For Ron Paul Fans and Paulites Only


Ron Paul fans, acolytes, supporters ONLY: Tell me which one of Dr. Pauls positions you disagree with.

If I get no reponses, I can only but assume that you AGREE with all of them

WildtestingtestingAlaska TM
Then your assumption has no value. His positions are defined by his copious writings and what's on his web site.

Get busy!
i have some reservations about his foreign policy. i dont think its wrong, but if its gonna be done, it has to be done right. you cant just pull out of iraq and the world and not secure the borders or overhaul the intelligence system. this is a deal breaker for many i suppose, but im more worried about what is going on domestically (fiscal policy, the slow degradation of personal freedoms, big pushes towards socialism etc.) that i will risk the dangers of al queda. especially once you consider that 9/11 was entirely preventable. the american people are the best intelligence agents you can get. they reported some 70-odd incidents involving the highjackers, but due to the bureaucratic nightmare that is the FBI, they were lost in the piles of red tape. you have to have an authority that actually follows up and takes care of the problem once it is brought to light.
I disagree with Ron Paul on abortion.

However, he does not support any federal guidelines controlling abortion and instead leaves the issue to states, which effectively turns it into a non-issue for me.
a woman's right to choose.

Sorry folks, no matter your own morality the gov't should stay out of women's wombs.

I suppose he's reaching for the hardliners or something. I mean, he HAS delivered over 4,000 babies...;)
No one's views are going to line up 100% with any candidate. Not unless you yourself are running :). But, I find many of my values represented by this candidate...much moreso than anyone else running. Certainly moreso than the only "viable" candidates- Rudy, Hillary, Obama, McCaine etc.

What DO I agree with from RP? Let's see...

Property rights and eminent domain:

Privacy and personal Liberty:

American sovereignty:

And...if one takes a moment to look around - this being a gun board and all - I also agree with his views on guns. Do I line up perfectly with Paul? Naw. Maybe 75% or so. That is a lot more than any candidate in recent memory. He might be the only one willing to reign back on the path the country has taken the last five years or so...towards a police state. The republic is on shakey terms. I'm willing to try something new. Hopefully others are as well. I think a vast, mostly silent majority can tell that something isn't quite right. This might explain the big internet buzz. He's getting snubbed by the major networks and their puppets in suits (read- Rudy et al), but if the people really still have the power, they should still be able to elect whomever they wish.

I'm not a Ron Paul cultist, I'm just excited about some of his ideas. I also am a big fan of anyone that upsets the corporate nancyboys the way old Ronny seems to. I'm not a fan of the way the country is going. If Hillary or Rudy wins in 2008, we'll have more of the same. The corporate elite are interested in maintaining the status quo. Also, I'm not afraid of there is no need to go creating a police state on my account. My vote is for a darkhorse this time around, Ron Paul...or at this point, almost anyone who is willing to try a better way.
Tell me which one of Dr. Pauls positions you disagree with.

I disagree with his position on separation of church and state, abortion, home schooling, the environment, network neutrality and antitrust laws. I agree with him on pretty much everything else..
I disagree with him on some environmental issues, some aspects of his position on abortion, his interpretation of the 14th Amdt, his position on gay marriage, and am confused by his position on amnesty.
WA said:
Ron Paul fans, acolytes, supporters ONLY: Tell me which one of Dr. Pauls positions you disagree with.

I'm actually a high priest, got appointed in our last secret meeting. Do I have to limit it to just one?

I disagreed with Ron Paul when he voted for the Partial Birth Abortion ban because I think that kind of thing is outside the authority created under the commerce clause. Ron Paul thinks so too, but voted for the ban anyway. Oh well, at least he can correctly identify something which is not interstate commerce, which is more than can be said for the rest of the pack.

I disagree, at least in part, with Ron Paul on a big one, too: the war and foreign policy in general. It's more a difference of degree than a difference of kind, though. I'd like to gradually stop being the world's policeman and the UN's sugar daddy, rather than trying to do it immediately.

I disagree with Ron Paul on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but again not completely. Oh well, at least he did not file one of those idiotic lawsuits against gun makers like Rudy did.

I disagree with Ron Paul's decision to not take his (ridiculously fat) federal pension package. I think he should agree to take it and then donate the money to taxpayer-friendly candidates. ;)
I am sort of a Ron Paul fan, mainly because he is so anti-establishment and is upsetting the Neo-Cons so much, but probably would not vote for him. I think he is dead wrong about what we should do about Iran. I generally agree we don't need to be world policeman and stick our noses in everyones business, but Iran has threatened us and our allies, and is on the verge of developing nuclear materials that I have no doubt they would willingly pass on to terrorist groups. I would support going to war with Iran, if only Bush had left us with an army with which to fight.

Most of Paul's other views I am in agreement with, though I don't think they are very practical at this point, and could probably never be implemented. Most of his views about government are simply not something the average American would accept, and his views, if implemented, would probably cause massive civil unrest.

