For those who claim the NRA does not support Democrats.

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Well it looks like NY has a new senator. Patterson has by all accounts chosen Kristen Gillibrand to replace Clinton as the junior senator from NY.

Of course she is a Democrat, Paterson is not going to choose a Republican but she has supposedly a 100% rating from the NRA and is strongly opposed by the hag Carolyn McCarthy who vows to oppose her in the primaries.,0,5071719.story

McCarthy knocks Gillibrand as choice for Senate

January 23, 2009

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy said yesterday Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand's gun control views make her unacceptable for the U.S. Senate and threatened a primary challenge in 2010 if Gov. David A. Paterson selects the Hudson Democrat to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton.

McCarthy, who became a prominent gun-control advocate after her husband died and her son was injured in the 1993 massacre at the Long Island Rail Road's Merillon Avenue station that killed six people and injured 19 others, said she is "furious" about reports that Paterson today may select Gillibrand, who last year earned an "A" grade from the National Rifle Association.

"I've spent 15 years trying to prevent gun violence in this country, and if he does pick her and if no one goes and primaries her, I will primary her," McCarthy said. "I will do that. I'm not going to give up on this. I'm not going to let New York State get represented by someone who gets a 100 percent rating from the NRA."

Sen. Charles Schumer, who like McCarthy is a strong proponent of gun control, asked the Mineola Democrat to refrain from protesting Gillibrand's selection, McCarthy said.

"He said, 'Why don't you give her a chance?'" McCarthy said. "I said, 'I've talked to her on the floor, I'm sorry, I can't.'"

Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto confirmed McCarthy called Schumer yesterday. He "made it clear to the congresswoman that he didn't know if it was Gillibrand, but if it was, like any Democrat, we should give that person a chance," Vlasto said.

McCarthy said she will boycott today's Albany ceremony in which she said she expects Paterson to announce Gillibrand as the Senate pick.

"I will not show any support whatsoever," she said. "The majority of New Yorkers are trying to reduce gun violence. I just feel that everybody should know what her record is. If she changes, let's see it."

Gillibrand, whose office did not return phone calls yesterday, touts her gun acumen on her Web site and said she intends to support the Second Amendment.

"I learned at an early age how to safely handle a gun and I believe that every law-abiding citizen should always have the right to own arms," she says on her Web site.

Nassau Democratic chairman Jay Jacobs said he did not expect McCarthy to follow through on her threat of a primary challenge. "What she meant to say is that if Gillibrand is selected, that she would need to moderate her views on gun control," he said.

Told of Jacobs' assessment, McCarthy said she intends to support a challenge should Gillibrand be selected.

I must say I am pleased. Patterson, who I have thought little of for his entire time in office, has finally done something I can agree with. So those who claim the NRA never supports a Dem can look here.

The National Rifle Association has endorsed U.S. Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-Greenport, in the 20th Congressional District race.

Gillibrand received an "A" rating, which indicates a "solidly pro-gun candidate," according to the NRA Web site.

The rating is based on the congresswoman's voting history on gun-related legislation.

Republican congressional candidate Alexander "Sandy" Treadwell received an "AQ" rating, based on his responses to a questionnaire on gun-related issues, according the NRA Web site.

Both candidates received the highest rating possible, but Treadwell's rating was based solely on answers to a questionnaire because he did not have a voting history, the NRA Web site said.

Look at that, the NRA supported a Dem over a Republican... You would think that was impossible given some of the anti NRA rants of late.
A very nice 'surprise' by the governor of N Y. The very fact that an anti gun zealot like McCarthy is so infuriated by her selection is just as encouraging as is the NRA endorsement of her.
While I can't remember the last Democrat I voted for, I can say that this might be one, depending on her opponent. I'm happy that someone from NYC wasn't picked...funny thing - they keep saying in the news that she's from upstate..I guess anywhere outside of NYC is considered upstate to some folks since I'd hardly consider Columbia County upstate....:rolleyes:
The only potential issue with her background is that she was special counsel at HUD working for Cuomo in 2000. I wonder if she worked on the HUD deal with S&W.

Here I'll pull out the gooodies out of this exposition of arcane NY politics

"The knocks on Gillibrand involve her breaks from Democratic orthodoxy on gun control and tax cuts and the competitive nature of her House district, which might be lost to a Republican if she were to leave.

