Ft. Worth: Our Latest Tragedy

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It does seem real fishy. I have two theories.

Theory 1. Consiracy, too much coincidence, these shootings all take place on our most sacred of grounds, church, schools, etc.. during times when deemed "important" gun legislation is gioing through congress.

Theory 2 The closer we get to the millinium the more of this will happen. Historically people go crazy during the millinium.

The only thing we can do now to combat the anti gun movement is to write our elected officials and media and have an outcry louder than the antis.
Has anyone else noticed what ISN'T being said about this incident? Hint: the attacker insulted and shot people because of their religious beliefs. Yep, I think this qualifies as a "hate crime". So why aren't the talking heads and our Pain-Feeler-In-Chief playing up the "hate" angle?

Could it be because the victims were conservative southern christians, possibly even members of the <gasp!> "religious right"? Hmmm...
I just turned off my TV in disgust, after watching part of a local press conference w/ the FW Police Chief. Once again, the first question asked by the media was, "What caliber of weapon was it, and was it obtained legally?" The very next question was," Did the gunman have the right to carry a concealed handgun?" Answers: Yes, guns were obtained legally, the caliber was.380, and no, it doesn't look like he had a CHL.

Then, cut to shot of Ms. Reno, spouting off that America needs to look at how we handle guns (among other things). THEN, another cut to our fearless[sarcasm] XO (Gore), saying something about how the gun laws have allowed a flood of weapons on the market to fall into the hands of people who shouldn't have them....

Danger Dave, Solo,
Y'all are right on target, too many of these incidents have occurred at deemed "safe zones." I don't know what to make of it.

It's sad that no one in that building was armed. Like Long Path said, I'd rather die blazing away, than cowering in the pew. When my CHL comes in, my gun will be with me at all times, even during church services.

"First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
The Book of Armaments CH 2, vs.9-21
Well, I'm not a conspiracy theorist (generally, anyway), but it just seems obvious to me that these shootings almost always take place in "gun-free" zones. Why? I think because HCI, the gov't, & the media have generated a lot of publicity about creating these "safe havens" where everyone can sleep soundly in the assurance that anyone who cares about obeying the law won't be armed. If you and I know we can't carry firearms in a certain place, the nutcases know it, too. It's public information & it's printed on the back of my CCW permit. Now, I don't attribute much logic to these sickos, but if I want to make a big splash in the news, where would I go - to a gun show, or a "gun-free" school?

If we created "police free zones" do you think they'd attract drug dealers & other criminals? Of course, I'm sure if we declared a "theft-free zones", all the petty theft would end, right? Why do they think "gun-free" or "drug-free" zones will work? Who sold them this bill of goods? More importantly, why did they buy it?

Of course, I'm sure the cry will be to create more "gun-free" zones, so no one will have to worry about getting shot, even though we've already seen how it really works.

Who have they really made it safe for?

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!
I live in Fort Worth, and I spent the first five years of my life in a home that's within a mile of where the Wedgewood Baptist Church is now located.
I purchased two handguns for my wife and I within the past two months. We've both passed the CHL course and are applying for our licenses.

We were in our church (approximately 20 miles from Wedgewood Baptist) last night for Wednesday night services when the announcement was made of the tradegy at Wedgewood Baptist. It was an odd feeling to hear about this terrible event occurring so close to our church and that could have so easily happened in our church. We, being law abiding citizens, were not carrying our handguns: we left them at home, as we always do, since we don't have our permits.

If I understand correctly, I think that the law prohibits even licensed citizens from carrying a handgun in a church. If that's true, what a shame! Many law abiding, responsible citizens with CCW permits would not carry the one thing that could prevent such a tragedy because of their respect for the law.

I heard Vice President Gore commenting on the shooting this morning making reference to, among other things, child safety trigger lockes and a three day waiting period. I'm not surprised, and I shake my head in disgust.
Please note Jedi's post:
"As to legality of carrying in church- it is no longer forbidden by the law- churches have to post proper signage like everyone else as of 1997."

Jedi is correct. In the state of Texas, a church is NOT a "gun free zone" unless it so chooses to be!

Ref Texas Penal Code 46 for current specifics.
Just to clarify:

In Utah, there are no laws against a CCW holder carrying a gun into a school or church building. The school or church has the option of posting a sign next to all entrances requesting that guns not be brought inside. If they do this, then guns are prohibited by law. If they don't, then it is legal for a CCW holder to carry a concealed gun inside.

