French anti-terror tactics


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As a deterrent to terrorism worldwide - Special French units are being deployed to train stations and airports in 3 man teams:

2 men carrying UZI's and one man carrying a 9mm handgun.

As fearsome as this unit looks to be from an onlooker's perspective - the UZI's are UNLOADED. The pistol carrying agent carries all the ammo for the 3 man unit and will only give the loaded magazines to the 2 agents carrying the SMG's at the time of an incident.

That way - the french have no AD's in their crowded train / airport stations. Hence making their country a little safer. :D

Anyone think the US should adopt this obivously well thought out safety process?
Easier than actually training the Uzi guys on how to carry a weapon safely. :barf: Don't get me started on the suitability of the Uzi with its open-bolt design for the surgical shooting skills required in crowded areas.
All three are, however, equipped with quickly deployable white flags and depends undergarments.

And it's only smart for French troops to carry weapons without a round in the chambers; makes an AD less likely when the gun is thrown to the ground.

:D :D
IIRC, during the 9/11 alerts, many of the troops in the airports didn't have loaded long arms.

Search on google and the stories will come up. BTW, I'm not defending the French but pointing out that such policies are not unknown here.

Barney Fife - middle America - on guard.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. I went through BWI airport last year, and unless those troops in combat fatigues had their M-16's with empty magazines (for show) - they were definately loaded with long arms in the airport.

It does not make much sense to carry an empty magazine in your weapon, it would take more time to eject, and put in a fresh one.
It does not make much sense to carry an empty magazine in your weapon, it would take more time to eject, and put in a fresh one.
You assume that our beloved Government would never implement a policy that doesn't make sense :)

There is no published original story - as this was experienced first hand - several visits to Europe and talks with my friends there - one of which was an expat and lived in France for over 5 years.
It does not make much sense to carry an empty magazine in your weapon, it would take more time to eject, and put in a fresh one.

We have a history of this kind of stuff. IIRC, the Marine guards at the barracks in Beirut in the early 80's had unloaded weapons when they were hit with the car bomb.

I also heard that national guard M16's at airports were unloaded, but I know a cop who works at DIA and he assured me the guys in Denver had a loaded mag -- but without one in the chamber.

I wouldn't be surprised if some airports had guardsmen with unloaded rifles. Putting in the guard was pretty much for show anyway, though they did make me feel more secure while travelling.
Moronic. The thought of the high rate of fire of a Uzi in a crowded space is scarey.

Why don't they swallow their national pride and buy the English owned and German built MP5.!!!!far better suited to multi round 'surgical' fire.
Great, shoot the guy with the pistol, and then shoot the guys with the uzis as they have no ammo. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Might make people feel safer, but it sounds like a weapon give-a-way program to me.
When I was in the USAF and did collatteral duty as a reserve AP during alerts. We were deployed around the airfield during the alerts and we carried an M1 carbine with a 15 round magazine and it carried only 10 rounds! To add insult to injury the magazine was taped to the stock with 100 mile-an-hour tape!

During the 20 to 30 below weather it was real fun roaming around the airfield with wild horses running around. I carried a hunting knife inside my cold weather gear so I would be able to hack the tape off the magazine if I needed it.

On nearly all of my trips to Paris starting in 1957 I have seen police officers with 9mm SMG's. I even had an officer point one at my head as I sat on a park bech waiting for the Metro station to open early one morning.

During my last visit in 1999 there were officers guarding an Israeli business on the Champs Elysees. One female and one male, each with a SMG. The passersby paid scant attention to this and the only ones that might have looked a bit more closely were probably from the USA.

On the Metro platforms were two soldiers with the little Bullpup rifle and an officer with a SMG.

A couple of years ago the PATH trains from Hoboken into Manhatten were guarded by NJ NG troops. They carried M16's and were loaded with one magazine. Also the vehicle tunnels were watched by the same type of troops.
I was talking over lunch to one of the Warrent Officers in my Reserve Unit who just got back from Iraq. He was telling me that numerous times when they went out to work on a chopper outside of their secure base they took away all his ammo except one mag. because he "didn't need anymore than that" :rolleyes:

When I went on Lackland a while ago and I had to stop at the SF station because my decal had expired. Some SF airman comes in, sets his M16 against the wall and goes to get a cup of coffee. Seconds later it klangs to the ground and you could hear the spring in the magazine humming since there was no ammo in the magazine. And he had to LBE or anything else to carry live mags............. :rolleyes:
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I'm sure the French have been adequately trained in the Fall To The Ground And Snivel For Your Elitist Wothless Life drill. The only thing that would make me fear anything French is the possibility I would be contaminated by the desire to refrain fom bathing, and the compulsion to kiss German soldiers' nether regions.

The only good use for the French, in my not-so-humble opinion, is cannon fodder.
A buddy in the National Guard told me how they were at the airports with their firearms, but did not have ammunition in them, or on their person.

He also said the National Guard, believe it or not, does not necessarily have (going off of memory here) a lot of ammo, or they don't have their own ammo - something along those lines. I seem to remember being told they use one of the armed forces stock-pile incase the doo doo hit's the propeller.

He's a trust worthy guy. But none of it makes much sense to me.
I've been to France. South France, more specifically, Nice. Paris sucks. Beautiful country, great people, and the woman are out of control. When I arrived at the Airport, (once before 9/11 and once post 9/11), they're security was all Soliders and they all have AKs and 92Fs. Some were carrying the AKs, others had them on their backs. Either way, I thought they were menacing and it would make me think twice about pulling some ish!
I'm glad the Uzis are unloaded. I'd be even more glad if they would replace their unloaded Uzis with loaded pistols. Uzis have no practical application anywhere innocents are standing around. Nor does anything full-auto, for that matter. That's a situation in which you have to choose your shots carefully.