Four-Legged Threats

aarondhgraham said:
I am a human,,,
It is not.

What does that have to do with anything? An animal is an animal. A life is a life. All you are pointing out is that as a human, you feel weaker than the dog and require mechanical force to overcome it.

Rabid animals aside, an animal posing a threat is likely acting under instinct or fear. The same fear and instinct that instructs humans to be defensive. I have never needed to use a knife to cut a dog off of me, and that's all I carry. I have no reason to shoot or spray an animal at a distance. A perceived threat, is not an actual threat.
I also am a animal lover, but I'n the event that my own dog or anyone elses try to jump on me or threaten me or anyone else. I will drop it like a sack of potatoes That's good for those who like to pepper spray to stop the threat but i wonder who will be the next not so lucky person to be bit or who know what than if the aggressive animal would have been taken care of earlier. Just like home invasions, for those who give warning shots or whatever just to deter and the BG leaves there only to do the same (rape,murder,assault,robbery) to someone else. To me it just don't make sense.
Pepper spray for Pits

When I was a younger man I had a Pit Bull. When he was about 18 months old a Doberman attacked him. I tried to separate them and got bit for my troubles. After about 5 minutes the Doby had enough but my dog wasn't about to let him get off so easily and continued to attack. A neighbor spayed my dog with Mace. (Before pepper spray) It slowed my dog down enough for me to get hold of him but I doubt anyone else could have stopped him. IMHO Pepper spray would work on most dogs but I'd want some deadly force back up just in case. A few years back my wife and I were walking and a Rottweiler came into the street and was pushing against me and displaying aggressive behavior. At the time I had no weapon other than a Swiss Army pocket knife. The owner of the dog was watching and seemed to think it was funny. I was able to talk sternly to the dog and get him to back down without using force. Now I always have a sharp folding knife with a +3" blade. sometimes I also have a gun.
My pit "Brutus" was one of my best dogs and I've had dogs for almost all of my 51 years. Due to the bred in aggressiveness I won't have another one though. They just love a challenge. Fighting is fun for them. I tried to keep my dog from fighting but it's not easy to over ride generations of breeding. My dog was never aggressive to a person who wasn't trouble. I'd hate to have a Pit Bull after me. They are very powerful dogs.
There is no room in this world for mean dogs. It's amazing the number of people out there that will go out of there way to make excuses for mean dogs and not shoot them but then will talk about taking the life of a mugger with a grin on there face. If you think it would be easier to kill a person than an animal you need help. Frankly, if you are legally carrying on PUBLIC ground and get attacked, cornered, growled at etc by a dog not only can you shoot it, you dang well better. You put me in possession of a gun and pepper spray with a mean dog in front of me and I'm grabbing the gun.


I agree with this and some other good posters 100%. I am basing my opinion on the fact that I can tell the difference and I know when its justified. Let's be honest, one can get away with it w/regards to a dog when it isn't justified. I am talking about when I can tell the dog is mean and it is justified though. I wouldn't harm a mean dog unless I had to unless it was very, very prudent to do so(other people's safety).

MLeake, you make some good points but again, I am going under the premise where it is obvious the dog is a problem and there really is no grey area. Some people don't realize how easy of a scenario(and dangerous it can be//not referring to you MLeake). I am guessing usually geographical locations play a big part in this many times as well.

Lastly on the understanding bit, I have no qualms using my firearm in said situations. I think some people are generally real hesitant to use the firearm even when it puts themself in a greater, more precarious predicament. Again, I think geographical locations and also age can be major factors in this sometimes. Maybe fear and inexperience too...I am willing to bet I could snap a dog's neck if my life depended on it. A knife would be necessary for much more imminently critical situations, but the CCW is the way to go. I don't carry pepper spray, and I just don't plan on doing this to be animal friendly.
just caught up

I would like to mention my last posting was written after finishing post57 and before reading the rest.

Rabid animals aside, an animal posing a threat is likely acting under instinct or fear. The same fear and instinct that instructs humans to be defensive. I have never needed to use a knife to cut a dog off of me, and that's all I carry. I have no reason to shoot or spray an animal at a distance. A perceived threat, is not an actual threat.

blackfeather, he goes out of his way using the pepperspray & I give Aarond credit for that but besides that:

not all dogs are acting on fear. instinct yes as you said but they just get turned on like a lightswitch sometimes(often with buddies, "spouses":D, whatever).

