For The Open Carry Crowd

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match was hardly "peaceful". Just a bitch session at the police. BLM walks down the street yelling "what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

Hardly something MLK would have been a part of.

There were hundreds of peaceful protestors and some, to use a word you like, idiots. That pesky Bill of Rights allows for these things. King well understood civil disobedience was sometimes necessary. Violence is another thing.
I know the Bill of Rights allows for these clowns. Just don't ever expect me to stand behind those with the rifles slung over their shoulders. I consider them a detriment to the gun owning and carrying public.

I have an AR. Lots of other guns that anti-gun people want banned. I take them to the range. The pistols are used for concealed carry and home defense. Walk around openly with them? Not a chance.

And the panthers will be at the Rnc protesting, not standing with them
And the panthers will be at the Rnc protesting, not standing with them

I won't be standing with any of the lunatic fringe groups either. My prayer is there is no violence at the convention. With Dallas and now Baton Rouge, the potential is frightening.
There will be violence, at least physical and property damage. These protesters have been embolded by the media and the politicians who sympathize with them. Nobody will be arrested. It's a vacation for these people.

If the shootings like the one in Texas continue, the whip is going to come down on all gun owners. Already, they're making a big deal that Micah Johnson bought an AK in a Target parking lot. Legal or not, the whip is gonna come down.
It is being suggested that Ohio suspend the law allowing legal open carry through the duration of the political convention.:eek:
They should suspend it. For our own good. All people are gonna see on the news is people walking around with AR's and camo.
So the latest multiple police officer murder (just happened today in Baton Rouge) started with a report of someone walking down the street open carrying with a long arm. So far reports are three cops are dead.
Because, ya know, they can automatically tell you're not some loony two seconds away from opening fire on everyone.

Keep feeling superior about how it's our right until you've done us the favor of getting that right taken away by defending idiots and criminals.
I also heard there was a report of "Open Carry" at Dallas. Nothing else reported that I have heard which leads me to think the police knew where they were and were keeping a very close eye on them. Not sure how it was handled once the shooting started. If we could get a true accounting that would be be interesting.

To the RNC I am thinking the police are going to be keeping a very close eye on any open carry being exhibited. A number of officers are probably being task with that purpose. Hopefully there is very good lighting during the night hours and making sure everyone knows everything is being video taped and will be used as evidence for any criminal charges if needed.

On a "Sarcastic" note would extra scrutiny by the police for openly carrying be "Profiling".
I also heard there was a report of "Open Carry" at Dallas. Nothing else reported that I have heard which leads me to think the police knew where they were and were keeping a very close eye on them. Not sure how it was handled once the shooting started. If we could get a true accounting that would be be interesting.

Strangely, the only documentation of open carry at Dallas was the one guy the cops called a suspect. The Chief reported that there were 20 or 30 others, but nobody seems to have gotten any photographs of them, not in the press or social media. Surely that would have been newsworthy, people open carrying guns at a protest against police violence. It wasn't like there weren't reporters all of the place.
44amp said:
Isn't it ironic that the same person in the same Starbucks, with the same gun, isn't an "idiot" if they are wearing a blue cops suit, a black swat ninja outfit or a military uniform??

Indeed. The "idiots" who OC are responsible for fewer shootings as well, but we still assume that a fellow carrying openly isn't a public safety problem if he has a blue polyester shirt and a clip on tie.

homer boy said:
It's not ironic. Cops and soldiers are trained and armed for a purpose, to go on the offensive. Civilians are not.

The irony isn't subtle. The civil right described in the 2d Am. is a right held by citizens against the state, but you are mostly comfortable with people keeping and bearing arms when they are identifiable to you as agents of the state.

homer boy said:
Thst match was hardly "peaceful". Just a bitch session at the police. BLM walks down the street yelling "what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!"

Harsh language doesn't transform speech into violence. Many will disagree with the message of the protest; that doesn't make it violent.

homer boy said:
I know the Bill of Rights allows for these clowns.

homer boy said:
They should suspend it. For our own good. All people are gonna see on the news is people walking around with AR's and camo.

I'm sure it would only be suspended the one time, right? Or only when it's prudent to suspend peoples' rights? Just until we are past this current kerfuffle. Just until we have everything nice and calm.

