Fox spray experiment this wkend...


New member
My friend and I were grilling this weekend and got to talking about pepper sprays. He says they are a waste of time and money. I suggested letting me spray him in the face for a second and have him give a report afterwards. He declined but said that he'd sit in my livingroom and let me spray a tiny amount in the room (not at him), just to see what it's like. I was curious too, so I sat in on it as well. I sprayed the tiniest amount possible - just enough to give the smallest "pffft" sound, in the middle of the room. At first we didn't notice anything, but after a few seconds he was coughing and closing his eyes shut, tightly. It hit me soon afterwards. I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing, and the more I did that, the more I inhaled. We both dashed back out onto the deck and took a couple minutes to stop gagging. Had it been sprayed in the face for even a split second, it would have been impossible - for me at least - to continue with any untoward activity that I may have been up to. If I were hopped up on drugs, it might be different story though - I wouldn't know about that.
We ate our lunch and went back inside the house after about 20 minutes....we both started coughing and sneezing AGAIN. This was with the smallest amount that I could spray out. The stuff is for REAL. :barf:

did it start with "Hold muh bur" (hold my beer)

We accidently did the same "phfft" one time before in a kitchen. Again, as little as you could possibly let out. same results. Funny too
That's about like the time a friend of mine and I were cooking chili. We sauted all the peppers first and when we got to the habeneros we got strangled out of the kitchen. It hurt but it it was so funny that we laughed more than coughed and that just made it worse. Boy that was some good chili though.
A good prank is to spray some in the cars vents.
I had to get pepper sprayed as part of our training. I could have told you not to do it.
Been sprayed a couple of times in trainning situations - full face followed by physical action of some sort, just so we knew we could still function and to what extent. And a couple of times incidentally during arrest incidents...

Yeah, the stuff works. No it's not one hundred percent and it is possible to continue on under it's effects. Yeah, it hurts like Hades... Literally. :eek:

No don't try it on yourself without supervision. :rolleyes: Or maybe that should be: :D
haha I wouldn't have sprayed that inside. That stuff stays around for a while, the OC must dry out and turn into dust, and hangs around. I had a couch with pepper spray on it and to this day it still makes me sneeze.
I used to teach in a juvenile correctional facility that used pepper spray quite often. The effects on the "children" varied, depending on the idividual involved and their excitement level at the time.

In one incident, the "resident" (we used a lot of politically correct euphamisms in that place) decided to "go off" in my classroom. His beef wasn't with me and he honored my request that he not do it next to my desk and computer. We cleared the room so he could "go off" and not hurt any other residents and staff went in pepper sprayers blazing.

We ultimately had to evacuate the education wing for the rest of the day. The residue on the desks bothered some of my students for several days.

In another situation a student decided it was time to "be a man" by acting like an ass and getting put in the security unit. While he was in there he asked another "resident" who frequented the unit because he "was bad" what he could do to prove he was "bad" too. This is what the other guy told him to do (he was also my student and told me about it later):

Strip naked and yell at staff saying your going to kill yourself. When they come into your cell, they are going to spray you. Take it like a man and come out fighting.

So this kid strips off his clothes and starts yelling, "I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF" at the top of his lungs and sure enough, here came staff with the pepper spray. At the first spray the kid changed his mind. He brought his wrist together over his head and knelt,head down in suplication. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to make an example, staff kept spraying. The spray made a pool of liquid fire in the crease of his spine, trickled down the small of his back and into the crack of his backside. Can you say, "weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth"?
The spray made a pool of liquid fire in the crease of his spine, trickled down the small of his back and into the crack of his backside.

I bet that at that point he WISHED he had killed himself

I like to spray some on my eggs in the morning; Mmm... *incapacitating*... :p

(props to Matt Groening & crew)
im a postal worker. had to spray a dog once and unfortunately for me, the wind blew a smidgen of it back at me,it wasnt pleasant to say the least.
been sprayed twice by police officers. In the middle of a riot, me being the idiot trying to stop it before it started. Happened to be the same deputy,same type of incident, twice. Appolgised afterwards and we had a good laugh (he said that I was the "Biggest motherf--ker around, and you needed to go down first").

The first time it hurt. The second time I managed to fight through it and get out of the pit of angry individuals, get to relative safety, and promptly curse out the deputy. When he got off duty, we had a good laugh over a beer.

Concidentaly, I've been sprayed by non-law enforcement quality spray (I'm a security guard, got a bit of backsplash) and that stuff just doesn't really bother me all that much.
Got my hit during the "oh-so-sweet" take a shot before you can carry certification for Navy Security. I swore I would take my turn silently, until the searing pain hit, then I uttered the ever-originial, Master-Of-The-Obvious phrase ..."Ow, that hurts!!" Maaan, if a cop ever pulls that out in a 50 yard radius of me, I'm gonna prone out just in case!
Just a continuation of what Point said

My wife and I were making chili. We had about 5 quarts of the stuff and I pulled out two TINY green habanero peppers, just barely larger than a dime each. I proceeded to tell my wife not to cut them if she has any broken skin and to wash up right away (as she had never handled them before). She thought I was kidding. She removed the seeds and cut the peppers into tiny hairlike slivers and with one left, was about to put it and the oil residue into her mouth. I told her not to, with a look on my face like I was serious, but she thought I was kidding again.
Within seconds she was hitting the milk to kill the pain, then she rubbed her mouth and gums with bread and finally grabbed a plastic sleeved ice pop from the freezer and sucked on that for a while. She washed her hands three times and then touched her eye and then howled cuz it was still there and hurt.
Months later, when it was hot again, she reached into the freezer for an ice pop. She picked the one she had sucked on and burned her mouth all over again. This was from a tiny sliver of the pepper.
You have to be careful with this stuff. If my life depended on it, I could fight while under it. If I were a mugger, I'd take a personal day.
Rubbed her mouth and gums with bread!!! :D :D :D

I'm picturing Curly running around in circles yelling, "Moe, Larry, the cheese!!"

Bread!! LOL :p :D :p

Some people love 'em, some don't.

I make a hot sauce that is quite popular in a small circle of friends. It involves 20 jalepanos and 10 habeneros. A little goes a long way. I've gotten a little in my eyes accidentally and while very unpleasant, it's not debilitating. I know that this is no where near the concentratration of the sprays, but we're not all created equal when it comes to the hot stuff.
About 8 years ago I was in a book store over in Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beach. Someone sprayed pepper-spray outside the store at someone that was harrassing her. It didn't take long before everyone in the store was coughing like crazy. Suffice to say we bailed out of there as quickly as possible. If we were coughing away and it was sprayed over 50 feet away, I can only imagine what it would be like to take some spray in the face. Must be really bad.
You know, back in the dark ages, at Ft. Jackson, we had a similar experience. Walked into a smokey room, took off our masks and had to say our name, rank, SSN and unit.

That experience was enough for me to know that I didn't want to repeat it...
But, you know, the Army thought it was so much fun they made me do it again, and again, and again over the years...

"Thanks for the memories....."
Fox Labs works! About 4 years ago when my son was smaller. He said "Daddy what is this." He had found my 2 oz. Sprayed me good. When I finally got off the floor and cleaned up. We had a long talk.