Friend shot and killed over the weekend....

I am truly saddened and extend sincere condolence to Officer Timbrook's family, friends, colleagues and the Winchester community. As for the murderer, I only wish I could serve on his jury.

Roy Kiefer
CDR, USN, Ret.
Deeply saddened :(
Once again the failure of our justice system has resulted in the murder of another true American Hero.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"

I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, please give my condolences to the family and his fellow officers.


No words can express the sorrow, or the anger, felt, when a Brother Officer is killed.
You honor his memory best, by squaring your shoulders, and contiuing doing the work the best you can.
Our Brother in arms is Dead there are no words.
What else can be said about the loss of Officer Rick Timbrook ? I will mourn his loss and I will wonder who will be next. My heart breaks for his family and friends.
What can we do for the living?
I salute you Officer Timbrook! Go with God Sir!
I saw your message earlier today and just could not address it at first. I got back late last night from our academy in Austin and was clued in on some of the details of what occured at Pleasanton by a responding trooper. Guess your news hit a little too close to home.
Words can not express the sadness and rage I feel at your personal loss. Nothing I can say will ever bring real comfort to family and friends and there is absolutely nothing within my personal power that can heal the rip in our society caused by such depravity. I can, and will pray as I have done every day for the Good Lord to show our country the way back from this crevice we now all face. Something is wrong, very wrong and I do not believe that man alone is strong enough to make it right.
There was once a poem entitled "Someone Killed a Policeman Today". I think that the words used in that poem are very descriptive of how everyone who has posted here so far must feel. Something I learned years ago from my grand dad (a sheriff) was that when someone uses violence against an officer, he is not only attacking that one man but every man, woman and child that officer has sworn to serve. It is an attack against ourselves, our communities and our nation itself. And that is why good people near and far come to honor the fallen officer. Because when we bury him, we also bury a part of ourselves. May God be with the soul of Officer Timbrook and his family. May He also put His hand on you, your fellow officers and your community. And may you all meet again someday in a better place.
Take care and God bless,
Corporal Ben H. English
Texas Highway Patrol
Ditto to all the above...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Thanks again to all of you.

Ben, I have printed out your post and will be adding it to the dozens of others messages sent to our PD from LEOs all around the country.. in fact, I'm printing out the whole thread to add to the stack.

There is a Fund set up for Rick's son. Donations may be sent to the Winchester PD at 126 N. Cameron St., Winchester, VA 22601


We had over 2500 LEOs at the funeral yesterday. From as far away as Canada and California.
Rob - We though of you when we first heard a Winchester officer was shot last weekend, and it was ironic and bittersweet relief when Sgt. Timbrook's name hit the airwaves. I have a couple of acquaitances out that way who know of him, and he was highly regarded in the community as a good guy and a fine officer. For those of you who don't know about Winchester, it's a lovely little town in the northern tip of VA in the Blue Ridge. The Apple Blossoom Festival is outstanding in April. It's really God's country and a very peaceful, safe place, and it's the last place you'd expect something like this tho happen, I don't think they've lost an officer in the line of duty since the 30's, so this is a huge shock to the community.

Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your friend and colleague, he and his family are in our prayers.
Mike & Marci Muth
Fair thee well faithful friend,
The enemy's thick, the line is thin,
Traveled home to peace and rest,
Heaven now is more the bless'd.

Our prayers are with you and his wife and child.

I'm terribly sorry.
As one who has lost a friend (my best friend) to murder, I think I know how you feel right now. It's a really bad feeling that does not go away quickly. Try to not let it eat you up.
My condolences.
