Leading Democrats - and the ACLU - show their true colors regarding our right to arms.
Now tell me again about how Democrats are not out to take our guns and it's okay for gun owners to vote for them...:barf:"I don't believe that assault rifles ought to be sold in America." ~Senator John Kerry (D)
"Assault weapons in the hands of civilians exist for no reason but to inspire fear and wreak deadly havoc on our streets" ~President Bill Clinton (D), 1997
"You want an assault rifle? Join the Army!"
~Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D)
"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
~Senator Diane Feinstein (D), 1993
"We're going to hammer guns on the anvil of relentless legislative strategy! We're going to beat guns into submission!"
~Senator Charles Schumer (D), 1993
"Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected." ~ACLU policy statement #47, 1986
"If someone is so fearful that they are going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, it makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all."
~Rep. Henry Waxman (D)