From the Mouths of Democrats

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Leading Democrats - and the ACLU - show their true colors regarding our right to arms.
"I don't believe that assault rifles ought to be sold in America." ~Senator John Kerry (D)

"Assault weapons in the hands of civilians exist for no reason but to inspire fear and wreak deadly havoc on our streets" ~President Bill Clinton (D), 1997

"You want an assault rifle? Join the Army!"
~Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D)

"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
~Senator Diane Feinstein (D), 1993

"We're going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy! We're going to beat guns into submission!"
~Senator Charles Schumer (D), 1993

"Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected." ~ACLU policy statement #47, 1986

"If someone is so fearful that they are going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, it makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all."
~Rep. Henry Waxman (D)
Now tell me again about how Democrats are not out to take our guns and it's okay for gun owners to vote for them...:barf:
I know, I can't help myself.;)

Voting democrat is generally a bad choice for gun issues. But some candidates, right and left, do not tote the party line. So I recommend examining the voting record and inclinations of any candidate before you vote for them.

Of all gun laws that still affect us, Bush Sr's is the most aggregious, and easiest for his son to remove. That pisses me off to no end, and makes me realize that they are ALL just politicians.
Oh the above said people have never said otherwise. I knew before I read those where those people stood regarding my right to keep and bear arms.

You could probably dig up a list of Republicans who will say the same things (as opposed to traditional conservatives). Including, as someone already stated Geo. Bush Sr., and (much as I hate to say it) Ronald Reagan who, if I remember right was for an assault weapons ban in the 1980s.
The bad part of this is that there are Pro 2A Dems around.
Maybe at the city or county council level - but name me some progun Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. Then compare that number to the number of Democrat antigun bigots in the House and Senate.

I'll bet you'll find progun Democrats are out numbered at least 10 to 1 by antigun bigot Democrats in the House and Senate.

That is the point I'm getting at that some people still refuse to acknowledge.:barf:
Thats good stuff steelheart!

Two things sure to disappear under democratic rule are guns and your hard earned money.

That's actually the point that Handy was making:

Voting democrat is generally a bad choice for gun issues.

Meaning that if democrats are in the majority that we can generally expect that they'll try to impose more restrictions. Sure there are a few individual exceptions, but you can't accuse democrats of being pro-gun as a political party.
The liberal politicians that steel listed are VERY anti-gun and carry alot of influence within that party.

They hated gun ownership 10 20 50 years ago, and feel the same to this very day.
Does anyone else see a pattern here???

And a few more, in case there is still any doubt:
"The Brady Bill is the minimum step Congress should take...we need much stricter gun control, and eventually should bar the ownership of handguns, except in a few cases."
--U.S. Representative William Clay, Democrat (quoted in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on May 6, 1991)

"Banning guns is an idea whose time has come."
-- U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden, Democrat

"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
-- Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Democrat Associated Press, Nov. 18, 1993

"We're here to tell the NRA their nightmare is true! ... We're going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy. We're going to beat guns into submission!"
-- Rep. Charles Schumer Democrat NBC Nightly News -- Nov. 30, 1993.

"We have to start with a ban on the manufacturing & import of handguns. From there we register the guns which are currently owned, and follow that with additional bans and acquisitions of handguns and rifles with no sporting purpose."
--U.S. Representative Owens, Democrat

"This is not all we will have in future Congresses, but this is a crack in the door. There are too many handguns in the hands of citizens. The right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with the Brady Bill."
--Craig Washington, Democrat

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them: 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in,' I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."
--U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein Democrat, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes," 2/5/95
As I said in my original post:
Now tell me again about how Democrats are not out to take our guns and it's okay for gun owners to vote for them...
Paul Helmke is a leftist/socialist RINO. Antigun bigots are not exclusively Democrats - but they are overwhelmingly Democrat. As I pointed out earlier, probably 10 to 1 or more.

Scratch that - more like 20 to 1.
That's your call, Handy.

Maybe Helmke isn't a RINO. But he most certainly is a leftist/socialist - look at the company he keeps.;)
Told you the last time that the debate is complex as the GOP contains threats to freedom equal to the attack on gun rights.

And don't tell me that Mr. Steelheart is going to lead armed revolution to prevent social conservative attacks on freedom. Hahaha!

Anyone with half a brain would realize that trying to defend the RKBA with a purely social conservative base, isn't going to work. Not enough of them and they are a threat to freedom also.

What you need is to convince the middle of the country and some on the left that the RKBA is a left-right neutral position and all should support it.

I've talked that line for years and on an individual level to my left leaning friends can be convincing. Too bad gun organizations don't try this - and yes, I've made that point to the higher levels of the RKBA community.

However, decision making by gun rights organizations is complex and they pitch to a base which may make them more money.

Feel free to call names now. Posting the same old drivel and not understanding the issues is not very interesting. :D
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