Found An Obsolete Cold War Era Designed Commie Today Or CZSP01 Range Report

cslinger said:
I think the P226 came in around 79??? Don't quote me but that predates the G17 by a couple years I believe.

You're right about the Glock entering service later than the late '70s, it was '82. But the 226 didn't go into production in '84 according to Wikipedia (my most often accessed source... that may be wrong.)

The CZ-75 entered production in 76.

I think Glock changed the nature of the handgun market in the West, and had the CZ been available it might've had a similar effect and would have gained a much greater following. Had the Soviet Union collapsed a few years earlier, things might've gone in a different direction. It really wasn't until IPSC gained a following in Europe that the CZ-pattern guns (including Tanfoglio loose copies) became very popular.

I think the new P-09 and P-07, and well as the P-10c are the wave of the future for CZ; they'll keep the others around, but polymer and "striker" are the new direction. I'd love to be able to try a P10c.

If you were closer, I'd let you try my Sphinx SDP -- which is very impressive -- a CZ-pattern gun done a little better. (Except for a heavy trigger out of the box, easily fixed with a lighter CZ Compact hammer spring from Wolff, the gun is about as good as you'll find for anything close to the same money. The CZ Custom Shop offers tuned guns that compete, but they actually cost more! And Cajun Gun Works offer tuning and parts kits might be a cheaper path to similar functionality.)
I have shot one of the old sphinx's when they were damn near custom guns and they were quite impressive to say the least. To call them an expensive CZ75 was so far from reality it was crazy.
cslinger said:
I have shot one of the old sphinx's when they were damn near custom guns and they were quite impressive to say the least. To call them an expensive CZ75 was so far from reality it was crazy.

I liken them to CZs on steroids. :)

The new Sphinx SDP is very nicely fit and finished, but done with much less "hand work" than was the case with the older Sphinx guns. The new SDP was redesigned so that it could be made with more focus on CNC manufacturing and sold competitively with the higher priced SIGs and H&K guns.

I had two of the 2000 series Sphinxs and they looked great and shot better. They're still offering the 3000 series which is a true top-line IPSC capable gun. (And like the SDP, the 3000 series guns have steel slides, but have a modular frame design, which allows them to use steel, alloy, and polymer in different parts of the frame.

There's a whole 'nother level of CZ guns avaialble, and while they're pricier, they're also very, very nicely done -- and all about competition. You may have to download the 2017 catalog from the CZ-USA website to see them, as they website doesn't seem to be fully functional, yet. Here's two worth attention. I can't afford them. I think they could be considered semi-custom guns, at least -- and the Czechmate may be a true custom in terms of attention paid to the work done, etc.

The Tactical Sport Orange:

The Czechmate:
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If they didnt have all these anti gun laws / ammo laws in CA

I would have bought one , I always wanted one of these myself

but since the ammo is going to be a problem, I wont buy any new guns.
Thought I would post a followup report.

A year and a half later still two and half pounds of AWESOME!!

About a year and a half ago I was in a crappy mood and needed to go to my safe space. Twenty minutes later I was walking out of the gun store with a CZ-75 SP01 that I had bought on impulse. You didn't see many of these locally and the price was right and............and.....don't judge me its my safe space dammit!! :D

Anyway I gave my initial thoughts back then and thought I would check back in.

Now as always I must preface by saying I am none of the following....
-SWAT team member
-Secret Squirrel
-OGA Assassin
-Meat eating, tango popping, beard having special operations fast roper.
-Scout leader

Nor did I spend the night in a Holiday Inn Express shoot house last night. I am a high drag, low speed hobbyist who knows a little about a lot and a lot about a little. My moral code has a pesky provision about never wanting to harm anything that had a mom so I don't tend to look at my firearms primarily as WEAPONS.

So with that out of the way....

I am happy to report the SP01 is still all kinds of AWESOME. It's like wielding Perun's Hammer, so to speak. ;D.

I have run all kinds of ammo through it with not one issue. Hollowpoints, +P, 115 grain target grade stuff and it never misses a beat. I will say I have not run any steel cased as I tend to avoid that stuff in general unless its going in something Russian, designed for peasants.

Shooting the SP01 is sublime. Its almost cheating frankly. The weight, the ergonomics of the grip, decent trigger, low bore axis all come together to make the most inept look fairly passable. I should know because I am inept and I can do this without any real thought.


So long story, still long I have found the CZ-75 SP01 to be a pretty amazing pistol. If you find yourself in need a of pistol to repel boarders, that holds damn near a box of ammo and shoots like a .22 magnum you could do a helluva lot worse. If you have a need for a gun that makes you feel like a superstar at the range....I think you could do a whole lot worse.

A whole generation of shooters have grown up with tactical tupperware. Lightweight plastic guns spooged out into all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors. These guns are all fantastic and I have nothing against pragmatic plastic but if you have never picked up and shot a full size all steel pistol, do yourself a favor and skip the next Glock model that gets easy baked out and make your next purchase something that is quickly falling into the lost reaches of time, I think you will be happy you did.

Hell I liked it so much........



Take care and shoot safe,
That "obsolete" Cold War gun in next on my Must Have List! :D

I disagree with the OP's ratings on Value and Ergo, however. I think it deserves an easy 5 for both. I can't think of a gun that feels more "right" in my hands, and for less than $550 new if you look around? Get outta here!

And if you want a killer carry gun, the P-01 version is available. I think of the SP-01 as one of the ultimate duty/zombie/home defense wunder nines. I'll take the decocker model, in black of course, thank you very much.
PCR owner here and echo the above. This gun 'wears' me as much as I 'wear' it. Grips and aim just fits me. Again, feels like cheating!

I never bought into the SP-01 just because I'm not buying into a rail for EDC. A comfortable conceal holster that accommodates a rail light is nearly impossible, and I'm just not tacti-cool enough to make that happen (not bashing any ones decisions here). However, if I found an SP-01 with a NATO mark, I'd snag it.
PCR owner here and echo the above. This gun 'wears' me as much as I 'wear' it. Grips and aim just fits me. Again, feels like cheating!

I never bought into the SP-01 just because I'm not buying into a rail for EDC. A comfortable conceal holster that accommodates a rail light is nearly impossible, and I'm just not tacti-cool enough to make that happen (not bashing any ones decisions here). However, if I found an SP-01 with a NATO mark, I'd snag it.
The holster for a P-01 is barely different than that for a PCR and I've noticed no difference in comfort personally.

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Sorry TunnelRay, I meant actually mounting a light on that rail and using that set up for EDC. Bedside gun, great. But I've not seen many concealed carry holsters accommodating weapon mounted lights on those rails. :)

Just too bulky for me. I can see the same holster fitting both guns, but if I'm not/can't utilize a weapon mounted light for my EDC, I'm prefer a standard dust cover, not a rail. Plus IMHO its just nicer looking.
Ah gotcha. There are a few more compact lights these days such as the Inforce APL-C, Olight Mini Valkyrie, Streamlight TLR-7, and Surefire XC1-b. These are small enough that I don't think they'd be problematic for carrying as they don't add much bulk to the pistol. I have some holsters in the way to test that out for myself.

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