
New member
tried to revive an old thread, but my 'puter wouldn't let me into library (weird IT security where i work).

I sent my check in July 21, but hasn't been cashed yet. I know I may be impatient, but I'm wondering if anyone knows what's up.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
The checks have not been cashed. It appears that the effort is non-productive. Given Rob's preoccuption with a new career and relocation, we can't expect him to shoulder the burden any longer.

Jeff Thomas and I have decided to return all checks. Jeff's contributed a great deal of time to this effort (not to mention funds) and is to be commended....he'll be working on the returns. Expect to see an announcement within the next week ot two.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 10, 1999).]
I swore I wouldn't post on this subject again but I lied...only one last thing to say.

I sent my check a couple of weeks after Rob posted his inspired statement, before the final edit. I posted several times on other gun related sites to help generate interest. I distributed the printed forms to several gun clubs and shops. I couldn't believe the lack of commitment other gun owners had.

If we lose our rights the keep and bear it will be because we can't get enough gun owners to fight for them, even when it's as painless as a $50 check! The anti-gun crowd isn't winning, apathetic gun owners are giving them the victory!

It's a damned shame.

Question of priorities, I guess. I drowned my sorrows today by taking a Life Membership with GOA. Not the worst trade-off.

Take heart in your willingness to help. We'll get there or we won't. It'll be the will of the people.

Please cash my check and put it towards your GOA membership (or buy yourself & Jeff some ammo). I sent my $50, not because I expected spectacular results, but because I admired the effort. I sleep better at night knowing that there are folks out there are willing to do more than the usual whining and whimpering. I sincerely appreciate your efforts on our behalf (both here and with FOUP) and I will still be proud of my investment. Thank you. - John
that's just pitiful!! Like Mikey said, if we couldn't even muster enough people to run a simple ad in a newspaper, how in the hell are
we supposed to win the war that's being waged against our freedoms, not just guns, but all of them? what a pitiful bunch we are!!!

what me worry?
Thanks, but I'd prefer that each person use the checks in their own manner. This is not altruism but practicality:

First, I think GOA or other organizations would prefer to have 100 $50 contributors than 1 $5000 contributor.

Second, if you choose to send the money to the Second Amendment Foundation, it's tax deductible. The way the tax laws are written, we'd get a bigger overall deduction by spreading the contributions out..
Hello guys....

I am able to check in here, albeit briefly, and this thread will be one of two I post to.

Rich and Jeff and acting in accordance with my wishes on this. I was hoping for a lat minute push of interest, but it never came. The fact that I have been in the middle or relocating and "re-vocating" hasn't helped my personal efforts to drum up support.

Thanks to everyone who sent checks, whether it was day one or last week.

Thanks to Rich and Jeff who have been there 110% fromthe beginning and are now graciously moping up the mess while I am otherwise occupied.

I'll try to return everyone's check or money order over the next couple of weeks. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll have Rich tell me where to send what remaining cash we may have that cannot be returned - NRA, GOA, JPFO, SAF, etc.

If you sent contributions into FOUP and did not have an address on your check or money order, please contact Rich via email so he can forward that data to me.

I found the same apathy. For some people, the statement was still too strong. As events progress, I suspect some of them will eventually conclude it was not strong enough. This battle did not work out as hoped. Let's focus on our other battles now.

Regards from AZ.
The problem I keep running into was the price. Yeah, I know we went through all that, but fifty bucks is fifty bucks. Many of the people I talked to about FOUP said it was a great idea, but they just couldn't afford it. Times are tough all over.

Still, I'm totally bummed out about Foup failing. :(
Man......people suck. If people here won't get off their butts then no one will.

I would like to use my $50 to buy a couple friends memberships into the NRA. The GOA will come next.
NOW LOOK HERE, DAMMIT! Foup needs 1200 sponsors to work. TFL has right at 2000 members. Surely we can get enough people just off this board to pull this off. I read almost everyday posts gripeing and whineing about the loss of our rights. Well, here's a chance do do something about it. Get off your dead asses NOW! We CAN still do this! We NEED to do this.
Are you an individual or just another sheep?
Of the 2000 or so registered members, how many actually still visit this board? I know there are plenty that used to post often, but I haven't heard from them in awhile. Plus the folks that popped in for a few posts and then went on their way.

Rich or Jeff, can you post the total number of people who have contributed to FOUP? I know some gave, but withheld their names, and some didn't give the full $50, but how many people did something?

Okay, I'll Bite!

What's a FOUP? Sounds like you were taking donations for something... AD in the paper? 1200 x $50? Why is it that I run on and GlockTalk and never heard of this?

Should we band together? Or did you already try that?

I'll see if it is buried out on the General Forum or somewhere else...

Okay, found it. I have seen this before. Been a while... That's probably why it's died on the vine.

Maybe you aught to keep on trucking with it, and make it your banner page? I wonder if and GlockTalk and some of the others would join in... But I also imagine that option was not overlooked...


[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited August 13, 1999).]