Freeing ourselves from the gas crisis?

Isn't utilizing new technology to make even more money and gain even more power a factor, too?

Oil companies were not cheering for the electric car to succeed. I meant to say that when there is still so much money to be made doing things the way they've always been done, those profiting most will do all they can to protect their investment, at the expense of progress. What's in it for them to do otherwise?
Oil companies were not cheering for the electric car to succeed. I meant to say that when there is still so much money to be made doing things the way they've always been done, those profiting most will do all they can to protect their investment, at the expense of progress. What's in it for them to do otherwise?

Many of the integrated oil companies are investing big bucks in alternate forms of energy. They aren't stupid. They realize that if they can hit a home run with new technology there are big bucks to be made.
Whatever one might think of the film, think of where we could be now if we had a genuine interest in advancing electric car technology.
Government mandates ramming that "interest" down everyone's throats aren't what got us where we are now.

A123Systems didn't develop their nanotech lithium-ion battery, capable of charging in five minutes and with significantly higher energy density than any other comparable battery because some government bureaucrat thought it would be the best idea - they did it so that a major power tool manufacturer would buy zillions of them for a new line of high-power, long-lasting cordless tools and they'd make zillions of dollars.

That they're now working in automotive applications came after they commercialized the battery for power tools, not before.

The profit motive got us where we are now, not government meddling. When the government tries to pick winners and losers in technology, you wind up with boondoggles like the EV1 and corporate welfare for politically-connected monocrystalline solar cell manufacturers.
A quote from a post on another thread: "....One of the nations that has supplied us with oil has huge, untapped reserves that are not available to us, due to their being controlled by radical elements in that country who seem bent on our destruction. That country is the USA and those radical elements seemingly bent on our destruction are our congressmen."

The gentleman that posted it clearly understands on of the main reasons we continue to be so dependant on foreign oil. Granted additional drilling isn't doing anything about alternate energy sources, but it certainly would get us out of the present situation of dependance on countries that don't particularly like us while we work on longer term solutions.
So this car wasn't right for you. Other people really wanted it, and put up money that was not accepted.
Complete and utter bullsh*t.

GM lost over $1 billion on the EV1 because people did not want it. The technology was not ready then. It is very unclear whether the technology is ready now. There was no fricking conspiracy. ENOUGH ALREADY.
Oil companies were not cheering for the electric car to succeed. I meant to say that when there is still so much money to be made doing things the way they've always been done, those profiting most will do all they can to protect their investment, at the expense of progress. What's in it for them to do otherwise?

Go ahead, blame the integrated oil companies like Exxon Mobil for all our ills.:rolleyes:


80% of the world's oil reserves are controlled by national oil companies like Aramco, Petroleos de Venezuela, Petróleos Mexicanos, Petrobras (Brasil), National Iranian Oil Company, etc.