Fox is reporting another shooting.

my point about car "killings" is just that... a major point... reckless behavior and injury to others with one metal object and another metal object should be treated the same... people call automobile tragedies "accidents"..... while gun tragedies are viewed as "premeditated evil murder with a dangerous weapon designed to kill" i have driven well over a million miles so far and i see people take extreme risks with their own lives and other peoples lives just by operating a basic mechanical device that is "accepted" by our society... we know how to operate a car safely yet it is still used in an unsafe manner every day by people who let their emotions take over and they think they can act out whatever they want as long as they are in their "metal eggshell"...
the end result is still the same..."more deaths"
i'm not talking apples and oranges here... i' talking about human beings.......

We've had three more this week, two involved attacks on responding police. The point is---WHY ARE THEY ALL NOW MAKING THE NEWS?????

:mad: -7- :mad:
Why are they all making the news?

Because they are all news. And We notice them more because they are "Front Page" or whetever the term is for TV and Internet.

The Economy is important, The Pres. is important, etc. But the shootings are new NEWS, not ongoing news.

"If it bleeds, it leads"....

Sure, we lose thousands every month to car accidents, inspite of all the improvements in safety. People are concerned, but bottom line is that they are considered accidents, not deliberate acts.

Besides, it is April, the traditional month for the crazies to come out of the woodwork.
my point about car "killings" is just that... a major point... reckless behavior and injury to others with one metal object and another metal object should be treated the same...

As I explained that it is a view that gun folks sometimes put forward. The gun is a tool. However, if you don't understand the role of functional intention of the metal object - you ain't gonna be able to convince someone who is on the fence on the gun issue. Nor will a lack of punctuation aid the cause. :D

Choir arguments don't sing outside the choir and we have to understand why.
it may seem like my comments are trying to mislead or get of topic, but that is not my intention and i do respect everyones input...from what i have read, some of the first cannons/hand guns were mentioned around 1300 sure there were plenty of technological devices developed before that, for example,blow darts have been around for "quite a while":)...
from my point of view, all of these were invented for survival purposes...if it is hunting with a gun so you can feed your family, great...if it is a gun for self defense, great...if it is knife to cut bread, great...if it is a car to get you there, great..if it is a plane to fly you to Cancun, great...if one certain technology gets in the hands of the ones who want to misuse it, then you will see it propagated by FOX and or the rest of them, maybe, unless driven by bias...

a "firearm is designed for one purpose, to kill" huh?what?...i have many firearms and the last thing i think about is "killing"...if thats all you see then you have blinders on...

if we lose the right to bear arms in this country, then all the rest of the so called freedoms/rights will be lost soon there after, welcome to the Socialist Republic of America...

as a culture we have to start thinking how we can start changing peoples attitudes for the "common good" and personally applying ourselves to start helping others all we can, no more hiding behind our suits and ties, skirts, or otherwise... rather than trying to force people to change( because trying to force them wont work, remember prohibition, anybody have kids? )...

the constitution is there for a reason, uphold it, dont mess with it, and i will continue to have words with any who feel other wise...
