Frequency of cleanings

Since I can't shoot anywhere but at a range --unlike you lucky dogs that can step out your back door and have at it - when I buy a new gun, I have to diddle around with it and cleaning it gives me the perfect excuse.

Once the newness is gone, I clean, lube and inspect a gun every time I shoot it.

I ruined a could of real nice guns by not giving them a proper cleaning.
Pity -but- the rust on them is a reminder I have nobody to blame but myself.

Ii really don't give a rolling one what others do. They buy their guns and I buy mine.
New - push patches through get rid of any manufacturers residue. You’d be surprised how much they leave in the barrel.
Then I just start shooting.
Went 700 rounds with my .264/6.5 before it lost accuracy.
I’ve had my .223/5.56 for 3 years. I’ve yet to clean it but I have less than 300 rounds down the pipe burning Varget.
My precision rifle. Builder told me to clean every 400-500 rounds.
I have a friend in his 60s that swears up and down that there is such a thing as too much cleaning, and that the result is premature wear. He does not generally clean his guns unless they start to malfunction. Despite his decade's more experience, he and I disagree on that point.

For me, carry guns get taken apart and lint blown out every month or two, drop of oil if it seems dry. All pistols get cleaned and lubed when shot, although I'll admit I've skipped that a handful of times if I knew that I was going back to the range within a couple weeks or if I only ran a mag or two through it.

Long guns that I essentially never shoot, I'd say once a year or so if they haven't been shot, otherwise after a range trip.
Well, my Ruger 10/22 rifle gets cleaned about every 1000 rounds or so, give or take a few hundred. My shotguns get a quick cleaning after every range visit and a good thorough cleaning about once a year. My handguns however get cleaned after every range trip, regardless of how many round went down the pipe. ALL new (and new to me) guns get thorough cleaning before going to the range, I'm always amazed by how much crap is left behind after manufacturing. And my carry guns get the most attention, used on range at least one a month, cleaned at least once a month, and at least once a year they get total tear down, disassemble the slide, pull the firing pin, extractor, everything.
I clean my toaster too Uncle least once a month ...since you asked ..:D

( but no, I don't tear my car, dishwasher, or even my reloading press down to a bare frame ....any more often than I need to )...but then, I take better care of my guns...:D
When new and after each range trip, I use CLP on a paper towel to wipe them clean inside and out. I'll use a squirt of CLP in the barrel followed by a couple of pull-throughs with a bore snake. Sometimes, I put a needle-thin line of grease (M-Pro-7) on the slide rail if I don't see any on them. Then I reassemble and store or holster.

Seems to work for me.....
Cleaning is for squares. Just buy a new gun when the old one gets too dirty.
Reminds of a line from the Robert Mitchum movie, "Thunder Road." It's been decades since I've seen it, but if I recall Mitchum apologized to his dad about wrecking their moonshine runner car. Dad says, "That's okay, son. The ashtray was full anyway."

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