Near noon today two BG's entered a Food Lion in Virginia Beach and tried a robbery, firing one shot into the ceiling. Somebody called 911 "in progress" and the troops moved quickly. After several hours of locking up the neighborhood LEOs came up with one suspect from a different but nearby location, so either one or two BGs are at large tonight (at least at the 11PM news slot).
Generally I've been an off/on carry person; lately though I've been regular in carry when leaving the nest area. Since the kids live near that store, I sometimes visit it rather than the one nearest me. Now the question(s): Assuming you were in that store today during the robbery attempt, what if anything, would you have done? Just curious.
Generally I've been an off/on carry person; lately though I've been regular in carry when leaving the nest area. Since the kids live near that store, I sometimes visit it rather than the one nearest me. Now the question(s): Assuming you were in that store today during the robbery attempt, what if anything, would you have done? Just curious.