Instead of insisting on rigid ideological purity, though, Democrats should appreciate the value of Gillibrand's heresies. For all of its emotional weight, gun control is largely a symbolic issue. It will play little or no role in the current Congress. But by opposing it, Gillibrand makes herself infinitely more appealing to conservative-leaning independent voters upstate, who could be up for grabs in '10. That they'd be receptive to Gillibrand is highly significant. The same, roughly, goes for her stance on the Bush tax cuts (which Obama himself now seems intent on keeping). "

WildthatsapragmaticdemsviewAlaska TM
The key thing is (and I feel this thread is soon to be locked as running astray) that Gun Control is no longer a party/party or ideology/ideology issue.......

Like Bill Campbell of HSM in Montana told me at think that Max (Baucus) is ever going to vote for a gun control measure?

WildmypropheticwordsarecomingthroughAlaska TM
This topic is politics. I agree that critical to this piece news is the point that the appointee is an NRA backed politician. And that is what makes it news to us ... and good news too. But the point, the subject, is politics.

We knew when the old L&P forum was shutdown and the new L&CR forum came up that we were going away from general political discussions. This one has no where to go except politics.

That said, we will leave this open as long as it doesn't degenerate into an old style L&P mud slinging. This is an exception to existing TFL policy, decided on the basis of the value of the news item and it's relationship to our mission.

Expect this to be closely moderated.
Look at that, the NRA supported a Dem over a Republican... You would think that was impossible given some of the anti NRA rants of late.

I can see where you're coming from on people slamming the NRA. I also see both sides of the argument on the pros and cons of giving money to the NRA.

However, are you asserting the point that people hate/boycott the NRA mainly because they support some Democrats? I don't necessarily agree with that issue.

There have been plenty of gun supporting Democrats that the NRA has endorsed for the past several years, not just lately.
Look at that, the NRA supported a Dem over a Republican... You would think that was impossible given some of the anti NRA rants of late.

Tuttle8, I took that to mean that Dems supporting RKBA were disappointed in the NRA's lean toward endorsing Republcans. I could be wrong. But I do agree with that last sentence in your post.
I have stated before that I don't see an outright gun ban (like the Clinton era ban) anytime soon. There is the possibility, however, that someone might introduce legislation pitched as "reasonable" regulation of firearms, like eliminating the so-called gun show "loophole." The question is whether Gillibrand would be strong enough as a senator to stand up to pressure on a cloture vote on a filibuster. Of course, that question might be legitimately asked of more than one sitting senator.
The fact that there will be a Senator from New York that actually supports the NRA is a significant historical event IMO. She will certainly have an opportunity to be a different voice than usually expected from Senators (and congressmen for that matter) from the N E block of states like NJ, Mass, etc. with their general distain for gun owners.
Tuttle8, I took that to mean that Dems supporting RKBA were disappointed in the NRA's lean toward endorsing Republcans. I could be wrong. But I do agree with that last sentence in your post.

I must have misconstrued the context of Musketeer's statement. I had in my head that he meant members here and gunowners in general. I should have thought differently since he provided links supporting your thought and nothing of the sort about fellow gunowners...:o
If she works out and is a strong voice for NY - this is a great thing as it may move the Democrats away from an antigun litmus test. I've said before that to preserve the RKBA it cannot be seen as just the preserve of one political party or one slice of the political spectrum. The tend for in-group loyalty on other issues among some RKBA tended to obscure that.

In the past, the issue was more spread across the party lines. For example, if true, this is a quote from Hubert Humphrey, who was a liberal democrat.

"The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible." -- Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minnesota)"
Important Second Amendment Issue

After a brief discussion, we've decided that this particular piece of news is important to the entire 2A community. Yes, this necessarily means that this thread is mostly, if not entirely, political in nature.

But because of the importance, I feel, as does Bud, that it is an issue we can make an exception for.

Let's keep this on topic, please. Moving to L&CR.
Having members of both parties support the RKBA is important. It means we have voices on both sides of the aisle and this can only help to further our cause.

My question is if you figured out the number of pro-gun house members of either party would we have a majority?

If you add this new senator, how many pro gun senators do we have?

I was pleasantly surprised with this news.
Thanks to the mods for keeping this open. Just to restate, I put it in general since I was posting this in relation to recent arguments that the NRA does nothing but support Republicans. I have been of the group saying the NRA-ILS makes best use of their money generally supporting Republicans but should certainly jump to support those Dems who are defenders of the 2A.

Of course there is plenty of potential for this to go political, hard for it not to...

No matter. As a NY resident this is the best bit of news on the 2A I have seen related to this state in a long while!
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