Fuel Filters . . . Really.

Prof Young

New member
I've seen a lot of adds on Facebook for "fuel filters" that look all the world like sound suppressors for firearms. Is this just my imagination? (I would never . . . but am curious.)

Life is good.
Prof Young
Tons of ads ... solvent traps until you drill a hole thru one of the caps ... then you’ve broken Fed law. Wonder how many they’ve sold. Wonder how many have blown up.
Fuel filters, oil filters, 2 liter coke bottles, etc., are not NFA regulated items, so they can be bought and sold without all the Federally required regulations and taxes.

There are a lot of things you can add to the barrel to reduce the sound. HOWEVER

You need to be aware that, under US law, it is the intent to silence a firearm (without prior govt approval) that is the crime.

The silencer doesn't need to work, for you to be found guilty.

the people selling these things are preying on the gullible and the underinformed.

Buy all the fuel filters you want, buy them from NAPA auto parts or from some slick marketer on the Internet, its legal. Put one on a gun, (without PRIOR ATF approval) and you're breaking the law.

Also, be aware of the possibility of "constructive possession" charges. This is a legal concept where, if you have all the parts needed, but don't actually do it, they can still find you guilty.
You can buy them on Ebay all day long for around $16 or so. And also the oil filter adapters to make an oil filter suppressor. Those work very well by the way. Hickock45 has a video using one and there are several YT videos of them in action. The adapters are less than $10 IIRC.

And like 44amp said just beware of the risk involved.
44_AMP summed it up pretty well. The people selling those things to firearms owners are flirting with the law. Since they never come out and say they are going to be used a s sound suppressors (at least, the ones I've seen don't), it's possible the BATFE can't touch them. But the poor schlump who falls for the hype and buys an adapter and a "solvent trap," then mounts it his firearm and shoots it is violating federal laws and could be arrested and charged.

I have watched Hickcock45's video on them, and I keep wondering why the BATFE hasn't raided his compound. He's right out there on Youtube, breaking a federal law.
Adapter for oil filter to be used as a solvent trap. My understanding is you don't have to drill a hole. The first shot should put one dead center. It is also my understanding you would need to use subsonic ammo. This is all fine and dandy but I am not willing to risk loosing my God giving rights to bear arms on a gimmick to show my friends how cool I am. If we were truly free men we would not have to ask permission to silence our guns.
The best of these “fuel filters” come with a jig to drill out what become the baffles. FIRST, you must submit a Form 1 and get back your tax stamped approved form. Then you may LEGALLY drill it out and for less then the tax stamp cost, you have a fully functional suppressor.

If you drill it out BEFORE you get approval...Fed prison is possible.

Guys have been converting Maglite flashlights with freeze plugs into suppressors for decades. Again, it takes an approved Form 1 to make it legal.
Anything beyond simple cleaning of a suppressor/silencer is not allowed by the owner and the owner can't have spare parts.

Replacing of suppressor parts must be done by the manufacturer. So to be legal, you would have to ship the adapter and the old filter back to the manufacturer and then they would ship it back to you with a new filter. Your other option is to file a Form 1 (and pay the $200 tax) to repair the silencer yourself--the BATF considers that to be making a new one and that's why you pay the tax again.


" Mr. Curtis went on to explain that an individual who files a Form 1 to make a “solvent trap silencer” can only use the original oil/fuel filter that is installed and is barred from replacing a previously utilized oil/fuel filter with a new filter, absent a newly approved Form 1.

While Mr. Curtis did admit that to his knowledge ATF has not been asked to make a determination on a solvent trap silencer, he was explicitly clear that if a determination request was filed (or criminal charges brought against someone in such a situation), ATF would specifically find and contend that a “maker” of a silencer/suppressor may not repair/replace any part of the silencer/suppressor without first obtaining another approved Form 1."​

By the way, this is spelled out in the Cadiz Gun Works link.

"If or when you need to change the filter out, the ATF/NFA rules says it needs to come back to the original manufacture, which Cadiz Gun Works is. The cost is $25.00. The complete Econo-Can Suppressor can be shipped directly to us, for gunsmithing, which would be replacement/rehab/repair of the oil filter, with the serial # remarked, and documented as being replaced/rehabbed/repaired. "​
Since 1966, "silencer" has been defined as such:

any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, and any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication. [18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(24)]
Well, to be perfectly accurate, you'd better not try to make your gun quiet without paying the $200 tax, waiting for your forms to clear and also complying with all other applicable state and federal laws.

But, you know, it's simple, other than that... :D
Oil filters will work for a few rounds, provided you can get a threaded reducer adapter to fit your threaded barrel and filter threads. Be sure to drill hole in opposite filter end. For me, I'd prefer to be 100% legal and SAFE!
Many years ago a college buddy and I bought some of "those" books, went out in the woods in the dark of the evening....yes, they do work, and some worked very well.
I have watched Hickcock45's video on them, and I keep wondering why the BATFE hasn't raided his compound. He's right out there on Youtube, breaking a federal law.

On the video with the oil filter he states it belongs to someone else who has the proper paperwork for it. So its legal.
With prices the way they are, the pool of people who are willing to push for legalization without stamps will always be small.

I've seen some funny Internet threads that said suppressors were expensive because of this or that difficult engineering or manufacturing problem. You can go to British websites and see new suppressors selling for under a hundred bucks. I guess British engineers must be smarter than American engineers!
Swifty Morgan With prices the way they are, the pool of people who are willing to push for legalization without stamps will always be small.

I've seen some funny Internet threads that said suppressors were expensive because of this or that difficult engineering or manufacturing problem. You can go to British websites and see new suppressors selling for under a hundred bucks. I guess British engineers must be smarter than American engineers!
The reason those sell for under a hundred IS materials.
They are rarely made of Stainless, Inconel or Titanium and usually lack the durability of US made. Durability? The Brits wish they had the opportunity to do mag dumps with guns they can't own or possess. Want a mount? Tough luck, screw it on.

If it was possible to build a silencer that retails for $39.95 that could handle centerfire rifle.........someone would be churning them out by the thousands. Fact is, when you realize that customers want quality, durability AND sound suppression the need for higher quality materials and design goes up. Thats nor even taking into account silly little things like liability insurance.

There are plenty of US manufacturers offering sub $100 silencers. I have five in stock right now.....but you get what you pay for.;)
$100 all aluminum rimfire silencer+$200 tax stamp= $300 silencer
Would it be $100 if the NFA didn't exist and require an FFL/SOT? No. It would probably retail for much less.

Being that used silencers require the same $200 tax, most folks buy the highest quality they can afford.
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ThomasT said:
I have watched Hickcock45's video on them, and I keep wondering why the BATFE hasn't raided his compound. He's right out there on Youtube, breaking a federal law.
On the video with the oil filter he states it belongs to someone else who has the proper paperwork for it. So its legal.
That's the point. If it belongs to someone else, it doesn't belong to Hicock45, and I don't think it's legal for him to possess it.

I'm not going to call the BATFE on him, but I think it's interesting how selective they are as to who they chose to enforce the laws against -- and which laws they choose to enforce (or not enforce).
A good example of why one should be very discrete about posting videos. My session of silencer making was over 40 years ago and that friend has since passed.
If it belongs to someone else, it doesn't belong to Hicock45, and I don't think it's legal for him to possess it.

If the owner of the can was just out of frame, its perfectly legal for Hicock to shoot and film and do whatever with the can. Just like i can hand you one of my SBR’s to shoot.