Florida--looking better & better

hell florida, bout time ya'll get with the program. ;)

and btw our mosquitoes are bigger than yours,our humidity is thicker than yours too. i live smack dab on the gulf so ya'll can win the hurricane title :rolleyes:
Hey 9mmSnoopy,

This isn't a friggin contest. If I could pack up and send you our mosquito and humidity, I'd gladly let you have first place. You guys have state income taxes so the advantage goes to Florida. :p
Okay. I didn't know Texas doesn't have state taxes either. Thats great! Are we done with this competition yet? We have hotter women! There! I know Dallas has their cheer leaders though but that is far from the norm!
We still need to get protection from civil suits in Texas. Other than that the gun laws are pretty good, and yes no state income tax (state prefers to steal your money via property taxes instead ;) ).
I left Florida, and went to Wisconssin for school after I fugured they took state taxes away from my paycheck and no CCW permits i left and came home to lovely Miami,Fl which I hate just because the traffic. Now I do love the our gorgeous Latinas that we have an abundance of.
Wisconson $ucks!!! My cousin got killed there in a car accident. He hit some black ice and spun into oncoming traffic. He leaves behind a baby daughter and a young wife.

Any .45,
Don't complain so much about Miami traffic. Go to LA, New York, and Atlanta, and then reasses your complaint. What part of Miami are you in? Certain parts are worse than others for traffic.
Texas has a sales tax of 6.25% too. Local (city etc) sales taxes can bring this to a combined maximum of 8.25%.
Okay. I didn't know Texas doesn't have state taxes either. Thats great! Are we done with this competition yet? We have hotter women! There! I know Dallas has their cheer leaders though but that is far from the norm!


Florida babes in bikinis......

Texas girls in tight jeans and cowboy hats....

Tough Decision! ;)
About florida, depending on where you move, a lot of the crime isn't really a big deal, to the normal armed citizen. Think about it. Florida is a state that is frequented by many seasonal residents. They flock down here in the winter, and leave in the summer. Most of those b&e's are empty homes, because the criminals know that they have a low chance of getting cought/prosecuted because it's less expensive for them to just let the case go, versus travling down here to put the BG in jail. Also, because of the high elderly population, most of the crimes, at least around the Bradenton area are crimes that are done by cowards, they steal/rob from the elderly who can't really put up that good of a fight, and don't pose a risk to the BG. Not right, but if you are middle aged, and don't look like a frail democrat, you don't have much to worry about (cept the high cost of living, hurricane season, hot summers, seasonal residents that can't drive to save their lives, and the high crime (Lol). Anyhow.....anywhere you go has crime, even though it looks bad on paper, it's not as bad as it sounds.
Yes it's nice not having to run for your life.
open carry would be nice, but i don't look for that any time soon.
We had some looting here, but not as bad as the islands, all the bridges were closed and the bad guys were in boats. made it hard to catch them
Sounds like Florida is on the right track.

I know Kentucky has its problems, but Kentucky's gun laws are some of the best I have seen.
Shall issues CCP.
Open carry for citizens and out of state legal gun owners.
And you just gotta love this:
In the 1931 case of Gibson v. Commonwealth, the Kentucky Court of Appeals summarized Kentucky jurisprudence on self-defense in a very definitive, and somewhat emphatic, manner. "It is the tradition that a Kentuckian never runs. He does not have to…he is not obligated to retreat, nor to consider whether he can safely retreat, but is entitled to stand his ground, and meet any (life-threatening) attack made upon him with a deadly weapon…." Gibson v. Commonwealth, 34 SW 936 (Ky. 1931).
:D :D Nearly brings a tear to my eye, every time I read it.
Traffic in Miami does suck. Sorry. And crime in Miami sucks, too. Maybe not as bad as NYC and LA, but it sucks just the same. Fortunately I'm north of there. Further south the worse it gets. It's a shame, but I think any city with a port is going to have smuggling and enough of a transient population to have problems.

Funny looter story: My neighbor's kind of a weird guy. He and a friend stood at the side of the road in a hard hit rural area around here. My neighbor wore his old fatigues and was carrying a chinese AK. I have to assume his friend was doing about the same thing. You'd kinda have to know this guy. When he told me this I couldn't help letting out a bit of a chuckle. He said a car turned down the road and when the driver saw them, stopped dead in the road, stared at them, then pulled down a cross street and turned around. My neighbor took down the Dade County plate number, and reported them to the Sheriff's Dept. Turned out they were looters from Miami who had a bunch of stolen property in the car.

I can't imagine what Miami must have been like after Andrew.

As for house prices- Good for me, bad for people who didn't own houses 2 or 3 years ago. I know places where lots were for sale $1000 to $3000 a few years ago and are $40000-$80000 now. My house three years ago was $65,000, now around $200,000. There's gotta be plenty of new millionaires around.
In the 1931 case of Gibson v. Commonwealth, the Kentucky Court of Appeals summarized Kentucky jurisprudence on self-defense in a very definitive, and somewhat emphatic, manner. "It is the tradition that a Kentuckian never runs. He does not have to…he is not obligated to retreat, nor to consider whether he can safely retreat, but is entitled to stand his ground, and meet any (life-threatening) attack made upon him with a deadly weapon…." Gibson v. Commonwealth, 34 SW 936 (Ky. 1931).
I like that too.

While retreat sometimes might be prudent - and an option - it should never be compelled. Sometimes attempting to retreat or flee puts one in the greater danger.

I also like the option of carrying openly or concealed.
Florida Rules!

I live in ohio and I amnot quite about how picky the guns laws are here. I know about packing.org and have read on that site alot but can anyone tell me about the little details, is it ok to print, and stuff like that, any help would be awesome!
thanks any packers here in ohio give me your info and exsperience :confused: :D :cool:
This is of course, a good thing. Too bad it has been necessitated by the huge amount of violent crime in the Sunshine State.
Here in Miami, you had best be on at least "Orange" alert at all times, and for goodness sake, take your Roscoe.