Would you be OK with the ARs if the people weren't wearing camo in the middle of the city?

The big cheese in the local cops union called for the right to be suspended in the entire county. "We are going to be looking very, very hard at anyone who has an open carry," he said. "An AR-15, a shotgun, multiple handguns. It's irresponsible of those folks -- especially right now -- to be coming downtown with open carry AR's or anything else. I couldn't care less if it's legal or not."
DNS, I have heard the reports of 20-30 also. It seems very unlikely that is true based on the complete lack of evidence to support it.

Andy Blozinski, the same argument you are making that you never know when someone carrying a gun will turn violent and start shooting is a favorite in the anti-gun community. It is used to justify why no one should have the right to carry a gun in public. It then follows that no one needs these dangerous weapons, period.
Strangely, the only documentation of open carry at Dallas was the one guy the cops called a suspect. The Chief reported that there were 20 or 30 others, but nobody seems to have gotten any photographs of them, not in the press or social media. Surely that would have been newsworthy, people open carrying guns at a protest against police violence. It wasn't like there weren't reporters all of the place.

No argument here on that point. I didn't hear the Chief give that report, doesn't mean he didn't. With open carry being as new here in Texas as it is I also think it would be newsworthy. Huge story was the loss of the Dallas PD officers and those wounded. The actual strength by the Mayer, Chief Brown and those that carried out their orders was also more newsworthy but as cheap as words are in this era of Internet news this should have received some press if it did happen.
The open carry of rifles in Texas is not new. Only handguns. So not as much to report.

3 cops killed in LA. Guy wearing a mask and carrying a rifle. Until he fired his first shot, no law broken. Then he did. And 3 cops are dead.
One final comment, just for clarification:

The Starbucks deal I refer to was not one guy carrying an AR.
It was a couple years back when Starbucks declared it would honor a particular state's open carry law.

The resulting rush of people who descended on Starbucks stores with all sorts of long & short guns openly carried, and those who took it upon themselves to make Starbucks the official commercial poster child for open carry in various social media channels, resulted in Starbucks understandably backing off their original stance & asking people to please stop carrying openly in their stores.

Photos circulated of groups (not single individuals) congregating at Starbucks stores with ARs, which was an image that Starbucks was not happy about.
They also did not appreciate the T-shirts with Starbucks logos & ARs that were selling briefly.

Nor were they happy about a decline in business in some locations from regular customers who didn't want to be surrounded by visible guns while they were just looking for a few minutes spent with their favorite cup of coffee.

This is another case where the unthinking few did screw it up for the responsible many.

Far from acclimating everyday customers to the sight of ARs, and winning them over because they were "getting used to it", it generated complaints, drove many of those customers away, and changed Starbucks' corporate attitude.

This helped us how?

And, I'm outa this one.
Those that get it, get it.
Those that refuse to get it, won't.
3 cops killed in LA. Guy wearing a mask and carrying a rifle. Until he fired his first shot, no law broken. Then he did. And 3 cops are dead.

What are you blaming, the mask or the rifle? The police have plenty of legal ground to stop an individual in this circumstance. The problem is a disturbed individual attacked police. Not guns, open carry, or the 2A.
They had legal ground to stop him? If open carry is legal in whatever state this could happen next in, they have zero grounds to stop him! That's what the idiots with the video cameras on YouTube do every time

Officer: "good morning sir. Might I ask you what you are doing with thst rifle?"

OC Warrior: "I am not breaking any laws. You have no reason to stop me".

Officer: "yes sir. Do you have ID on you by any chance?"

OC Moron: "I'm not required to give you ID. I'm exercising my constitutional right to bear arms. Am I being detained?"

Officer: "No sir. I was just wondering if you'd care to give me an explanation for your conduct. We've had several complaints"

OC Idiot: "I'm not talking to you"
That apparently isn't what happened though. When police showed up he started shooting. Again, is open carry the reason 3 officers are dead? The weapon used? Weapons in general?

My position on open carry is clear. I am not a fan and don't think it helps our cause. I just don't think blaming guns when violence happens is a wise strategy, and advocating restrictions on Constitutional rights is a dangerous course of action.

I am also done. We are just going in circles.
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