I doubt that the Mormon Church's Family History Library is a gun free zone. Neither is the Triad Center, which was shot up in January. (I was there!)

I don't think it is fair to suggest that Sarah Brady, et al are happy about these shootings. I'm sure that they mean well, even if they are terribly confused. The thing that makes it hard to fight them is that the very possibility that guns could be good doesn't even exist in their reality. It would be like trying to explain to you and me that the sky is really plaid.

We live in a death-centered culture in which you can solve your problems by abortion, suicide, or euthanasia. You can be entertained by watching people shoot each other in the movies, or shoot folks yourself in a video game. This is the root of the problem. If you believe the death-centered lie, and you don't like its consequences, the only solution you can possibly believe in is the removal of the tools of death.

If we wave our guns and shout, "We have our rights," we become the enemy. We need to change the culture. And FAST!

I think it is actually legal to carry concealed in a church, as long as they don't have it posted otherwise. I think I'll get my trusty CHL law book and see...

ARGHH. you're right! (not that I'm mad at you) There it is, in ch. 46 of the Penal Code. Well, that sucks. :(

Danger Dave, once again, you're right! But to answer your question "Who sold them this bill of goods, and why did they buy it?" They (the sheeple), have rationalized and justified their actions/laws to the point of lunacy, as being "for the children!!" In their restricting us, the law-abiding citizens from carrying our firearms, or (insert restriction of choice here), they have set up a free-for-all zone for the baddies.

Do they honestly think that just because it says "NO GUNS ALLOWED" that the BG's are gonna obey? It's just the same with all their other lilly-livered laws. Do they honestly think that a BG will buy a gun legally to commit a crime? I guess so. Pathetic and sad, but true...

I'm rambling, and not making much sense so I'll shut up for now...

"First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
The Book of Armaments CH 2, vs.9-21
sbryce: Well-put, man! Over-simplification IS the problem. We would do well to remember that...

Og say:
"Fire Bad!"
Ugh say:
"Fire Good!"

No, it's just... FIRE. Use it or abuse it, but it has consequences, either way.


Dean: You asked, so I'm saying-- NO, I don't believe that HCI is behind acts of violence against children with the intent to stigmatize guns and gun-owners as evil. Just because their logic is really, really flawed doesn't make them EVIL. I genuinely believe that these people think they're doing good, and are trying to help society. They're WRONG, and they're hurting us all, possibly DOOMING us all, but they're not BAD people. Don't over-simplify that way-- you'll doom us, too.


Seem like there's a bunch more massacres, lately? Well, a lot of this is just that they're MUCH better reported than they were even 10 years ago. Networks are much better at getting little towns' stories on the big national stories RIGHT AWAY. They've also decided to focus on these. Do they focus on the huge majority of gun violence, which is by career criminals in individual acts for quick, small returns? No. Not spectacular. Not news. We're viewing a nation of 260 million + through a 27" TV over 30 minutes, minus commercials, sports, and weather. (Same with the "weird weather we've been having, lately"-- our weather in Denton, TX is just exactly the same as it's been in the quarter century I've been watching it... But it's Hurricanes, Droughts and Floods that make the big news.)
Here in NY the press reported that "8 people were dead from gun violence in texas".

Think about the wording, as if guns killed 8 people, not the Wack Job whom they describe as if he was a victim!

What really happened was that 7 innocent people were killed by a lunatic because they were Christians. If this isn't a hate crime,what is?

The media is as guilty of bigotry as any KKK member.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Sbryce, I thought the "gun-free school zone" law was a federal law. Am I wrong?

In Georgia, you can be arrested for having a firearm within 1,000 feet of school property, and I think that's the Federal law (I'm not sure, though).

The Georgia state CCW law is:
16-11-127 G

*** CODE SECTION *** 12/31/98


(a) Except as provided in Code Section 16-11-127.1, a person is guilty of a misdemeanor when he carries to or while at a public gathering any explosive compound, firearm, or knife designed for the purpose of offense and defense.
(b) For the purpose of this Code section, "public gathering" shall include, but shall not be limited to, athletic or sporting events, churches or church functions, political rallies or functions, publicly owned or operated buildings, or establishments at which alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises.
Nothing in this Code section shall otherwise prohibit the carrying of a firearm in any other public place by a person licensed or
permitted to carry such firearm by this part.
(c) This Code section shall not apply to competitors participating in organized sport shooting events. Law enforcement officers, peace officers retired from state or federal law enforcement agencies, judges, magistrates, solicitors-general, and district attorneys may carry pistols in publicly owned or operated buildings.

