Fred Thompson is looking better and better..

They all suck. I have voted Repub for the last 30 years. Finally, last year I decided to not vote. It just all made me sick. The Dems were a bunch of money-grabbing, lyiing sacks of doo-doo, and the Repubs weren't any different. Then Bush decided he was going to start governing as if Mexico was another one of our states. I can't believe I voted for him twice. I will vote against any republican that doesn't speak out against him. The republicans have turned their backs on us, and the democrats were always against all of us. So, they all suck. I guess I'll be throwing my vote away on a third party. It just makes me sick.......
Fred Thompson is looking better and better..
Did someone give him a blood transfusion? I'm sorry, I just don't see any energy there. He's like Reagan on Quaaludes.
He needs to zip up his act or he's in trouble. He could never sell cars, that's for sure. :rolleyes:
I wasn't endorsing Giuliani, but I happen to believe that he's going to be the flag-bearer for the GOP next year and probably is the only Republican with a decent fighting chance to stop Hillary. It may be ugly but it is what it is. Leaning on Giuliani to protect gun rights is more plausible than expecting ANY quarter from Hillary or her rabid minions if she ever takes high office.

Thompson lacks executive experience, energy, and carries too many questions. Right now he is the candidate-in-remission. Not the warrior we need to keep this Republic together.
I think we should just support the only real Republican myself, Dr. Ron Paul.

Thompson is to much of a neo-conservative and a threat to the constitution as he will not protect the Bill of Rights and his track record shows it.
Does anyone think that if Fred THompson gets elected we will see the rise of Fascism in this country? It would be a Nationalist and Christian based fascism in which we tolerate nobody who differs from us. I think this may happen myself.
Does anyone think that if Fred THompson gets elected we will see the rise of Fascism in this country?
I think we've already got it. Fred would just lead us a little further down the path. If he could win the general election, that is....which he can't.
I don't believe anyone has to worry about Fred, since he is not going to win the nomination. It looks as if it will be Rudy against Hillary. And I am pretty sure Hillary will win.
Fred Thompson is a puppet of the various conspiracies to take my freedom. Only Ron Paul can protect us from the UN, and he will let us smoke pot, and protect us from the trilateral commission and other jewish conspiracies.