Fox News Channel; HBO, The Cheshire Murders...

Mindset, motivation....

My point is that Dr Petit gave me the impression(as limited to his remarks/statements in the film) that he wasn't in the frame of mind to be armed or to own-carry guns.
I don't know him & it's not really fair or prudent to assume what Dr Petit would(or would not) do with any weapons in the attack but the entire incident goes to show that no one should be lax or compliant in today's world.
With a somewhat similar origin, the film "Law Abding Citizen" starts with a home invasion. 2 bad guys, family tied up, beaten, raped, murderd wife & child, husband left for dead, but survives, barely.

Unfortunately, the guy who's family they murder turns out to be one of those super competent guys who used to do nasty things in other places for an un-named govt agency....(which is a big plot hole, how they bad guys get the drop on him to start with...)

Anyway, he recovers and go on to get very brutal revenge on the killers. While wrong, we kind of root for him, until his revenge expands to include everyone else in the case, lawyers, judges, etc.

Something to do, if you have a couple hrs with nothing to do...
Petit was a medical doctor, a healer, he wasn't prepared to fend off a home invasion.

I know what you mean certainly.

But -

Most of the Docs I know are gun enthusiasts you wouldnt want to test.
The assailants were morons, not ninjas. A dog or an alarm might have prevented the whole thing. They got into his home, and his bedroom without waking anyone. At that point even a gun may not have helped.