Rich Lucibella wrote in part:
"Civil Forfeiture is thievery, with the thieves having to prove little more than suspicion to keep your goods. Further, it enriches the very people and departments charged with enforcing it....what we call, in behavioral circles, a "positive feedback system"....the more they do it, the more they benefit."
I'm impressed by your reference to "positive fedback system", where in you are more polite than I was, re my reference to THEFT UNDER COLOR OF LAW. I will stand by my characterization, less stylish than yours, however.
Later, you offered the following:
"Civil Forfeiture is one of the most egregious offenses against law abiding citizens of this nation that has ever existed in the name of "If we could prevent just one [fill in the blanks]". It's bad law and no matter how it's spun or how anecdotal the "big bust stories" are, it remains police seizure without due process as we know it."
Civil Forfeiture got so egregious, so outrageous that it became to much even for Henry, Grab The Money and Run, Hyde, congresscritter from the Chicago area, who a few years back actually offered and to some extent pushed legislation to curbe such operations.
Molon Labe:
Re your "self licking lollypop", that's even better than Rich's "positive feedback system", my compliments sir.