Fred Thompson is looking better and better..


New member
Over the past month or so Fred has been saying things that surprise me..

Republican presidential contender Fred Thompson said Monday that while Osama bin Laden needs to be caught and killed, the terrorist mastermind would get the due process of law.

Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson gave no opinion Thursday when asked about efforts by President Bush and Congress to keep Terri Schiavo alive, saying he does not remember details of the right-to-die case that stirred national debate.
Republican presidential contender Fred Thompson, who has based his campaign on appealing to conservative voters, said he isn't a regular churchgoer and doesn't plan to speak about his religion on the stump.

I'm curious, what do the Fred Thompson supporters on this forum think about these things? Do you agree with him?
It helps to have something like this on yer arm.

Hm. I'm voting for her.

Er, I mean. If my guy Ronny doesn't get the nod, I guess Tommy is my new guy.

But never Romney or Rudy!

I think "Y"s are nice.

Wow! You know with a lady like that we know we can trust he won't be up to any shenannigans. At least we know that for certain.
Fred was supposed to be Reagan + Will Rogers. He is neither. His candidacy is going nowhere. Try to get your minds around a Rudy G. nomination because that's the reality.
It looks more and more like it's going to be Rudy with McCain and Romney providing enough opposition to keep things interesting. I wonder if a Rudy/McCain ticket is possible?

Thompson does look like a good potential VP though. Perhaps that is why he entered the race, had to do so to get on the VP short list.
Try to get your minds around a Rudy G. nomination because that's the reality.

eh? :confused:

Other than Florida, Giuliani is running behind and sinking in the early primary / caucus States:

3rd palce in Iowa and sinking,
2nd place and sinking in New Hampshire,
2nd place and sinking in South Carolina,
3rd place and sinking in Nevada,
Looking better and better?

Fred's looked great for years. I'm hoping he gets the nomination.

I like that his growing support kills the left's favorite "empty headed religious zealots" strawman.

Hint: Yes, Conservative and Christian values often coincide, but nutjobs don't run the party.
Where's Ross Perot when we need him? Remember that "hand grenade with a bad haircut" and his "giant sucking sound"? (Perot must have had a crystal ball, for that "giant sucking sound" turned out to take place in the Oval Office....and resulted in a white stain on a dark blue dress!)

Personally, I'd rather have ANY of the Republican candidates in office, than ANY of the Democrats!

I have a LOT of friends who are Democrats, and I have yet to find even ONE of them that wants Hillary Clinton in the White House....again! For some reason, all of my Mormon friends want....Fred Thompson!

Me? I'll just sit back and enjoy all of the "dirty laundry" coming out! Not much else to do for about 12 months! (By the way, Mrs. Thompson sure looks great for having had 2 of Fred's babies!)
If Fred doesn't perform better in the next debate, I dont think he has much chance.

I don't think he will win if he continues to run on a "4 more years of Bush" platform.
Hint: Yes, Conservative and Christian values often coincide, but nutjobs don't run the party.

They don't control it but they do have influence. Here's just a few groups and people that Bush and the Republican party have connections to:

Apostolic Congress: Calling themselves "The Christian Voice in the Nation's Capital," the Apostolic Congress, which believes that all of Old Testament Israel must belong to the Jews before Christ's return, recently met with Bush White House officials to make certain that U.S. policy towards Israel conforms to Biblical prophecy.

David Chilton: One of the nation’s leading Reconstruction theologians, David Chilton explains, in a single sentence, everything you need to know about the far Right’s agenda. "The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics," he said. Theocracy in America. Can anything be more un-American?

Jay Grimstead: In 1987, Coalition on Revival (COR) head Jay Grimstead began planning for a "long-range social and political takeover" of American politics. Five years later, author Frederick Clarkson wrote, "Never in the wildest dreams of the far right, nor for that matter, the rest of the GOP, did anyone think such people could get this far."

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: "We must have an autocratic theocracy to rule the world," Reverend Moon once said, well before declaring himself to be "none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent" in the U.S. Senate. Owner of the Washington Times, and contributor to Christian organizations like Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, Rev. Moon has ties to Bush #41, Bush #43, and the Council for National Policy.

Gary North: Former council for National Policy member and R.J. Rushdoony’s son in law, North has rightfully written that Article Six of the U.S. Constitution provides a "legal barrier to Christian theocracy." He hopes, however, that, in the wake of upcoming social upheaval, such protections fall by the wayside so that Dominionists might, as Wired explained, "build a harsh biblical order where sinners, such as adulterers and gay men, can be severely punished, even executed, preferably by stoning."

Christian Reconstructionists/Dominionists: Deemed "scary," even by Jerry Falwell's followers, Dominionists literally want to impose Biblical law and reconstruct America as "the Kingdom of God on earth." In short, they seek to toss out the U.S. Constitution, override the authority of the Supreme Court and turn the U.S. into a theocracy. Embracing a "Biblical world view" as the only worldview, Reconstructionists would squelch democracy and all its trappings, while making homosexuality and other "sins" punishable by death.

Christian Zionists: Various news sources have reported on ways Biblical prophecy is influencing political reality – and the Christian Zionists' campaign to oust the Palestinians in order to make way for the Second Coming of Christ is especially bizarre. Highlighting both G.W. Bush’s and Tom DeLay’s involvement with this movement, the Guardian’s Matthew Engel spelled out how ‘dispensationalism’ (a doctrine "popularized in Rev. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins Left Behind novels) involves the Rapture, the Second Coming and the conversion of Jews. "In other words, these Christians are supporting the Jews in order to abolish them," Engel explained.

It's nice to see that Fred doesn't plan on pandering to these people. It makes me a little bit nervous to see politicians talking about a "Christian Nation" and at the same time, passing laws like the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act. There's a reason why Church and State are supposed to be separate, when you mix religion and politics you end up with countries like Iran and Afghanistan under the Taliban. Not good..
Personally, I'd rather have ANY of the Republican candidates in office, than ANY of the Democrats

Given their stand on Second Amendment issues, I'd take Bill Richardson over Rudy Giuliani any day.

The NRA gives Richardson a C- contrasted with Giuliani’s F rating.

No candidate presently running on either the Republican or Democrat side has done more damage to our Second Amendment rights than Rudy Giuliani, just based on the junk lawsuits he brought against the firearms manufacturers like S&W.
Boy, if you think he's looking "better and better" after that performance during the debate two nights ago...what did he look like before? Comatose?
It helps to have something like this on yer arm.

Is that a picture of his daughter or wife?

Never mind I looked up. All I can say is damn, for such as old geez, he sure did well. I showed the picture to my father and he said. "Its not for looks that is for sure, either Fred has a lot of money or he is really good in the bed."
The fact that his wife looks like a model from a 2nd rate porno flick isn't going to help him with moral conservatives.

But the closet pervs (insert moral conservative subset) are going to lover her.
No candidate presently running on either the Republican or Democrat side has done more damage to our Second Amendment rights than Rudy Giuliani,

I'd debate that. His lawsuits were expensive, but only cost money. Hillizard's sorta methodology took us a lot of political capital to fight, and that stuff is much more valuable than mere cash.

She's had her name on fewer bits, but that doesn't mean her influence was necessary minimal.
I'd debate that. His lawsuits were expensive, but only cost money. Hillizard's sorta methodology took us a lot of political capital to fight, and that stuff is much more valuable than mere cash.

I think the response that the Giuliani lawsuits prompted, i.e., the "Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act" and the Tiahrt Amendment denying States and Local governments access to gun trace data took plenty of political capital.

As far as Hillary Clinton goes, maybe I should have said Giuliani has done more damage than has she, *to date.*