Same thing that's been happening for many, many years.
Big Media ran an experiment a couple of decades ago. They decided to see just how much news they could get away with NOT reporting. See, they had a problem. This "Great Communicator" fellow had the White House, and he was kicking their agenda downfield at an alarming rate. What he said, the American people believed. (It helped that he was RIGHT, of course, but still, he really WAS a Great Communicator.)
So there was this little argument going on in some Central American country, and the liberals didn't like that we were supporting some folks that were trying to run some communists out of town. Oh, no! Can't run the COMMUNISTS out of town! They are the GOOD guys! Well, Congress decided they'd just UNFUND that little operation, and so the showdown at O.K. Corral got underway. Who's gonna win, the Gipper or the Congress?
Well, if the Gipper were allowed to tell the American people what was really going on, and what was at stake, well, they'd tell Congress to give the Gipper what he wanted.
Can't have that.
But how to stop him? He's the PRESIDENT, for crying out loud! If he decides to give an address to the American people, it's NEWS!!!! Presidential addresses have ALWAYS been news! But if he talks to them, we're sunk!
So, all three networks (this was pre-CNN, remember) all togther came to the conclusion... uh, independently of each other, of COURSE! ... that the topic really wasn't news at all, and they didn't need to cover the speech. It got mentioned on the 11 o'clock news, of COURSE! But there was no need to actually televise it.
Oh, yes, they interviewed themselves to see why they didn't cover it, and explained how it really wasn't all that important.
Then they held their breath to see if the American people would sit still for this outrageous action.
And we did.
So, if you are considering the topic of media bias, please don't get distracted by the red herrings. It's not about how Dan Rather or Peter Jennings or Katie Couric sneers when talking about conservatives. It's not about how they fawn over Democrats.
It's about all the stories that never get covered. It's about major issues that show up - if at all - as a quarter of a column on page 37, lower left corner.
Example - is it news if a half millon people conduct a political rally on The Mall? Sure it is. It was news when Farakkan got less than that out for his Million Man March. It was news when the Millon Moron March got way less than that.
It would be news if... pick a group... MADD, NAMBLA, the NEA, The Trial Lawers Association, VFW, PETA, The Boy Scouts...
WHOEVER! You get a half million people to demonstrate on The Washington Mall and that is legitimately news.
So how many of you know that pro-life rallies that big have been held on The Mall? I mean a FULL half million.
Why isn't that news?
No, I'm not bringing up That Topic. Just pointing out how the media picks their stories carefully.
So don't be surprised when something like this drops off the radar screen. Be surprised if it's mentioned at all.