Additionally, the State Attorney General Opined:
"The provisions of O.C.G.A. § 16-11-127, which prohibit the carrying of deadly weapons to or at public gatherings, while not limited in application to the enumerated places and functions in the statute, do not apply to every place in which the public may be present, but only to those places in which the public is gathered."

Things may be different in Utah, but in Ga, if you carry in a library, they can throw the book at you. ( ;) - Sorry, couldn't resist)

For those of you interested in all of Georgia's state firearms laws:

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited September 16, 1999).]
DDave- the gun free schools thing got repealed by the Supreme Court. I think they tried to reinstate it in another angle. A little hard to prosecute in Texas, I lived across the street from a school, about 300 feet and frequently went out with my guns. There is a high-school here that sits on the frontage road of I-35 too. In Texas there was an outcry and the law was changed so armed parents could drop off and pick up their kids at school, no guns are allowed on the premisis but premisis is not considered the drives or parking lots.
Before Clinton's Regime took power,mass murders with guns happened once every 10 or 15 years. All these mass murders with guns are happening right and left since Clinton came in power. Does he have the Mk ultra program working overtime? Just kidding of coarse. It is all coincidence isnt it?
Utah Code:

76-10-505.5. Possession of a dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed-off shotgun on or about school premises -- Penalties.
(1) A person may not possess any dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed-off shotgun, as those terms are defined in Section 76-10-501, at a place that the person
knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is on or about school premises.
(2) (a) Possession of a dangerous weapon on or about school premises is a class B misdemeanor.
(b) Possession of a firearm or sawed-off shotgun on or about school premises is a class A misdemeanor.
(3) This section applies to any person, except persons authorized to possess a firearm as provided under Sections 53-5-704, 53-5-705, 53A-3-502, 76-10-511,
76-10-523, Subsection 76-10-504(2), and as otherwise authorized by law.

76-10-523. Persons exempt from weapons laws
(2) The provisions of Subsections 76-10-504(1)(a), (1)(b), and Section 76-10-505 do not apply to any person to whom a permit to carry a concealed firearm has been issued:
(a) pursuant to Section 53-5-704; or
(b) by another state whose requirements for issuance of a concealed firearm permit have been determined annually by the Department of Public Safety to meet or
exceed the requirements for issuance of a concealed firearm permit in this state.

I cannot comment on how federal law might be in conflict with this.

There is a recent push to get a measure on the ballot that will make any concealed carry in any school illegal. I certainly hope it doesn't make it onto the ballot. The gun owners have already been very outspoken on this issue.
In re: title of this post. OOPS! Here I am, certified by the state to know these laws, and...

Sooooo... why wasn't anyone armed?

"But it's a church! You should be safe in a church!"

Likewise your house. But at least your house has the doors locked when you're home.

Two words, ladies and gentlemen: Condition White.

Don't be there.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Don't go by Texas Legislature on line. It doesn't have the provsion listed that states(passes in 1997) church carry is legal, if it is not posted accoerding to Sec. 30.06 require=ing posting. I'll send more details later. My CHL handbook has the section, but it is not online.

How recent is your copy of the CHL handbook (I presume you live in TX)? Mine and my wife's are both CHL law as of 1997-1998 (pub. date of Sept 97), and ours still list churches, synagogues,and other places of worship as being prohibited. I only know that it is not anymore because my
CHL instructor told us about it.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited September 17, 1999).]
My instructor is getting chapter and verse. It is listed as an addendum to the Handgun
Rules Section of the DPS rules, but it is not online. When i get it, I will post accordingly.
I DID find the info, Jedi. It is in Section 46.035, Texas Penal Code,(1997) Subsection (i). It states that carry IS legal if effective notice was not given under section 30.06. This includes (b) (4)-nursing homes & hospitals, (b) (5)-Amusement parks, and (b)(6)-Places of worship. If there is no posting according to Section 30.06, and the only effective notice is under this section.

So, as long as there is not sign posted, you are authorized to carry.
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