FOUP is the Firearm Owners Unification Project. We wanted to run an ad in USA Today, but it's not going to happen, due to lack of interest.

The wording of the ad came from a post made by Rob, one of the Administrators. Someone had the idea that it would be a great statement to the public, especially apathetic gun owners, about how we feel about the current situation in this country, and it went on from there.

Here's a link: FOUP

The search for this site is malfunctioning right now. There's a repair in the works.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited August 13, 1999).]

I have some found money again. I'll sponsor a TFL member that wants to support FOUP but can't afford it. Post a reply to this topic to claim the sponsorship, then send me an email with your postal address. I'll send you the funds; you fill out the pledge form and mail it. "(Y)our sacred honor."

"What we obtain too cheap we esteem too little; it is dearness only that gives everything its value." - Paine

[This message has been edited by Slowpoke_Rodrigo (edited August 13, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Slowpoke_Rodrigo (edited August 13, 1999).]
Thanks for the help, but the decision is already made. The web page has been changed to announce the return of checks and the forms and mailing address are no longer available.
Awright Rich,
I guess we'll just have to give up on it. I hate it, but no point in flogging a dead horse.
I would like to know how many sponsers it did get. Over the past months many people have asked this question, but there has never been an answer. So come on, what was the number? Is it really that bad?
I'll just keep putting it back on top till I get some answers :)
How much money are we talking? Who was doing the fund raising if any?
Email details if you wish to
Ladydee3, your persistence is appreciated.

Cost was to be $60K. The fundraising was being done via the web site, and personal appeals in the community by some of our active TFL members.

We'll have other opportunities to express our concerns. And, hopefully more folks will begin to get tired of being treated as a slave, as opposed to being treated as a citizen.

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited August 14, 1999).]
I guess I'm confused...$60,000 to run an ad in USA Today?
And yes, I'm persistent, it's my job as a fundraiser to be persistent.
Before you give up on your ideas, I would really like to hear the details. Perhaps an E-mail?
There are 43 people on that list, if that answers some of the questions from above. You would be surprised what 43 people can do.

I deal with different people than those found on TFL. My fund raising efforts are projected towards assisting terminally ill children with genetic disorders. Of the 800 members who belong to our organization, take a guess on how many of them raise funds? One hundred at the most are active and that is a high estimation. Our corporation consists of parents, such as myself, with children who are going to die and a handful of medical staff. Scientist need money to find a cure for this disorder. The Scientist are very close to finding a cure for this disorder, but do parents contribute? Sadly, no they do not.

Why not? That is a question I've asked myself for many years. A few TFL members would like to see $60,000 raised for their cause. I would like to give my opinion, and that's what it is …an opinion…

In dealing with "people" as long as I have, I can tell you that it is not an easy project getting money from anyone, even when it is something they strongly believe in. I don't care what the cause is for, they will leave it to someone else to do the campaigning. What I have learned is to take the small amount of people I do have and build from that.

So Rob is unable to proceed with this project. My first question would be who is willing to take over? My next question would be what is a $60,000 ad in USA Today really going to do? After the paper is tossed in the trash and sent to the recycling bin, what have we accomplished? Perhaps this is an issue that TFL members are asking themselves and perhaps why they have not donated. Also the fact $50 can buy lots of groceries for some families.

I have learned from experience, you will have 10-15% of your membership who will actually help in a project. You can either let that stop you, or build on what you have. I honestly think that TFL should start a foundation of some sort. Running an ad in a paper is beside the point. The funds are not there to do that anyway, but I think returning donations is not the answer. I surely cannot speak for the 43 people who donated. Perhaps they will be willing to share their views.

I think each person should be contacted on whether or not they would like their money to be put in an account for future TFL ideas. An organization or a project does not form over night, nor does it run ITSELF. Perhaps Rich and the other TFL administrators do not wish to form an organization? If not, then so be it. I personally would like to see the intelligent men and women I've come to know on TFL start and maintain an organization.
I've witnessed with my own life what a small group of people can do.

Any feedback would be appreciated. My E-mail is listed above if you do not wish to post.
P.S. Just checked membership, five people have joined since yesterday. That's five people who did not know about FOUP.

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited August 14, 1999).]
The glitch in your program is time. You are referencing the need for, basically, a full time volunteer. If we have one (or a group) willing to take on the task, I'm all for it. Unfortunately, for reasons that should become apparent in the next few weeks, I haven't the time, personally and I know Rob doesn't.

FOUP was not intended to be an "organization" was a one shot effort to raise consciousness and state our position.

For a project that strikes our fancy, TFL will contribute the site for organization and a sizable startup donation. We'll push in any reasonable way possible.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 14, 1999).]
That's a shame Rich. I think the administrators and members of TFL could do a superb job of whatever task was up before them, whether that be an organization or a project. Yes, time is an issue. I've seen people in our organization eat our issues for breakfast and fall asleep with papers piled around them at night. Most of these people have full time jobs on the side.
It surely is not easy winning a battle.
Best of luck to you,
The Administrators of TFL do a bit more than just work jobs. In addition to that they raise consciousness thru TFL, write letters, set up web pages (have you seen DC's yet?), dig out information, train others in safe and responsible firearms handling...stuff like that (all volunteer, including TFL).

Fundraising is valuable...consciousness raising also has certain merits.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood your input as an offer of help rather than as broad advice on fundraising. But you're a Member. As I said, we offer TFL site resources, a generous startup donation and whatever help we can. We only need a prime mover. Are you interested?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 14, 1999).]
Did I insinuate that you did not work? I'm terribly sorry if you took it that way. And yes, I've seen DC's web-site.
Would I be interested in taking over Rob's project? No, only because the issues on gun rights are too vague for me to be a proper advocate. Would I help someone to raise funds needed for an organization or project that I believed in? Most certainly.
You've insinuated nothing and I took no offense. We've been thru a great deal with FOUP and I didn't want you to think we'd given up on the fight. While we've directed our attention elsewhere, we're more than willing to get behind anyone on this project.

I think you hit it on the head that the price was too steep. Also was the fact that, other than in our personal circles, we lacked legitamacy. Rob has spent much of the past 8 or so years in fundraising, dealing directly with the shooting community, and he thought we could make a go of it.

Look on the bright side. The overwhelming sentiment of contributors is to use their refunds for other RKBA projects. So it looks like we raised around $3,000 for the overall "fight".