Found a Gun in Front Yard


You found it, the officer checked the serial number, it hadn't been reported stolen... So did you get to keep it?
Most police agencies are not going to release a found gun to a 3rd party finder. The chance of it having been used in a crime of some sorts is where the problem lies. This could even be discovered years later, say from an unreported crime or a body not found till well after the fact. The odds of this are very low but the potential stakes of letting a murderer go are high.
As I recall my dad asked about the gun he found and was told that even though he found it in his own yard, there was no way he would get to keep it under any circumstances.
Most police agencies are not going to release a found gun to a 3rd party finder.

I dare say no police agencies. I am all about the 2A, but I wouldn't give up a gun to a finder for reasons MTT TL stated. And also liability of the finder. I would hate for it to be reported stolen at a later date, and then the guy is holding a gun that IS reported stolen at that point.

We may think that is ludicrous, but I literally had a guy report a pistol stolen 2 years after it happened. He kept it under his mattress, had his house broken into and forgot to check to see if it was taken. He went through a divorce with the wife and she told him to make sure and take the pistol because she didn't want it. He went to get it and it wasn't there. Took him a few days to figure out it was probably stolen in the break in. He had the box out in the attic of his shed, S/N affixed. I entered it stolen.
Regarding serial numbers, I keep an Excel spreadsheet with the make, model, caliber/gauge, purchase cost. year of purchase and serial number. I keep a copy on OneDrive (password protected), so in the event of fire or theft, I have the information for the police and insurance.
I keep a copy on my phone also. That way if I am travelling without my computer and tragedy strikes I can report it to the local agency.
First of all, it is probably a crappy gun, or at least one that I normally wouldn't even purchase.

Usually the case. One time I got called to a local No-Tell Motel about a firearm that was left over from the previous, umm renter. Well to my surprise it was a Wilson Combat 1911 Commander. The slide was all seized up and partially locked open. Didn't return as stolen though I imagine it was because 1. the motel it was located in was not the nicest/cleanest of places and known for drugs/prostitution 2. It's a $2k+ gun that clearly had not been taken care of 3. Anybody buy a gun like that would not have trashed it the way it was.

I asked if I could keep it since there were no reports or anything involving it and I figured it would be the only time I could afford a Wilson Combat 1911. Shockingly I was told no...

Also, not every firearm found is test fired and used to see if it was involved in any crimes. Most of the time if not claimed they are destroyed. And given the fact that the firearm was laying in some tall grass for who knows how long, the finger prints on there probably would have been no good anyway
I, too found a Glock in my yard last summer. I have a large yard and had passed by coming home and I first thought it was a hose nozzle left by the spouse after watering. Since we have grand kids, I also cleared it and called the PD. They came by, inspected the area, and took the gun. Since I am a CCW they have my fingerprints. The officer said they had been chasing some youths through the neighborhood the previous evening and had observed them tossing things from their car (but not the Glock). I asked about keeping it if there were no reports of a stolen weapon or if it had not been used in a crime, but he said there was no "finders-keepers" law in GA.
About 10 years ago...I was working on a field survey team, doing topographical location work over in East Baltimore City, Maryland, on the grounds of Bayview Hospital {where I was born 67 years ago); when I happened to look down at the bottom of a 6 foot deep curb storm drain inlet grate, I spotted a rusted-out Saturday Night Special (revolver}.

I called hospital security, and they brought out a car unit to the location. I helped them retrieve it with a rope attached to a large magnet, that I kept onboard the survey truck that I worked out of.

Some years ago...somebody found a rusted-out Civil War rifle, that was still leaning against a tree; on the grounds of where the Civil War "Battle of South Mountain" (Maryland) took place.
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1882 Winchester rifle found in Great Basin National Park

Great Basin National Park employees are trying to solve the mystery of an 132-year-old Winchester rifle found in the park.

The rifle was found and recovered by park archaeologists in November, according to the Great Basin National Park Facebook page. The firearm was found leaning against a tree in a remote rocky outcrop. Park officials believe the rifle hadn’t been located sooner because the weathered, cracked wood stock and brown rusted barrel blended into the juniper tree.
I never found a gun. I find cell phones, wallets, purses, checks and even a money clip with money. The money clip was returned to its owner too.
One morning...I found a scoped Anschutz 22 bolt target rifle, that was left to sit all alone, overnight on a rifle bench at the outdoor gun range that I belong too. The owner came by to pick it up that same morning.

About 12 years ago...a member at the same range, left his gun box on a pistol bench that contained his Thompson Contender pistol and 3 extra barrels. When he got back home a couple of hours later, and found that he had forgotten it, he drove back to the range on his motorcycle, and realized that it was gone and stolen.
Two times:
While running a shredder clearing a vacant lot I hit something that didn't sound like a rock. I saw the shredder (brush hog to some folks) had tossed something off about 10'. Stopped and found a Winchester 9422M that someone had sawed off the stock behind the lever and the barrel at the barrel band. It was rusted shut and completely rendered inoperable. Dad called the police and they came out and looked it over. Said it was too old and too rusty for them to mess with but they'd run some checks to see if any crimes had been committed and left it with us. Tossed it into a lake some 5-6 years later since we never heard back from them.
The second one was a Raven 25 auto. Mowing the lawn/driveway I saw a car stop and someone got out and climbed up into a live oak on our front fence-line. They climbed down and drove off. I told Dad and we went up and had a look. We found a small roll of $20's and the gun. Called the Sheriff's Dept and they sent a guy out. Seems some local druggies were using that as a drop-off.