Front Sight Training

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I have a life membership with Front Sight. I got a Glock pistol included with it. I attended 4 Day Defensive Handgun. I found the instructors to be top notch, the course well organized, and the facilities the best I've seen.

I am aware of the litigation against Front Sight. As a life member, I received many documents from both the court and from the plaintiffs. I did not suffer any of the damages that the plaintiffs were claiming; in my opinion, their suit was frivolous.

As a paralegal myself, I am well aware of the prevalence of meritless litigation in general. It is all too common that people will initiate a lawsuit just to get money, knowing that it is sometimes cheaper for defendants to settle rather than fight it. This is especially true for ventures involving real estate development; investors often like to pull out just before ground breaking, taking advantage of the urgency of the developers in an attempt to make a quick buck.

Under both federal and state Rules of Evidence, settling or offering to settle a lawsuit is notan admission of guilt or liability. It is accepted as "buying peace." It is fairly common for attorneys to recommend to their clients to settle a lawsuit rather than fight it; litigation is costly and time consuming.

Not knowing all of the facts behind the litigation, I cannot definitively say whether the litigation against Front Sight is frivolous. However, I can say that my personal experience was well worth what I spent. The only reason I cannot visit there more often is because of the time and the cost of traveling there (from NJ).
I have never attended Frontsite. What I have been told is that they have large classes with all skill levels mixed together. And, I have been told that the classes move pretty slow and are very basic due to them moving at the pace of the novice shooters. Also, supposedly the classes are not very dynamic (little or no movement, no force on force). Everyone that I have spoken to fits into two categories; people who either A, have never trained anywhere else and love it; or B, have trained elsewhere and think it was a waste of time. For my money, I prefer to find a traveling instructor or just bring one in for private classes.
I will give Front Sight a big thumbs up after going there for a 1 day uzi, 4 day defensive handgun and 4 day practical rifle class. The classes do start out slow and reason is there is a wide range of shooters there ranging from the experienced to LE or military to first time shooters that have not touched a gun before.
The staff there go through everything step by step so eventually everyone gets up to speed. The main goals there are to make a torso and headshot quickly and be able to clear malfunctions. After taking the class I do feel alot quicker with my shots.
They do have a couple of hours of marketing memberships and future classes, that you have an option of attending. No scientology or litigation propoganda.
I took the basic courses and though I feel I am a good shooter, I barely received a graduate certificate. The scoring is pretty tough as your racing against the clock. I plan on attending the advanced courses such as the tactical handgun and precision rifle in the future with my membership.

The free gun offer is pretty good. Another option is to buy a course certificate from ebay for $250, sometimes cheaper.
Forgot to add they do get busy on the weekends. They claim enrollment is doubling every year and I believe it. Last summer there were over 300 students attending class on the weekend.
I recently attended a 4 day defensive handgun class at Frontsight.
I bought a grey certificate in Ebay for $100 (good for 1 4 day class or 2 2 day classes) The background check cost another $50.

There were probably 400-500 students that were split up into smaller classes. There were about 30 people in my class.

Here is my opinion:

Gun safety is stressed first and foremost.
My instructor seemed well qualified.
Large facility, you don't feel crowded.
The course was well structured.

All classrooms are outdoors, it gets windy and can be cold in the desert.
You do have to spend a certain amount of time listening to their promotions.

All in all, they do have an impressive program. The weather was real crappy during my time there, it did affect the training I received. I don't blame them for the weather, but some indoor classrooms and ranges would be nice.
It was a good course and I can understand why a good percentage of folks go back for more.
You do waste a few hours watching their promotional videos, but you do so as a large group and they don't take you individually and try to pressure you into anything in any way.

Would I recommend it? Yes.
getting a membership and going back for more

i would go back to front sight for more training. As i live in Vegas it is convenient. Not that I wouldn't be opposed to other training schools. It just so happens this one is local for me. In Fact I am looking for a discounted front sight membership for myself.

You do waste a few hours watching their promotional videos, but you do so as a large group and they don't take you individually and try to pressure you into anything in any way

A few hours? My god, I thought it was a quick pitch but a few hours?
not exactly a few hours

i was there for a 4-day defensive handgun course. The only time we got that kind of info was during the lunch period. 45 minutes. short video and short speech. you are not required to to stay in the lecture hall during that time.

looking for a front sight membership

I also recently attended a 4 day class (defensive handgun) at FS. Although I had some limited prior experience as a casual competitive shooter (IPSC back in the mid-to-late 90's), I can honestly say that I came away a much better and safer shooter than I was when I arrived. The curriculum was excellent, and the pace was well matched to the students attending (from rank newbie to 20+ year LEO and active duty military). It's challenging enough that even the more experienced students were hard pressed at times to keep up.

