For Ron Paul Fans and Paulites Only

What a condescending way to approach people's sincere beliefs.

Ya give money to the orange guys in the airport do ya?:p

I know what your beleifs are :

"I can't believe nobody's said this yet, so let me proudly say:

NONE of them will take my gun away, no matter how many illegal laws they pass. Not until all my ammo's gone."

WildyawantmetocondescendonthatAlaska TM
Paul is an interesting guy. I like some of what he has to say but his foreign policy and statements about the use of nuclear weapons is nuts.

I really see Paul as a make you think candidate more than a viable option. He causes others to think outside the box which is good but some of what he has to say is just to far beyond what is reasonable and can be achieved or sustained.
The majority of anti abortion sentiment comes from religious doctrine and there are too many regions in the nation where education has supplanted religious decree when it comes to deciding on right and wrong. A national amendment will not pass but you may be able to get one on a state by state basis.

Reread unregistered's post. I'm not religious at all and I'm anti-abortion. It has to do with human rights and when they are granted. When does something become "human", and it's own person? This is a very interesting topic. I did my final project on this in a biomedical ethics class. After much debate, I had to admit that in order to have a consistent belief system, I have no choice but to accept a fetus as a human being, and birth as a symbolic event.
Some of his economic policies and ideas on the economy.

The day of monopolist robber barons is in the past, with good reason.
WA: Most of Mr. Paul's policies that I disagree with have already been mentioned here: 9/11 view (it wasn't OUR fault), Iraq War (smash the threat before we nation-build or pull out), death penalty (it needs to be EXPANDED), but he does have one position that I wholeheartedly agree with.....

...he ain't voting for Guiliani, either..... :p
