Forged documents linked directly to Kerry Campaign.. Kerry should drop out.

What documents did the Swift Boat group forge again? Please fill me in.

And where's the major network news division acting as a shill for any forged Swiftboat documents?

Memogate represents the death throes of the networks as major news outlets, and the death throes of the ever more desperate and shrill Democratic party.
Not only is that fact that a Republican (who, by the way is not connected to the campaign other than being a friend of Rove - what a surprise, a rich republican happens to know Rove...there's a shocker) sent money to the Swift Vets totally uninteresting (who did you think would send them money? The Clintons? Oh wait...) and a non-starter, the attempts by the dem operatives to smokescreen these MAJOR LEAGUE issues with their candidate is beyond the pale.

Equating Kerry's disgusting and treasonous conduct surrounding the Vietnam war with Bush missing a physical or at the worst a couple guard meetings? Bush would have to have weaseled his way out of the guard and then started a major public campaign to criminally slander his fellow soldiers while they languished in torture camps and perjure himself in the process to even be in the same ballpark as Kerry. There would have to be hundreds of his fellow guardsmen enduring daily assaults by half the country in order to speak out against him. Where are they? Nowhere. Because Bush's service record is nothing like Kerry's. Have you even read the Swift Vets book? It ain't pretty. A little republican money in the till does not turn that story into roses.

Equating the fact that Republicans tend to be inclined to send cash to the Swift Vets with Kerry campaign operatives handling forged documents? Are you insane? Some of us can see through the smoke. Apparently the Demo brand kool-aid damages your eyesight.

- Gabe
BountyH, are you bounty hunter from the 1911forum? Same politics...just the way, where's your buddy Paladin? Haven't seen ya'll around in a while!
Kerry Should Not Drop Out

The Democrats have put forth their best far left aristocrat. (Bush is not immune to being called a Republican aristocrat..but he doesn't seem so condescending.) The Democratic party needs to work this liberal thing until the extreme left no longer controls the party.

My problem with Kerry:

1. He is doing to our troop today what he did to the troops in Vietnam. He is giving moral support to the enemy. His remarks foster hope that the U.S. will weaken and pull-out. His criticism of the interim PM of Iraq was horrible.

2. He takes all positions because he is actually on the far left and he knows that he can't win by appearing to be what he is. His record makes him a big government socialist/globalist. I also fault Bush for being a big government guy. Conservatives don't have a dog in this fight.

3. Some of his charges against Bush assume that he, Kerry, has the magic pill. Just what would that pill have been..for example.. when Bush was trying to bring Sadam within the UN resolutions? How could Kerry have done this when Saddam was paying off the French, Russians and possibly the Germans? Will he bring his magic to bear and negotiate with the folks that cut off heads? How will he deal with Iran? Will he get a nuclear agreement ala Clinton/N. Korea? Will the power of his personality bring Osama and the like to recant? Will they magically leave the tribal areas of Pakistan, so when we apprehend him, we won't destabilize Pakistan? Kerry's positions require that you ignore history and reality, but he relies upon voters that don't study history and rely upon sound bites.

4. Not even touching firearms issues and Kerry. I know that he packs when he windsurfs.. right..?
If the country is conservative.. where is the conservative secular party? - GaryH

"conservative secular" is perfect. I couldn't quite characterize the concept with the right terminology. I may be slow, because that's the first time I have seen that term. I have been struggling with the actual issue for months. Thank you.
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