"forcing cone" - ? - questions...


New member
Please excuse my ignorance on this specific topic. I have been shooting shotguns for many years and as of late have seen several posts that suggest "lengthening the forcing cone" and "having the forcing cone done". What is this all about?

I am going to take a jump and assume this has to do with the internal contour of the barrel (??) with regards to effecting the pattern. Am I on base here? I have also seen reference to this effecting the recoil??

Can you guys educate me a bit and let me know what this modification entails? I currently have an 870 Marine Magnum with a "CYL" (cylinder) barrel.

I would like to narrow the pattern of the 870. Please comment. Thanks in advance.


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[This message has been edited by CMOS (edited November 24, 1999).]
The most energetic method of lengthening the forcing cone is exemplified in the Vang Comp modification by Hans Vang. Essentially the forcing cone is removed and instead there is a gradual taper from the chamber all the way to where the bore meets the "choke."

It is said to reduce perceived recoil because the compression of the shot charge is more gradual and the pressure spike that comes from rapid shot compression is reduced.

In many cases shot patterning is denser because the pellets are not deformed as much during the transition from chamber to bore.

For more info on the Vang Comp, see http://www.vangcomp.com/ .

Many people on the forum have the Vang Comp on their shotguns and are very pleased with it. I have it on my Mossberg 500 and won't buy anymore shotguns without it.
I shoot alot of trap and skeet, if you ask alot of guys that shoot this sport they REmove to forceing cone. It lessens recoil alot. they will also port ther barrels and add weight to there stock. shooting 500 or more shells at an ATA match will wear you down. Hope this helps.
Can someone give me an explanation as to what is the forcing cone?


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According to Vang Comp's ( www.vangcom.com ) website benelli factory barrels are over-bored and the forcing cone can't be lenghtened. They recommend a replacement barrel from GG&G to be vang comped.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
The benelli barrels are chrome lined and to thin and cannot be machined that is why a gg@g will supply a new barrel. The forcing cone is the area just infront of the chamber. And back boring it will leave more room for the pellets to exit without deforming.
The forcing cone is basically a funnel between the chamber and bore. By making the transition gradual, it keeps the pellets rounder and like someone said, the pressure spike is lower, so recoil abates slightly. Patterns are not tighter, but fuller, with less distorted pellets staying in the pattern.

Re backboring, this can drop recoil slightly also, but some smiths and owners have problems with reducing the amount of metal forming the bbl.

Lengthening the cone isn't complicated, Brownell's sells the tool,among others, and you're just reaming out a little from the funnel. But, knowing how much to take is the crux.

Haven't checked lately, but my guess is it'll cost around $50 per bbl.

I like the lengthened cone, but I must admit many shotguns live long happy lives w/o it....
That's where my confusion is - forcing cone work=tighter pattern??

As I said, my 870MM has a "cylinder" barrel and I'd sure like to get a tighter pattern.


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I went shooting today and did very very limited comparison of my vang 870 19" barrel agaist my buddies unmodified 870 20" barrel This was only one shot comparison, so take it how you will. I will do extensive compaison in the furture with my benelli when I get it back.

Winchester Low Recoil 9 pellet 00BUCK

Unmodified barrel 6 1/2" pattern @ approx 7 yards.

Vang backbored, had pattern of 3" at same range.

There is also a slight reduction in recoil and according to my brother a significant reduction in muzzle jump, nearly none, he did his own comparison and that is what he told me. Me and others where shooting our 1911's so he tested the muzzle not me, if your wondering where I was.

BTW I shot my 870 with ejector completely gone and it ejected ok, but with very little travel almost falling out of receiver, I know I cant trust this for defence purposes but was suprised how reliable it was in this condition.
You might want to check out this website:


check out the Technoid, he has discussed forcing cones and backboring in detail.

Lengthning the forcing cone is usually done to reduce recoil, since the forcing cone is just in front of the chamber I doubt that it will have very much impact on the shot pattern.

Geoff Ross
K80, From what I have observed backboring has had dramatic effect on buckshot patterns out to 50 yards on short barreled shotguns.

If you would like to see shot coverage go to vangcomp web sight and some purchasers have posted their results. Have seen article in gun rags about vang comp system keeping all the buck from tac loads on man sized target out to 50 yards. If you have short barreled shotgun that will do this unmodified consider yourself lucky.

My patter was cut in half (50%) after back boring because that is only thing I had done besides porting and I know porting barrel or sight work does nothing for pattern.
OK, but Backboring and Lengthening the forcing cones are two different things. Backboring means increasing the diameter of the bore of the entire barrel. This is often done on competition guns to reduce recoil, but I could see how it might affect the shot pattern. Lengthning the forcing cone means increasing the length of the taper just in front of the chamber. If you do both it will definitely change the pattern because you have altered the entire barrel. Doing just the forcing cones without touching the barrel will not affect the pattern because yuou still have the same choke and barrel diameter.

My $.02

Geoff Ross
K80 You are right I should have read your remarks more closely, I thought you meant backboring had no effect on pattern, sorry for misunderstanding.

BTW the link you posted is primarily concerned with long barreled trap and bird guns?
CMOS, the pattern may or may not be smaller with buck after a forcing cone job. What will happen is less distortion of the pellets, so the pattern will PROBABLY be tighter. With smaller shot,the pattern will be the same size more or less, but more pellets WILL be in the pattern. Sorry about the mixup.

One no choke 870 here keeps a 20-24" pattern at 25 yards with 2 3/4", 9 pellet loads MOST of the time.

If I were thee, I'd do it,and maybe, depending on budget, get that bbl set up for tubes. First, the cone,tho.
I am not a fan of back boring because it tends to hurt the acuracy of slugs. But I think the Vang-comp modification, minus the porting, is definitly something to consider.
Thanks for the info guys. I'll have to digest this for a while and decide what I want to do.

DaveMcC - "set up for tubes"??


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CMOS, choke tubes. I like the versatility.

'Nother 870 here, my bird gun, has the Colonial tubes and a forcing cone job. I can use the same bbl for woodcock with a Skeet choke,to an extra full that patterns the Remington Duplex 6X4s very,very well. Turkey time...

But, for your purposes, the forcing cone should come first.