Freedom of speech ? Not here aparently

Just to let people know that I have been banned fromposting here.
Why ? check out

Rich's post - "Your posts are extremely insulting and inflammatory at a time
of very high emotion in this nation. On that note, I believe you've convinced me."

The email I recieved -
"Your posting privileges to The Firing Line have been revoked.
Pertinent Rules:
4) As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, we reserve
the right, in our sole discretion, to
edit or delete posts and/or to revoke Membership. No Second Chances;
No Argument; No Trial; No Way. At best
you will receive one warning."

I can't see how it was inflammatory or insulting. I personally insulted no one - all references to invaion were clearly a joke which others seemed to realise e.g DC 's reply and a couple of other replies.

I think I've been banned because of my opinions which Rich doesn't like.

As for rule 4 what a joke- it seems that if you don't agree with others philosophies you can be banned.
As for firearms rights I've down 10 times more work than most of you here - tomorrow I will again be helping on the polling booths all day helping a politician who has been helpful to us.
Anyway this will obviously be my last post here. There are a lot of intelligent people here who are willing to debate with facts and tolerate other opnions, but apparently mine aren't tolerated.
If anyone was insulted by my posts, they are certainly in need of a sense of humour.
"Unt you vihl have to pay ze price for deese unpatriotic attitudes kamarad."
Before I read your post I had the feeling that I would have to explain any tongue in cheek remark I posted on this site. Please show me the evidence of this person's criminal behavior, so that it can stand as an example to the rest of us. I want to be able to follow the party line but I am not sure who is throwing the party. I think that we are getting "thin" skinned and a little paranoid about the government watching us. Why does the adjective "thin" keep cropping up on this site. Sounds like fatophobia to me.

In the shadow of Bunker Hill from the People's Republic of Massachusetts
I'm sitting here in front of my computer not BELIEVING what I'm READING !!!!!!!!! :([p]
This was a light hearted, tounge in cheek post, that through the vastness of culture & space has been taken WAY TOO SERIOUSLY ! :(

At the moment I've got a real nasty dose of the Flu' & I read it the right way ! ;)
I know we're only s'posed to bitch & moan via e-mail to the Admin. office but for me Hotmail's SNAFU & I don't have a backup....
The Aussie style of humour has gotten us in the sh#t before :
W.W.I for taking the piss outa the Turks & more recently where some Aus. sailors were caught on video, doing an Arab sendup with towels on their heads during The Gulf War.
Sorry if "our" humour doesn't always come across the right way but Jeeez weeez Louis....
This has been unsolicited, winks ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) from :-

"The Gun from Down Under !"

Hang on here ...

I quite often disagree with what RA has to say -- that's my prerogative.

But I have to admit, I chuckled when I read RA's posts regarding this particular subject. To me, it was ordinary "taking-the-piss" Aussie humour.

Considering the depth of the emotion it provoked, it may not have been in the best "taste" to continue -- but to ban the man completely?????????????

Rich, unless there is something we don't know, I think you have made a mistake.

You would support a fellow gunowner in his right to "keep and bear arms".

I will support my fellow countryman.


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited September 10, 1999).]
Ok, I've now obtained another E-mail address so if anyone wants me I'll be at
Should've made it in support of Rats Arse's (RA's) :D
See... There's some of that Aussie humour again ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited September 10, 1999).]
What's going on here?

Well, I just read the thread. Sorry Rich - I have to side with the bunny killer.

I thought it was obvious that his posts were tongue-in-cheek, and not part of some master plan to get the Australians to invade.

If his posts were so offensive, why not just delete them, or ask for him to post an explanation (can't administrators do that?)? I didn't think anyone else got upset, based on their posts. We have threads on "How to Beat a SWAT Team" & other volatile subjects that seem to far surpass RA's comments.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!
Rich, thank you!!!!

Hopefully, we can all learn something from this.


PS - I posted this after I read RL's statement - I guess he edited it & mine wound up first...