Finally I wold like to make a comment on this statement:
Sorry folks, no matter your own morality the gov't should stay out of women's wombs.

If you think abortion is murder, then you are compelled to want it outlawed, unless of course you think the government should not outlaw murder at all. Personally, I think a baby is a baby no matter which side of the vagina it is on. A newborn is just as dependent on its mother as a 3 month old fetus. From a logical standpoint, if you accept abortion, then you should also accept infanticide and murder of children up to the point at which they could forage around and take care of themselves (maybe around six years old).

I am not trying to change anyone's mind. I am just saying it is inconsistent to support abortion but not infanticide. I am also not trying to convince anyone abortion is murder, just trying to explain why anti-abortion people have no moral and logical choice but to want it outlawed.

Finally, the best approach on the abortion issue is to allow it to be handled by the states, and get the federal government completely out of it. If abortion should be regulated, it should be regulated at the state level.
Who agrees 100% with any candidate? I don't agree with Paul on abortion. I don't agree with him 100% on Iraq. I am not a Paulite but he is on my list. Ron Paul is consistent on his votes and ideas. The other candidates seem to be chameleons. You hope they mean what they say because in the past they were different on some issues.

I am not fond of the Republicans nor the Democrats at this point. Unless they make some drastic changes I will probably write in a candidate or vote for a third party. Yes its my vote to do with as I want. I dont think the Republicans or the Democrats deserve it right now. The only way I would vote Republican at yhis point in time is if Ron Paul is its candidate.
I ordered two books that should be here any day now, so I'll have a more informed answer when I get done with them. For now, I disagree with his Iraq policy. I don't agree with his abortion views, but I do agree with his position that it is a states rights issue.
wildalaska its ok.....if you are cool with "common sense compromise" on Guns, liberty, spending....socialism.....its have plenty of choices on both sides come November!!

I dont envy you. Finding the "lesser of two evils" is a slippery slope. (we have all been on that slope for years....could explain the problems we have in this country...dont ya think)

Good luck
a woman's right to choose.

Sorry folks, no matter your own morality the gov't should stay out of women's wombs.

I suppose he's reaching for the hardliners or something. I mean, he HAS delivered over 4,000 babies...

Of course Paul's position on this as a Presidential candidate (as I understand it) is that it is none of the Feds business from a legislative standpoint. There is nothing in the COTUS defending a right to an abortion. It should be an issue addressed by the states own legislatures. If Utah doesn't want it and Nevada does that is purely up to those states. Kind of like what was intended when the COTUS was written...
You're right, actually. I guess I was just going off something I heard him say on C-Span. He was saying something about how he was pro-life, whilst Rudy wasn't, etc etc.

Also, the Ron Paul cult comment was just addressing the context of this thread. I thought since it was such a negative sort of topic from the outset I would try to illuminate it with reasons as to WHY I think Paul would be a good POTUS. As you can see, nobody here has yet been like "I AGREE WITH DR PAUL 100% ON EVERYTHING! HE OUT CHUCK NORRISES CHUCK HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Most people agree with several of his views (as I said, best you can do with any candidate), and are just tickled pink the way he upsets those fat cat neo cons! They are sobbing all the way back to their oil rich buddies penthouses.

One thing I don't understand, though, is that the last two threads that have been about Ron have been "WHy I freakin' hate this guy" and "What don't you agree with"...

I find Rudy G. absolutely loathsome, with Hillary only slightly less vomit inducing (Idunno why, guess she doesn't try to hide her true colors and says "9/11! 9/11! 9/11! 9/11! a little less frequently) BUT I don't sit here and make countless threads dissing on people who love Rudy and Hill. I think it would be a waste of my time trying to convince people who have already, for whatever reason, decided to support them...or hell, any other candidate.

I mean hell, Rudy actually has real quotes floating around out there about how freedom actually means giving control over to the Government about personal choices in your life. New York is practically a police state, in the fashion of Great Britain (I know, I was born in Dundee, Scotland and lived to see the changes there after Dunblaine, etc). But RON PAUL scares you?! :confused:
Why are the people who are disappointed (to say the least) at the big government growth supported lately by both parties all focused on Ron Paul?
Some imply that these people are worshipping and blindly following Paul. I submit it is not that he is perfect, or that his supporters agree with everything he says. It is that there is no where else for us to go.
If there were more mainstream (Republican or Democrat) candidates who had a history of supporting the constitution (beyond their swearing-in ceremony) then we would be split among them, I am sure, depending on which specific issues we were split on.

For me, the choice isn't between Paul, Guiliani, Clinton, Obama, Romney, etc.
The choice is between those who actively support the constitution and those who actively violate it.

It is unfortunate that in this particular presidential contest, there are several who are in the violators group, but only one in the supporters group. Therefore, my support has to go to him.
Will he win? Probably not, but that says a lot more about the people that will not vote for him than about the people that will.