I wouldn't shoot from growling...a growling dog especially alone is me just thinking out the scenario. my biggest worry are the ones that charge and make a beeline. They already have their mind made up. Some people train their dogs pretty viciously(and that word has a grey area of very vicious and very low-key vicious). Sorry for the wordplay. I know nice co-workers who claim that pitbulls need to be trained Very Strictly, so maybe all the pitbull lovers and defenders can admit this. My experience as these pitbulls and bulldogs many times(not always) have little or no training or very strict training. These dogs kill more people every yr than a lot of other things.

disclaimer: always loved dogs, never had issues worth significance, and I have never been afraid of dogs
Animals are animals. That's it. I'n any event animal or human I'm looking out for my own safety and others. Alot of these dog attacks wouldn't happen if people would just keep their dogs I'n their own yards but I'd even shoot someones dog I'n their own yard to prevent them from doing harm to myself. We do have a right to defend ourselves
Tailgator is indeed right, I have dealt with peoples dogs that did not like people at all, but never bothered me. My ex had a wolf that she picked specifically for his aggression. When she first introduced us I looked him straight in the eyes from a standing position, then sat on the couch.

I visited the "wolf people" in idaho between bonners ferry idaho and very north washington state border last summer while on vacation(easily closer to bonners ferry). She had wolves. She claimed that no matter how loving they are, they will lLways have the Wild instinct and wild in them and can't be trusted like other dogs(at the very least like a dog for the family cuz many people want them for family dogs). Bare in mind, these dogs were this woman's and her son's livelihood, life, and family. She mentioned this with the other supposedly "domesticated" dogs too: akita(I might be wrong with breed but basically the domesticated animals that are sort of like wolves). She actully told me to keep my son away from the cage. She said it would be bad news sooner or later if she got out. Some dogs do not see humans in a higher, untouchable light. It is a fact and people die every yr because of this. That is also a fact.
I just dont see the problem where I live, stray dogs are put down by the land owner sees em chasing any livestock. The main issue is people driving out from the city and dumping their pets as if they will revert back to nature and thrive. After a few months on the run, they learn to dig in garbage cans for food, chase anything that runs away and looks like heck.

I just dont worry about a dog attaking me at any time.

Now them cougars, cayotes and skunks are another thing...dogs got sprayed last week by a skunk...
Hello BlackFeather,,,

Originally Posted by aarondhgraham
I am a human,,,
It is not.

What does that have to do with anything? An animal is an animal. A life is a life. All you are pointing out is that as a human, you feel weaker than the dog and require mechanical force to overcome it.

No, you could not be more wrong,,,
That's not what I am pointing out at all.

I am pointing out that I am a human being,,,
My life/safety takes priority over the life/safety of any dog.

If the last Bengal Tiger in the world escaped it's habitat and threatened me or mine,,,
Bengal tigers would be extinct on that day if I had the means to do it.

In that same vein but on the opposite side of the situation,,,
If I caught someone in the act of trying to harm my cat,,,
I would have no qualms peppering him to submission.

In fact I might sit on him and make him drink the entire contents of the spray can
But I don't think I would end a human life for my cat no matter how fond of him I am.

Take a knee-cap?,,,
End his life?,,,

Humans take priority over animals,,,
That's my entire point.

" Quote:
Originally Posted by aarondhgraham
Humans take priority over animals,,,
That's my entire point.

How so?
"Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men." - Miyamoto Musashi

[Insert random irrelevant religious quote here] "

OK I'll insert a not so random but relevant religious quote.

" . . And man shall have dominion over the animals of the earth. . " ( Or something like that )

It can also be argued that animals do not have a soul where as humans do.

A threat is a threat no matter where it comes from. I do not condone random killing of animals for no purpose, however if it comes down to them or me, I pick me.

I wonder how many of the don't shoot fido crowd have been attacked by a animal intent on killing them. If they have not, are they willing to get attacked by a aggressive animal to prove their point? The animal does not have to be a dog, pick one that can kill you. ( attacked as in blood drawn and no way to stop the attack other than killing the animal )

Reality , the best defense against liberalism. . .
Originally Posted by aarondhgraham
Humans take priority over animals,,,
That's my entire point.

