifty dual recoil spring setup on it. The 10/22 recoil spring (which holds the bolt in battary) only gives pressure on one side of the bolt, making it possible for the bolt to be just a little cockeyed and a potential for an out of battary detonation in FA mode?

Anyway, what it amounted to was an additional factory recoil spring on a newly fashioned or modified factory rod (can't remember). and a hole is drilled into the bolt charging handle for the front of the externally mounted additional one with a small angle iron screwed to the stock with its own hole for the rear to ride holding the right side mounted recoilspring in place. doubling the feed thrust, holding the bolt more straight, reducing recoil (?), and improving overall function (?) and safety. The second spring is easily removed by just pulling it back a little and levering it out of position. With it installed, you're pretty much limited to high velocity Stingers and such.

Even without the FA, this was a reasonable idea I thought. I was going to do this portion of it but, back burnered it as a 'probably don't need it for semi auto anyway' thing.
talk to guys at Small Arms Review magazine

they know the real score. YOu can form a corporation that can do what you can't do as an individual, in some cases. This can help with the problem of your local cop not wanting to sign off on your requested permit. Even where states preclude individual ownership or manufacture, a guy with a Class II manufacturer's license can make full auto guns "for sale to law enforcement, the military, or other Class III dealers". That license costs a LOT less than an individually transferable full auto gun costs.
talk to guys at Small Arms Review magazine they know the real score. YOu can form a corporation that can do what you can't do as an individual, in some cases. This can help with the problem of your local cop not wanting to sign off on your requested permit. Even where states preclude individual ownership or manufacture, a guy with a Class II manufacturer's license can make full auto guns "for sale to law enforcement, the military, or other Class III dealers". That license costs a LOT less than an individually transferable full auto gun costs.

The 'real score' has already been posted here. If one wants a full auto 10-22, the only real option is to pony up the $6-8k and buy one as a transferable unless you are actively engaged in the business of making and/or selling NFA weapons. If you get an SOT without intention or a bonafide attempt at engaging in business you risk losing the license and potentially facing charges for tax evasion. The cost of the licenses with ITAR fees runs about $2000/year and posties cannot be kept if you lose or relinquish the license. If you just get an 01/SOT, you still need a LEO demo letter to get any post-samples. Additionally, if state law precludes possession of NFA weapons, just forming a corporation and/or getting an SOT does not automatically override state law, there would still have to be a specific exemption in the law for SOT/licensees.

So lets do the math...

Option #1.
$2000/year license & fees x 4 years = $8000 + $150 for a 10-22 to convert. At the end of 4 years you've spent at least $8150 and all you have to show for it is a used post-sample 10-22 which is worth about $150, if that much. Keep in mind you have to actively engage in business and will probably have to spend even more money to get your business up and running. Additionally all necessary state and local zoning and business permits must be obtained, as well as getting a business location (unless you like having to open your home to BATF when they come to inspect).

Option #2.
Spend about $7k now to buy a transferable 10-22. In four years all you have to show is a transferable 10-22 which is still worth the $7k you paid, and more likely than not, worth significantly more (probably about $8k-9k by then).
Fear and the Law

Fear and Righteous Indignation are two paralyzers of educational discourse. It is one thing to question, another to put into motion. We all wonder about certain "razor's edge" activities. It does not mean they will be implemented. We can dream, can't we? We can even ask "out of ignorance", or simply out of the depths of Walter Mittie's gropings, without incurring the abrasive and flat snubbed-nose of those who won't go out in the rain for fear of getting mud on their shoes. I respect the point behind it all - certain actions are illegal and won't be supported. But I am offended that it often results in indignant rebuttals
rather than friendly chatter, and even sometimes humoring the information hound. It is up to each to plot his course. One need not supply information, but
one need not necessarily step up to the plate to deliver a face-slap just to announce that he alone is worthy of the golden prize of sinlessness.
Just a thought. Let education have a chance. Drop being an umpire.