From todays wire: GAO Warns of Sniper Rifle Sales

I think you all need to read the book about it , or look a a back issue of the " New American " It listed things like the fact that of 4 agents killed in the initial raid , 3 were hit with "cookie cutter" bullets being used by the ATF and the other by a high velocity 30cal ( 300 Win Mag ) being used by the ATF snipers. of course there's no proof that the Davidians didn't shoot these bullets, but since the Cookie Cutters were made to a Gov contract, its hard to see how the Davidians could have done this.

Also, if the Davidians had had 50 cal rifles ... I think the Feds would have been faltalities at a much greater rate and we would have already seen them banned.

Also don't forget that there is video of M60 fire from the chopper into the comp[ound and of the ATF agents laying down their m16 full auto assault rifles in and around the compound where they were summarily bulldozed into the compound during the cleanup operations thus leaving them as potential evidence against the Davidians.

also the Front door became missing as evidence of who was firing through the door; as well as the line of vehicles which would have shown who fired the predominance of bullets and from which direction.

We could go on and on , but the fact is the federal government is tyranical , and grows worse every day.
I have a fear that, now the GAO has produced the report about these .50 "sniper rifles" that can take out armored vehicles and choppers, there will be a shooting using one of the rifles. Someone, that would never have enough money to buy one of the rifles, will obtain one and use it in a big way and then "commit suicide" before he/she could be captured.

Once that happens there will be a huge push to outlaw the rifles and other "sniper rifles." Such as your M-70 with your Leopold 'scope.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
This all makes me very nervous. If you download the video (which is quite good) from Diaz's site you can see how the emotive rhetoric will work on the public. The video is a Marine training piece meant to inform the military on the use of this weapon. There is a lengthy discussion of armor piercing and incendiary ammunition (none of which is available to the common citizen). I am sure that Diaz et al will not mention this when convincing the public of the immediate need to ban this "weapon of mass destruction."

As Jim V pointed out, what about your scoped high powered rifle? Personally I have been eyeing the Weatherby Accumark in 338-378. This rifle will push a 200 grain projectile at 3350 fps with almost 5000 foot pound of energy at the muzzle, and is very flat shooting. Frankly, this is serious mojo for big game, but could also be used for nefarious purposes. I think that Diaz has created a "problem" that he will fix through his legislative action, once again, at the expense of our rights.
We had a preview of this after the Jonesboro shooting.
Right after the initial "assault rifles" were discounted as the guns used, they became "high powered sniper rifles" not deer guns, but HPSN. I recall some legislator calling for a regulation on scopes.

As we all know, a Bill doesn't just include what is would be very easy and quite probable to slip in scope regulation, caliber/powder limits, in the potential
".50 caliber Sniper Rifle Ban of 1999"

and with it, they can ban a bunch of firearms.
"Slip sliding away......"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Menos: I am not sure that the autopsy results bear out the types of ammunition you describe as being found in the bodies of the ATF agents. I do know that the two agents I spoke with were witnesses to their fellow agent being struck by a .50 Barrett round fired from the compound side of their cover point.

Also, I believe that the front door was destroyed when it was smashed by one of the tanks dispersing chemical agent and then became fuel for the ensuing fire.

At any rate, a rehash of Waco is going afield of this thead and my contributions were only meant to point out that Mr. Diaz's comment with regards to the presence of .50 calibre rifles there was not unsupported by fact.
SKN: The door was steel, and items far more fragile than it (But far less incriminating for the Feds, of course.) survived the fire just fine. But you're right, whether they had or used a Barret is beside the point; It was legal for them to have it, and legally justified for them to use it, if they did. I only wish they HAD had a 50 cal. machinegun.
If they'd killed ALL the BATF goons, they might have lived, and the evidence of what happened might not have been destroyed.