For those who claim the NRA does not support Democrats.

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Glenn, I know us users don't get a vote here, but if we did I'd vote with Socrates on this one; there appears to be more than a superficial similarity between "Progressive" and Fascist goals and methods. No need to cut and past from Wikipedia; here is a link to their description of the Fascist Manifesto to use when you're making up your mind on this.
O well it was good whilst it lasted. Sorry meek, your analysis is off base and glens is on, guess this one will be gettin shut down shortly

WildihadsomanycoolpointsiwillneverhaveachancetoraisesobsobAlaska TM
Thanks MeekandMild.

I'm not calling 'liberals' anything, if they are truly liberal, the situation described does NOT apply to them.

I find the same blind dogma on the far right. A lack of any kind of willingness to discuss a position, regardless of it's questionability.

I find irrational belief in either party ludicrious at this point.
How anyone can find much difference in the actions on most issues is nearly impossible at this point.
I'm sorry - my call was the use of unnecessary invective. As I said, both parties have extremes that fit the description. Discussing whether some conservatives or liberals are more fascist - are not the way, I think we want this to go.

We've discussed that the new NY Senator may be a positive for the RKBA and that party lines can be crossed - so to all a good night.
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