BlackFeather then asked, "How so?"

Very simple logic, . . . I am a human, . . . top adversary in the "survival of the fittest" routine.

If a dog, cat, possum, bear, mountain lion, or the last stinkin skunk on planet Earth decides to take on this old codger, . . . it just may be the last bad mistake it makes, . . . period.

I am not going to be a spray target or chew toy for any animal, . . . and that is my personal decision I have made.

I understand there are other points of view, . . . rationalities, . . . opinions, . . . this one is mine, . . . and if the animal doesn't like it, . . . then that is just too bad, . . . he shoulda been bigger, badder, quicker, or something.

I don't go out into the woods just to shoot anything that moves, . . . but I have my "dominion and domicile" and I protect it just as jealously as do the furry critters protect theirs. Trouble for them is, . . . I also carry a 1911 as well as teeth and nails.

May God bless,
I am an experience former cable disconnector. I have had to deal with tons of viscious dogs. The worst ones were always at least in a pair, if not 3 or 4 dogs. I used pepper spray. Saber works very well. (Not easy to explain to the cops why you were in some one elses back yard, and shot thier dogs.)

Pepper spray works well, I cary postal dog spray, as well as sidearm when I walk my dog. It is one of those deals of better to have and not need. If I can make a dog leave us alone with the spray I am very happy. Less problems to deal with later.
What does that have to do with anything? An animal is an animal. A life is a life. All you are pointing out is that as a human, you feel weaker than the dog and require mechanical force to overcome it.

Rabid animals aside, an animal posing a threat is likely acting under instinct or fear. The same fear and instinct that instructs humans to be defensive. I have never needed to use a knife to cut a dog off of me, and that's all I carry. I have no reason to shoot or spray an animal at a distance. A perceived threat, is not an actual threat.

Biggest bunch of drivel I've ever seen posted on this site and the exact type of person I was refering to in my post. I thank you for standing up as a great example. Also a great example as to why I'm all for giving the CA. back to Mexico.

"Also a great example as to why I'm all for giving the CA. back to Mexico."

That's the best idea I've heard in years! Can we send the Muslims there too?
Religion aside, a life is a life.

Animals attack out of defense more often than they do to kill, this is instinct. This is a fact. An animal actively seeking out and hunting you, is putting itself in harms way out of instinct, to survive.

I am not a Liberal, I am simply making a point that it seems like no one understands.

When dealing with animals, you are dealing with a very primal and basic thought process. The need for lethal force should not be reached any faster than when dealing with a human. If someone is standing there, threatening you, you shouldn't be shooting them. The moment they swing at you, you shouldn't be shooting them. It's ridiculous to think that every animal attack is going to result in life or death.

Trigger happy people, over those who make decisions to be defensive will always give us a bad name. There are levels of force to be noted. If you are that afraid of an animal, you can always say you were afraid for your life, I suppose...
" When dealing with animals, you are dealing with a very primal and basic thought process. The need for lethal force should not be reached any faster than when dealing with a human. If someone is standing there, threatening you, you shouldn't be shooting them. The moment they swing at you, you shouldn't be shooting them. It's ridiculous to think that every animal attack is going to result in life or death. "

I'm sure the vet people can let us know all about the effects of a dog bite on humans. ( Even if the dog isn't rabid )

Oh I get what you are trying to say, we should not be shooting a dog because it is growling inside a fence, however if it has selected a human out in the open, something bad is about to happen.

By your screen name I'm guessing you follow some native American code of nature. If so, that code would have worked in the past where animals were truly wild and for the most part feared humans. This fear of humans kept interaction to a minimum.

Now a dog can be domesticated enough not to fear humans but still retain their instinct to attack, suddenly the rules have changed.

If a human was waving a gun we would consider this a threat, a dog baring teeth is no different as both signal intent that a attack is likely if not imminent.

Humans have at least some sense of right from wrong and the knowledge that if they attack someone they might go to jail, a animal has no such inhibitions making the line between a animal baring teeth and attacking much smaller. As a result, the human response to animal aggression threshold needs to be much lower. Factor in the speed that a animal can move and power to weight ratio an animal has, they have a advantage over a human further lowering the threshold.