Fred Thompson: This election's Wesley Clark?

I was going to back Thompson. But, after his poor performances without the fire in his belly for President, I've decided I'd rather win than be right, so it looks like its Rudy for me, warts and all. If Clinton wins, it'll be alot worse for 2A rights than Guiliani. The lesser of the two devils, I guess.:eek:
Rudy will have to answer to the Republican base, which doesn't want more gun control.

Hillbama will answer to and the liberal democrat base, who want more gun control.

Make sure to let me know when Hillbama is scheduled to speak at an NRA event so that I can attend. :p
Because they don't believe that he wants more gun control.

Neither does Fred Thompson (the subject of this thread).

Hillbama sure does want more "sensible gun-safety" laws, though. ;)
The Republicans will have to decide what they believe concerning Rudy and the 2nd Amendment.

As a bonus, Fred Thompson does not advocate returning to the gold standard, eliminating the the CIA, and/or blaming the US for 9/11.

Fred does like shrimp, though.
If you go to Fred Thompson's website, you can review how several of his positions differ from President Bush's.

For example, Fred's position on immigration is different.
Same with Social Security.
Time will tell if Fred is no different than the current occupant of the WH. At a minimum Fred pays homage to the time honored concept of federalism. I have serious doubts that Bush can 1> pronounce the word, 2> spell it correctly, 3> tell anyone what it means, and 4>implement it.

I am not saying Fred is Bush Heavy. He has a nice cluster of his own warts to explain. His evident adherence to federalism ain't one.
Is his talk of federalism any more than lip service?

He voted for No Child Left Behind, which is certainly not a law that a federalist should support. Its the antithesis of federalism.
Is his talk of federalism any more than lip service?

He voted for No Child Left Behind, which is certainly not a law that a federalist should support. Its the antithesis of federalism.
Which is precisely why I judge politicians on the basis of what they DID, not what they say. I was merely responding to the assertion Bush = Fred.

Just for the record I carry no water for Fred. The warts he wears that bother me include his membership is certain good ol' boy clubs, his evident globalist leanings, his lobbyist accomplishments, and evident reluctance to thoroughly investigate criminal activities when he was in the position to investigate. Smacks of the "go along to get along" ethic which is destroying what is left of liberty in this country.
Well, I suppose that you can say that the NCLB violates Federalism. Then again, you could argue that Ron Paul's shrimp earmarks also violate the doctrine of Federalism. Federal funding for education, and federal funding for the shrimp industry.

Based on Fred's website, he seems to take the concept of Federalism very seriously.
Two wrongs don't make a right. This thread is about Fred Thompson, not Ron Paul. I disagree with RP on that shrimp thing, though I would point out that the American shrimp industry has been dessimated by imported shrimp from SE Asia, and I suspect a lot of what RP did was motivated by a desire to protect US trade, which certainly would fall within the bounds of federalism.

But Ron Paul doesn't matter. I am not likely to vote for him, mainly because his foreign policy regarding Iran is totally wrong, and his domestic agenda is based on idealism and not pragmatic enough to ever be accomplished.

I am looking for a candidate I can support, who also has a chance to win... I was hoping it would be Fred, and he certainly talks a good talk. But when I look at his record, he looks like Bush.
Then why would the Republican base vote for someone who wants more gun control?

This has been gunowner's and the GOP's problem for awhile now.

Why do "conservatives" vote for moderates?? and think they will act like conservatives.
No matter who it will certainly be "the lesser of the evils." And what does that get us--EVIL. Kinda like being a 'little bit pregnant'.
The gold standard is a good thing. It would put a hard cap on federal spending and stop the spiraling devaluation of the dollar, thus protecting investments. I don't know why more conservatives push for it than we see at present.

Even Fred Thompson doubts he'll be president

By Toby Harnden in Bedford, New Hampshire
Last Updated: 2:54am GMT 07/11/2007

Even Fred Thompson doesn't think he will become president. Chatting off-air to a television reporter, a stunningly candid off-the-cuff quip from the Hollywood actor cemented the impression that his heart is not in the 2008 race.

Trying to encourage his studio to hurry up so an interview could start, Carl Cameron of Fox News said into his microphone: "The next president of the United States has a schedule to keep." Standing beside him, a deadpan Mr Thompson interjected: "And so do I."

As some Thompson aides looked bemused and others cringed, a taken-aback Mr Cameron, Fox's chief political correspondent, exclaimed: "You can't do that kind of stuff!"

The self-deprecating quip said much about the former Tennessee senator's candidacy.

He was lampooned mercilessly after a YouTube clip showing him asking an audience Iowa underwhelmed by his stump speech: "First of all, could I have a round of applause?"

Having entered the 2008 contest in September, more than six months after all his rivals, Mr Thompson, 65, has kept a light schedule, delivered rambling speeches and shown little fondness for the glad-handing and back-slapping that is the very stuff of US politics.

In the meantime, his chief opponents for the Republican nomination Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have virtually taken up residence in the New England state, which holds its crucial early primary on January 8th, five days after the first votes of the election are cast in the Iowa caucuses.

Mr Thompson is running at about 17 per cent in the national Republican polls, second behind Mr Giuliani.

But he is languishing in fifth place in New Hampshire and fourth in Iowa.
Crossing America: Toby Harnden's voyage across the states
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Just before his Fox interview, Mr Thompson had given a long, meandering speech to a group of New Hampshire businessmen and state politicians.

When he entered the room there was barely a stir as people continued their conversations while he took his seat.

Once sitting down, Mr Thompson signalled to an aide for his glasses and then proceeded to write notes on a piece of paper, initially ignoring the hosts at his table for the "Politics and Eggs" forum in Bedford, New Hampshire – a must-do event for every candidate.

During a 20-minute, meandering speech, Mr Thompson – who has long been accused of being lazy - joked about rearranging his campaign schedule the previous evening so he could watch the New England Patriots play the Indianapolis Colts football game on television.

"I also want you to know that I've got my priorities in order. When I saw yesterday that I was scheduled to catch a plane to leave at about four o'clock I did a little scrambling around and to make a long story short I saw to it that I got here at 11 o'clock."

Many at the breakfast were dismayed by Mr Thompson's performance.

"The American people like folks that have a positive, hopeful message," said one prominent Republican.

"This felt very pessimistic. He doesn't have the kind of fire and brimstone that excites people or gives them a reason to vote for him."

Fergus Cullen, New Hampshire's state Republican chairman, said Mr Thompson had made a big mistake in September when he opted to declare his candidacy on the "Jay Leno" talk show rather than attend a New Hampshire debate.

"He got off on the wrong foot here and he has been struggling to get onto the right foot ever since. He is still at the introducing himself stage of the campaign whereas most of the other candidates went through that six or 12 months ago."