Fox Hunting.

Best thing is find the den, I gots a good den clearing device works great on foxes badgers and any other hole dwelling varmint. Then sell em to the navhda and DKV guys as they use em to train their dogs with.
The only issue I would have with calling foxes in AK would be the potential of calling in something a little bigger wanting an easy meal. I think a wolf, wolverine, or bear ( of either variety) would definitely cause some skidmarks inside your drawers.

That's pretty much a risk anytime I go hiking off the common areas. .44 mag on the hip and bear spray with easy access on my pack is what I feel comfortable with. I am just hoping I am awake enough Sunday to go out for rabbit again. 2 weeks of work and school without a day off its tempting to sleep all day Sunday haha.
In my young days, before I was married, I used to hunt foxes all the time. You could find them at the local watering holes and the best time was early to late evening. Wee hours of the morning the selection quality and quantity seemed to degrade. :D