Full Auto 10/22


I would like to know if it is possible to convert a Ruger 10/22 to full auto? i would also like to know if this can be done as a select fire full auto? anyone know of a website i can see info on this ? or have some instructions i can see. is this something i need to have parts made for or can i buy the conversion parts from someone and just install them?
You cannot legally convert a weapon to full auto. You can buy a registered 10-22 full auto trigger pack, but they are few and far between and will run you about $6000-8000.
Depends on where you live. Just look for '10-22 full auto' or conversions and there are many books that show how. For the states it is for academic study only but for you it may not. Good luck I sure could use something like that. I just bought my second 10-22.
Depends on where you live. Just look for '10-22 full auto' or conversions and there are many books that show how. For the states it is for academic study only but for you it may not. Good luck I sure could use something like that. I just bought my second 10-22.


Just keep in mind its up to a 10 year prison sentence for a felony conviction of the NFA & 922(o), IIRC. You also lose the right to vote and the right to possess a gun legally ever again.

If you want a full auto, do it legally. Its much cheaper than hiring a lawyer to defend you on a felony.
Forgive me for being blunt.

What you are proposing to do is illegal--PERIOD.

You are asking how to break the law. Hopefully, you will NOT find the advice how to do it on this site.

Moreover, be advised that there are some on this site who take a VERY dim view of those who ask how to break the law. Appropriate action--to include the notification of applicable law enforcement agencies--is not out of the question.

If you are sincerely asking out of ignorance, the best people to ask are here:


Otherwise, you're begging for prison time. End of story.
What they're all saying is that if you live in the USA it's illegal to build a new FA 10/22. Other countries may be different.
Since you don't seem to be getting anywhere with you question other than knowing lawful firearm owners shun anyone thinking of breaking laws, you have 3 options:

  1. Go to www.hellfiretriggers.com and buy the Auto Burst. I have no idea how it works, but it maintains the BATFE regulations of one round her pull
  2. Learn how to bump fire from the hip
  3. Go to www.gatlingguns.com buy 2 10/22, and make a BATFE compliant gatling gun, which still maintains the one round per trigger pull regulation

I say 3 because you probably aren't looking for a several thousand dollar Class III, so those are legal ways to have 'auto' fire.
Don't bother buying something out of country, big brother is watching, even more so with the Patriot Act.
not looking to brake any laws here i was under the impression that in certian states you can have full auto weapons i was on vacation a few years ago in one of the southern states (alabama if i remember right) went to a firing range and rented a full auto rifle and fired it all day i just assumed since they had it there it was legal to buy, i never really studied the legalitys of guns, is there a site i can read about gun laws ?
It's easy with MGs. You can only purchase a machinegun that was legally registered prior to May, 1986. You have to do federal paperwork to accomplish it along with paying a $200 transfer tax. The cheapest legal machinegun you can currently buy are Mac-10/11's for around $3,000 each.

Here is a good place for infomation on the laws: Bardwell's NFA FAQ .
Modifications to a 10/22

Gbodyolds, I trust you have a pretty clear picture by this time, but I'll belabor the point just a bit further.

Since three of your four posts to date deal with alterations/ modifications/ accessorizing the Ruger 10/22, I'll guess this is your major area of interest. Your fourth post deals with a possibly expensive restoration of an inexpensive shotgun. This all tends to indicate that you are still a novice with firearms.

Sir, you are most welcome on TFL, to learn and grow in your new knowledge. You'll find that most members here are eager to help the new enthusiasts, and also that they'll try to help you keep from running afoul of the various laws.

Sometimes a question is asked, "CAN such-and-such be done?" Frequently, the answer is "Yes, BUT . . ." None of us want to see a new person get into legal troubles by use of information garnered on TFL. Sometimes, the advice you receive (No, NO, DON'T DO THIS THING!) may seem a little strident. Believe me, this is out of concern for you and for us as well. YOU don't need legal problems, and TFL in general doesn't need bad publicity.

