Friends want to stop at a bar, where do you put CCW?

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I believe doofus47 was talking about being on school property. In my state, that is a BIG DEAL. I forget the exact penalty but I recall from my CCW class that it was pretty severe - up there with toting into a courthouse or police station.

SlimJim gets a prize for reading best between the lines of my poorly written post. Sorry that I wrote that so cryptically. There are some places in colorado that one cannot CC; school grounds are one of those places.

I agree with the sentiment that for the average, caring parent who CCs that would be the ideal place, but the law is the law.

I usually remove, clear and lock up before I park, so to the casual (or not-casual) observer I appear as just another parent on a pick up trip.
kraigwy said:
There was court case where SD tried to nail a cop involved in a shooting in Sturgis. The shooting was justified but they tried to nail the Out of State-Visiting LEO from Seattle for drinking while carrying.

That case got thrown out because the LEOSA exempted him from the SD law about drinking while carrying, He wasn't intoxicated.

The shooter was charged with two felonies -- aggravated assault and perjury -- and the misdemeanor of concealed carry without a permit. All charges were dismissed.

FWIW, there's no law in South Dakota against carrying and drinking. There is a law against carrying in an establishment which earns more than half of its revenue from alcohol sales, and one against carrying while intoxicated.
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I would either politely advocate for a different restaurant, or inform them that I needed to store the firearm in their car, and ask to lock it up in the most secure place in the vehicle. It does get tricky if you don't want to inform them that you are carrying, but that's a semi-separate issue.

I keep a lock-box in my car for this purpose.
XDm - drop the magazine and eject the round from the chamber. Flip lever, remove slide and drop slide/barrel assembly in pocket. Drop frame in wife's purse. Reverse as needed.
Id just leave it one and have dinner. Unless they are running you through metal detectors at the restaurant.

As far as schools and courthouses, here in PA, every courthouse has to provide a lock box, so that solves that. Schools, federal law exempts licensed carriers, and PA has the "any other lawful purpose" clause.

The only time I say and/or do anything, is if there is a metal detector.
There are some places in colorado that one cannot CC; school grounds are one of those places.

FL allows you to have a gun on you or in your car while waiting in line to pick up your kid; that said if you have to go inside......... that's a no-no.
Here in Iowa we can legally carry in bars or restaurants. We can even have a few. If it is illegal in your state and you are going to a bar leave it at home. Most likely in the CCW states like yours you cant drink any alcohol.
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Let's not recommend breaking the law through various cute methods or overt disobedience.

It's pretty clear that you:

1. Suggest another place
2. Tell the others and look for an agreed upon place to leave the gun.

Whether it is legal in your state is irrelevant unless you are going to dinner in the Tardis.

So take my hint about the legal situation.
By Missouri state law it is not illegal to carry in either a bar or a school, fact is the only two places that MO law sees concealed carry as an actual crime, are in situations surrounding public transportation and it's use. Federal law is another thing all together. I'm not advocating breaking any law state or federal, but I think the real secret to conceal carry is the conceal part. I carry discretely and I carry respectfully with my only kryptonite being metal detectors. Faced with one of those and left no other choice I will disarm, but only then. It doesn't matter what kind of sign is in the window.
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