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited September 10, 1999).]
Following is an email that I sent to DC and some of the other Moderators late last night.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Ahhh-
Just finished my second email to Dennis on this subject. This call [banning RA] has been bothering me all night for the very reasons you suggest. I was wondering whether we should cut him some slack for emotionalism on the Indonesia issue, as I don't know his background and it seems to be a raw nerve.

I've decided to reinstate with apology, if he responds to my email.

So, you see, even I can make and admit to mistakes. This isn't my first and probably won't be my last. I clearly misread Rabbit's dry humor as intentional incite and I apologize.

As for the quoted section of our Policy. It is there to avoid having to create a set of rules longer than the IRS Code. If sound judgement is used in enforcing this policy, it is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, my judgement was unsound.

Please look for my email.

Rich Lucibella
EVERYone makes mistakes and poor judgements at times. It is the person who can clearly admit when he is wrong that is the better

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950):
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
Rich, I'm glad you reversed you're decision, and admitted that you may have over reacted. RA and the rest of them Aussie boys would surely be missed on here. Even if it wasn't humor, have we become so sensitive that we can't take some criticism? I hope not. Thanks again for rethinking your actions..

Thanks - my attempt at humour does confuse Americans sometimes so I will refrain from any more attempts in the future.
On the Indonesia issue I'll stay off that but any criticism over the USA's position from me was directed at the current US government. My and other Australians disgust of our own governments handling of the East Timor issue is much greater than any crticism we have of the US.
Americans are more patriotic than us so any crticism of your country seems to be taken more personally so I'll be more carefulin my wording in the future.
Let's all have a big GROUP HUG...

Okay maybe not a hug...

RA - The effective use of a SMILIE can change the meaning of a post. Ausie hummor is new to me too... ;)

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
How about a kiss (No tounge), a box of choclates & a bunch of flowers to go with the Rich ? ;)
Oh & none of that American patting on the bum stuff that your Grid Iron guys like doing so much.
More Aus. humour...heh...heh...heh
Actually thought some boo-boo musta been made some where as for the life of me I couldn't see what all the fuss was about !
And from my own dealings with Rich, I first thought that someone must've sent RA a phony e-mail with Rich's signature !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Good Grief! I go home for the night, and this is what happens! I can't leave you kids alone ;) (See, that is ironically funny, cause I am probably one of the youngest members here)

OK, let's all get together for a big hug.
There, that's better.

Glad your still here, bunny murderer.
Glad to see you back, Rabbit Assassin, (or is that Rat's Arse?!?) ;) Same initials... :D

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
Boy, that was quick!

It is not your obligation to refrain from Aussie humor here. It is ours (mine) to understand it in context. Nor are you to be proscribed from criticizing our government's actions.
I'm very glad to see this outcome of this situation. It is a testament to Rich that it "bothered [him] all night" and that he sought counsel in the other other moderators/administrators. You are a good person Rich, I'm honored to be a member here on your forum.

As for you, you wascally wabbit wounder: I'm sure you agree that it takes a big man to admit a mistake and take responsibility for it. I must add though that it also takes a big man to be slighted and turn the other cheek as you apparently have in coming back. I applaud you for that and look forward to many more "spirited" debates in the future.

BTW, what does "taking-the-piss aussie humor mean anyway?"


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
LadydeeJ, speak for yourself, I have NEVER made a mistake or a poor judgement. I also don't always tell the truth, either.
"Taking the piss" (out of someone/something)
Poking fun at
Making fun of
Sending up Comically
Not to be confused with "taking a piss"
If I have to explain that to you.... ;)
Also not to be confused with "taking a sh#t"
Hey man.. you don't take 'em, you leave 'em !
"Don't take one of mine"...
"I've only got 3 left & the weekeends comin' up !"
And dont't give me any sh#t, 'cause if I hafta take sh#t, that means I'd hafta eat sh#t & if I had to eat sh#t, then I'd hafta pack sh#t.
You wouldn't sh#t me, wouldya ?
Attributed to an American Comic in the 80's :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail