Fox spray experiment this wkend...

I hosed a BF spider with my Fox at work one day. Managed to clear off 2 guys from the other end (about 25' away) and the spider just walked away :eek:

I hacked and coughed for about 30 minutes, but was otherwise OK. :o
Spiders are notoriously lacking in mucus membrane...

And for you guys that think habaneros and jalepenos hold a candle to processed OC, a couple websites: Gourmet Sleuth
Wikipedia Scoville Scale

From the chart
Habanero 10 200,000 to 300,000 SHU
Jalapeno (green) 5.5 2,500-5,000 SHU
Jalapeno (red) 5.5 2,500-5,000 SHU

Some hot sauces named on that Wikipedia site are over 5 mil SHU!! Eee-youch! :D
Been sprayed 3 times working for various law enforcement agencies. This stuff works really well. However the first time was the worse for me...the spray works physically on people, mucous membranes, eyes, etc. It also has psychological ramifications. Yeah, it's nasty... :D