Enough has been said already, both good and bad, but if you are looking to add basic to mid level tactical and SD skills, you could do far worse. There may be better schools out there (I don't know - FS was my first formal training class), but my impression was that for the typical shooter, FS provides excellent value and is far more than adequate for 99% of the shooters out there.

IMHO - Kudos to FS and Dr. Piazza for providing an alternative source for quality training.

Last, re the weather - FS trains in good conditions or bad - you can't choose when your skills will be needed. And re the sale pitches - they are provided in the main auditorium during lunch time. It is your choice weather to attend (and listen) or not. Many people during my class (4/3-7) just ignored them and talked to neighbors or read the good lecture and background info provided for the ethics and legal issues lectures covered on 2 of the 4 days.



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I just finished a 4 day practical rifle and a 4 day handgun course. My only complaint is that to score well in the practical rifle you have to be able to get into a stable position at 100 and 200 yards in 5 and 6.5 seconds and make the shot. Some of us older types just can't do that anymore. That being said, I know my LWRC 6.8 much much better than I did a month ago. As for the handgun course, it was probably the toughest training I've ever done. I learned a lot of "little" things that helped me to improve my shooting and did new things that I had never practiced before. We had everyone from a 12 year old boy on spring break with his dad to some of us old guys, with women, cops and active duty military in between. A part time airline pilot and myself were the only two to graduate DG (distinguished graduate) out of 44. I look at this as finishing High School, with college and post-graduate work to come. Although I did well in my class, there are those out there that really know how to shoot.
Front Sight - a Certified Instructors opinion

I am a NRA Certified Instructor and a sniper trainer for military and law enforcement. I took the 4 day defensive handgun course and was so blown away by the experience that I bought a Legacy lifetime membership at the end of my class. Ive since taken other courses, and recently upgraded my membership to Diamond and have purchased a block of Diamond memberships for my friends, family and business associates. With any successful organization there will be the jealous and the nay-sayers, let me put all of the internet crap to rest for everyone. I am not being paid or receiving any consideration for my input.

1. Professionalism - incredible, total, beyond expectations, accomplish exactly what they claim. Finest instructors Ive ever worked with. Compassionate, understanding, professional, competant. They find a way to bring out the very best in every person regardless of skill level and inherent ability. On my range there were all kinds: Mom with 15 year old son, man in wheelchair and old 1911 pistol, two gay guys who wanted to be able to defend themselves against bashers, a Priest, several cops, military and professionals including doctors and dentists. All did well and all received the same level of attention and interest from the Instructors.

2. Sales Hype - Yes in email offers, the pressure is rather high, but when you are at the institute there are no sales pushes. There is an offer to purchase a membership at the end of your class, but its a simple offer, go see the gentleman at the table if you are interested. Thats it.

3. Scientology - Some have attempted to damage the sterling reputation of Dr. Piazza by assoiciating him and the Institute with Scientology. I am a Scientology de-programmer, and am well trained to see any hint at Scientology dogma, none seen, none heard, none found, none present. Period.

4. Dr. Piazza - Very nice man, answers his own phone, tells it straight with no gloss over. Yes there have been some issues, all resolved to the benefit of Front Sight. I believe he is a gentleman of the highest integrity.


In short, dont buy into the internet crap. If you are interested in a lifetime of firearms training and fun with like minded people, then buy a life membership. If you are a skeptic, buy a certificate on Ebay and go take a $2000 course for a couple hundred. If you want a Diamond membership, I have 2 left $500 each, one legacy membership (life less the proshop discount) for $250. Either way, use it once and you got your moneys worth 10 times over. I have some one course certificates also for $200 each.

Email me if you like.
Wasn't there a 60 minutes or something about Front Sight? The company was owned by scientologists and they had a ranch in Nevada and made people pre-pay for a houses that never got built.
The Front Sight thread was controversial in the beginning, and now we're wandering into the realm of scientology :rolleyes:.

I can't see this one going anywhere good, and I concur with Glenn.

Closed for good.
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