Friends and Family on TFL

100% of my family is pro-gun, but I'm the only one who posts here. Even my one surviving 94 year old Great Grandmother sleeps with a Smith & Wesson .44!
I was discussing some of my Great Grandfather's guns with my Mom yesterday, she told me "if the gun-grabbers come for 'em to make damn sure I killed or died for 'em!" Gotta' love Mom. :)
Essentially the entirety of my family is antis. Kid bro and his bride I eventually convinced, since they live on 70+ acres in the boonies and are worried about all manner of critters, large and small.

But the rest are unreconstructed, have tried and it's extremely reminiscent of smashing one's head against a concrete wall...

I have noticed, btw, that this kind of mindset decides that you have been proven "wrong" and admitted your "error" when you give up the debate because they WILL NOT listen. By that time I didn't care. I had spent 3 months pointing out fallacies in logic or facts, and not ONCE had anyone admitted there might be something they did not know on the subject, though none had ever even held a gun.

Antis got some serious spin goin', or some seriously deranged adherents. I suspect both.
No family on TFL, one friend and shooting partner looks in on occasion but doesn't post.
My daughter (25) has recently taken an interest in high power matches. We go when she can get here and I don't have to work. She will be shooting in her 3rd match in the morning (shoots a mouse gun).
Wife and son are pro-gun, but wife has back problems that have kept her from shooting this last year, and my son goes to the range with me occasionally but has no firearms of his own as of yet. No one in my immediate circle is anti-gun. If they are, I doubt they would voice it around me knowing how I feel about it.
My whole family is pro-gun...
But I am the only guy that posts on the web. My Bro TC used to, back in the days... but he hasn't come here yet - he says he will when he gets the chance. He's the Jar head I mention every so often...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
We are all pro gun in my family now. Only last year my Wife learned the importance of having a gun. And only last year she started shooting with my 9MM.

I am training my daughter (14 yrs old) to shoot also with my .45 and she loves it. She is taller than me and have a bigger grip so, he can easily manipulate the gun.

Only me who is in TFL.

"It is better to fight in Court then being in 6 feet below the ground".

[This message has been edited by stdalire (edited September 25, 1999).]
No family on TFL that I'm aware of. My long-suffering wife doesn't have read it off the computer. (sigh) She gets the "Reader's Digest" version with our every meal.
Ugh. I guess I'm the only one who DOESN'T have anybody else in the family who shoots. I tried to interest my 2 brothers, but they just aren't interested. (Although, one does own a BB gun, and has a 'tin can plant' in the backyard) My father had guns when he was younger, but is more interested in tinkering with his boat these days.

Mom was anti-gun, until I told her the FACTS, and let her decide for herself. BTW, the NRA does produce some factual brochures you can drop around the ANTI's houses you visit.

I found slipping one inside the Sunday Paper and feigning innocence about it works. ;)

2 brothers and 1 sister, and a huge extended family, and I'm the first (and currently only) firearms owner.

I picked up the sport in Florida on vacation. They had one of those places you can just walk in, sign a few forms, and try shooting a couple of guns. Its a damn shame you can't get away with that in Massachussets.

The Rock is working on his family, and has given up on his mother's family because it doesn't matter what he says to them.
The Rock is proud of his family cause everybody else shoots.

The Rocks says..
Nobody else on TFL, but I finally got my fiancee to join up on Bladeforums so there's hope. :)
MY family believes in hunting and owning guns for that or collecting. RKBA, especially the part about "bearing" arms or the ownership of assault rifles, is not so important to them. Dad actually has a pre-ban SKS and an AR but he still makes a distinction between himself and people who own assault rifles. I'm working on it.
My fiancee's family is split. Her dad is pretty happy that I got her interested in shooting. Her mother hates guns, her stepdad hates guns, and they hate her dad more than guns or anything else IN THE WORLD, so it's going to be hard to help them. But I'll keep working--my foot is in the door. I think I'll try that "info in the Sunday paper" thing. You haven't seen brick wall until you've tried to talk reasonably to her parents about anything while they shout their opinions as facts . . .
I don't have contact with any of my family. I know my grandda' was pro-gun, but he died in '88. The rest of them, I don't know and don't really care.

All of my friends are pro-gun, and some are just as loud and obnoxious about it as I. None of them are on TFL, AFAIK, but I'm trying, really I am!

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO