For Fun ... What to use against vampires?

Jason was destroyed with mortar fire by an FBI special team after withstanding significant small arms fire.

However, the supernatural essence of Jason
possessed someone else in the morgue and his reign of terror continued.

Experimenting on vampires was attempted by the Initiative (the Feds) on Buffy but it was shut down when one of their monsters went beserk on them.

You are just not up on the current events.
I stoppede watching the "Jason series" after...Hmm...part 1. I've caught bits and pieces of other parts of the movies but I gotta admit-when I see a group of people out in some cabins in the middle of no where, and they are all getting offed and some of them decide it's ok to make love, sleep and shower with one of thier freinds nailed to the door with a doesn't inspire 'great storytelling' in my mind. ;)

Buffy...yeah, been traveling a lot-when I got back here the escaped monster had kidnapped the British vampire and they were plotting together...then suddenly Buffy was part of the Initiative and went thru the whole deal and suddely the monster had kinapped the British vampire I'm in reruns trying to catch up-that's ok, I'll watch her in reruns anytime! ;)

[I'd still like to marry her anyway. ;) ]