Follow you home...not just a Nickelback song

make a paper trail. Find and old pump doesn't matter the brand, and go through a couple boxes of shells to get a feel for it. I like to keep my m1a with a mag in it. Racking the action is certainly loud enough to be a deterrent.
Be careful that you or she do not come home to find him in the house. I had that happen to me years ago & it is a terribly frightening experience! I was not armed, but swung a fist @ him that missed as he ran by me & my wife.
I think you need to get a new dog ... one that will bark big and deep when someone jiggles the door. Yes the guy knows where you live. Whatever attracted him to you has not gone away. He might pick another time to return visit for whatever he had in mind. Be careful.
Simple door/window alarms make a lot of noise. It might provide that extra few seconds of warning, if he decides to return. They are also fairly cheap. If you don't have some sort of security system, I'd recommend at least one on every entrance.
Thanks for the feedback all. Definitely a bit of a wake up.

Pvt Long & Jeremiah: Paper trail is started. As far as finding him in the house upon return, yes, a little worried, however it is relatively easy to identify forced entry markings on my door - I checked out the scratched he left with the card (or w/e he was using) and got pics before I painted over. On second floor so i think door would be the likely entry point, no large trees or climbable areas near windows. And for the time being, the fiancee is to call me when she pulls into the driveway and i stay on phone with her until she "clears' the house. As I said I am currently shopping for a shotty, just don't want to rush and get an undependable POS.

CLC: As far as neighborhood, its not suburban "cul de sac" class, but its not what I would call bad or dangerous. It's literally less than a mile from where I grew up from 12 yo on. While I don't necessarily let that lull my sensibilities, its not the type of area where addicts wander around.

I currently have a beagle - just got her 2 weeks ago. She's great with the bark but as far as intimidation factor goes....well, she's a beagle and more likely to roll over for a belly rub than defend.

Am also stopping by today and picking up some of those stick on alarms for the door(s)
On the trail of the floppy-sole bandit

Stressfire, it sounds as if that skell is a local or has some connection to your neighborhood. Keep your eyes peeled (or even stake out your block some night) and you'll spot him again.

Then you can call the cops with a description and location (maybe even a car and plate number) could follow him home...
Was up til 4am this morning doin' the lookout thing. Soooo sleepy and at work now, doh:( could follow him home...
lol, mayhaps but sounds like a good way to get capped myself. Though I do know what house, or at least what driveway he came out of.

But to do so may, again, be pushing the bounds of instigating a conflict
I'm different. If I think someone is following me, the last thing I would do is lead him to my home and family.

I'd try to loose the guy, if I couldn't then obvously he is trying to follow me. I'd confront him right then and there. Sucker ain't getting to my house.

On another matter, I wasn't there and I didn't talk to the cops but, the Police get prowler calls all the time. (or at least I did when I was in LE).

The dispatcher would get a discription and relay that to the officer. The officer would search the area, but seldum, unless the complainant request contact, would we make contact with the complainant.

Many callers don't want the prowler or who ever to know who called, going to the complainant's house leaves no doubt who called.
Stressfire, you did GOOD!

Avoided direct confrontation but sounds like you need to do perimeter security, namely install motion lights high-up to provide light and detection. Consider apex of garage below rood line and give side illumination to neighbors.
Put doos side lights up to ID intruder location.

Make sure to silhouette the area/ intruder but not illuminate yourself!

Besides a shotgun, may I recommend the M1 Carbine, loaded with soft-nose ammo, very good HD with the increase on range. Stock pouch with two 15 rdrs are always available. Low recoil, maybe fiance MIGHT need to operate it???

Also add dead-bolts to outside doors, keyed alike and re-key the existing lock with same. Door with window use a key both side dead-bolt. Hang emergency key in known location for egress situations.

What county in Ohio?
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Was up til 4am this morning doin' the lookout thing. Soooo sleepy and at work now, doh

Quote: could follow him home...
lol, mayhaps but sounds like a good way to get capped myself. Though I do know what house, or at least what driveway he came out of.

But to do so may, again, be pushing the bounds of instigating a conflict

Don't instigate, investigate. Make discreet inquiries and observations, from a safe and detached distance. Learn all you can; you'll find something you can use. E.g., you may find others with similar experiences.

There are all kinds of ways of neutralizing a threat, and they don't necessarily involve violence or personal confrontation (or putting your own safety and freedom at risk).

(Ah, for the good old days, when you could just "have a little talk" with the subject, perhaps while administering a little "tuneup". But of course that would be wrong.)
Ah, for the good old days, when you could just "have a little talk" with the subject, perhaps while administering a little "tuneup". But of course that would be wrong.

Indeed, on both counts.

Ya know, I never particularly worried about this crap for all the years I was single, sigh..
you might consider putting a thick piece of plexiglass over the inside of that window on the door just to slow anyone down or make more noise if they do try to get in.
You did well, Stressfire

Safeguarding your fiance, property and self without having to take a life is probably the best outcome possible. So you did well!

That being said, I would definitely advise that you take some precautions as mentioned by other posters. A security door on the front and back doors to the residence, an alarm system-the simple attach to door and window variants are inexpensive and work well- and/or motion lights are great ideas. Other than that, stay alert. A remington 870 is also an inexpensive and reliable weapon to consider. Plus as you found out, the sound of that pump action will most likely raise the hairs on anyone's neck. (I'm sure the fiend was just a little scared)

I would NOT recommend that you recon/follow this guy around. Especially if you're carrying. Vigilantism won't work here in your benefit. (as great as it sounds)

If you see him again snooping around your house - call the cops/lengthen that paper trail.
and see him attempting to jimmy the lock with a card

After he saw you wit ha dog and after you entered the dwelling? Guy musta been looking for a way to commit suicide.

Get a motion detected light for outside, a better dog that will bark and defend you on a chain outside the door :) and a big fat cat in case he gets in you toss the cat in his face.........

A real shotgun would be number one if I didnt already have 6 or 7.
Knowledge is power and spreading it around makes it even more powerful.

Talk to your neighbors. All of 'em. Let 'em know what happened and give a description of the punk so people can keep their eyes peeled. Eventually, something will get back to you if there is anything to be said, especially if the dud lives in your area.

Yeah, a mossberg 500 is cheap if you want to gear up

and if you deem it unnecessary after a while, you can sell it for about what you paid. I see a few on GB for $350.