In line with the "Yes, BUT - -" answers - - I note your probable location. The "Authorities" in many large cities are very sensitive to modification of sporting arms which leads to the appearence or general effect of machine gunnery. Some modifications which might be perfectly acceptable in certain localities could possibly draw unwelcome attention in, say, the New York City or Boston metro areas. It wouldn't be the first time that installing a (n entirely legal) hand crank rapid fire device was misinterpreted, resulting in a lot of legal red tape.

Thanks to the other members who have given good counsel to the new member, on ways to avoid legal problems.

Best to all.
I am fairly new to guns in general I have been shooting for about 5 years or so but always my friends guns we just target shoot for the most part. I never really thought much about it, went out had some fun and went home but in recent months have I started looking in to getting my own I don't mean to sound stupid by not knowing what's legal and what's not, im just inexperienced
where can I find out what the legality's are in different states and how to get permits or what ever else is necessary to have fire arms legally

so while I'm here can someone tell me what the hell is a choke tube it ? I see all these places selling them no clue what their for
For places to find stuff out about title 2 firearms, i suggest:




Most shotguns have a choke at the end of the barrel. THis choke is a constriction which will make the shot pattern smaller (Read: more pellets in a smaller area). This helps for long range shooting, or instances in which the tradeoff of "area affect" for pellets per unit area is worth it (IE, in big game hunting with buckshot). Most modern shotguns are fitted with choke tubes. These screw into the muzzle and allow the shooter to change chokes. For example, i can switch from a cylinder choke for shooting slugs, to a skeet choke for shooting skeet, to a full choke for deer, instead of having to buy different barrels. I'm not sure how many years ago they came out with choke tubes, but a gun older than 20 years likely does not have choke tubes.

As a friendly tip, it might help people think better of you if you used periods.
the ad pages something about "legal full auto"?

Because some full autos are legal, if you are willing to fork over the money. I currently have three. If Gbodyolds really wants a full auto 10/22, he can buy a legal one. HERE is a full auto trigger group for the Ruger 10/22 that is for sale. Perfectly legal. Just do the Form 4 transfer and it is his.
Johnny Guest gave you some good advice. I will add somemore if I may.

As with many things asking a question "can I..".the answer is almost always yes you can, if you can afford to either pay the price or the time.

yes you can make almost anything full auto, or silenced or whatever if you through enough money at it. and I mean serious money too, If you do it the legal route, most NFA or full auto things are going for at least five grand, some a bit less most are a lot more, I personally know of the tranfer of a 1/4 million dollar minigun. YUP $250,000 for a toy. For a toy that will cost you about 1200 a minute to run, just for ammo, not counting replacement barrels etc.

There are also the questions of "should I ... which scare us immensly too, We are not here to make fun of, or belittle, nor intimidate, but some newbie questions just flat out scare us. I liken it to a highschool kid who says "I went 10 miles over the limit today...now I want to put a blown 454 in my chevy cavalier and really see what fast is."

Or that first taste of beer was good, let me drink a bottle of Jack Daniels and try to drive home.

Take your time ask questions and try to understand we want you here, we are just scared of being asked to break the laws sometimes.
Subject to where you are, what you are proposing to do is illegal.

Before they were restricted in Australia, I had a 10/22- the sear had worn down and would occasionally machine gun- having a magazine rip of like rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- is a pointless exercise.
full auto

Yeah full auto is fun to fantasize about but we are not in a war, and you can pull the trigger pretty fast if you tried. You might be better off with a slower rate of fire and save your self from being smoked while reloading (which does have a very distinct sound, and for BG's with some instinct, will snap at the opportunity).
This has been mentioned, but you can't trust a lot of what you read on the internet.
Per federal law, it is perfectly legal to have a Ruger 10/22 that is full auto. However, the only legal way for you to convert your 10/22 to full auto is by buying an already registered trigger. You can't just start tinkering around with your gun: you have to buy a registered trigger from an NFA dealer.