Wow, how intelligent of you! Yes, it's so clear he goes to college...look how stupid and left wing he is!
Now that statement was just about as ignorant as Crook's website and personal views. Being myself in college, let me go ahead and tell you a little secret since it is quite apparent you've never been yourself- guess what? No professor's try to "indoctrinize" me to be a leftest, or a commie, or whatever you think that they do.
Oh no, see, what we do there is we take these things called "classes". We take those to increase our "intelligence". We take these so called "classes" in areas we are interested in! In doing so, we often learn new things about subjects that interest us. Myself, criminal justice, history, and creative writing. It's great. I hear a lot of sentiment like yours in the redneck hick town I live in, how "college makes you liberal!" Or that it "brainwashes you".
Actually, the guy that said that was named Cole. As if Cole wasn't getting brainwashed by constantly watching Fox News and the other major corporate media channels! Guess what he decided to do? Yep, joined the army.
To me, its obvious Crook has NEVER seen the inside of a classroom. He's a little punk ass poser kid, who probably got picked on his entire life and has never touched a girl. It's incredible Fox would be desperate enough to even bring him on and give him his fifteen minutes. Guess they're running out of ways to spin their pro-Bush and pro-Iraq war dribble!
The first guy that talked to Crook was an idiot! Hannity was it? The second guy was fair. Personally attacking a guest that you bring on? Yeah, wow, classy. This guy and O'Reily and all their ilk, I don't even see why they BRING guests on if all they're going to do is shout at them, tell them their wrong, and talk over them. It's these guys who look at our President, and believe every word that comes out of his mouth. You know how you can tell when a politician is lying? He's SPEAKING.
The point of journalism and media used to be to question our authority figures. Remember investigative journalism? I do, but its getting foggy...if watergate happened today, I doubt anybody would find out! The "news" and reporters' only obligation in today's world is to their corporate share holders and sponsers, so they report what the government tells them to report, and air stories that are mostly designed to scare and shock and entertain.
Anyway, bottom line for me: Crook is an idiot. The first meat head who "interviewed" him is also an idiot. Fox News are idiots for giving this guy a second of air time, and should just prove what I've been saying for years- that they are not a legitment source of facts. If that crook guy had half a brain he'd have supported his views or had some sort of real thought behind them. I don't know if he's a democrat or not, but, as an Independent I will speak for the rest of my ilk- we don't claim him!
It is idiotic to generalize about "leftists" as anything, or associate this airhead with any sort of political persuasion. He's a sick boy. You know what? I'm not a leftist, here I am, IN COLLEGE and posting on TFL because I love guns and shooting and would fight for my right to enjoy both. No, I don't support our president or his administration...or the "war" in Iraq. But not because anyone told me not to, its because I've done research on my own. COLLEGE, I took a three hundred level International Relations class. My teacher, actually, was a die hard Bush supporter. We had some great debates. I've formed an educated opinion which I can support with FACTS, not gross generalizations and biases.
My friend, who I very much love is in Iraq. And I worry about her everyday. And if I could for a moment justify her being there as worth it and all of the worry than I would. It isn't. And she, like many, don't fully believe in what they are doing but they have a job to do and they'll see it through. This, I support.