Florida debate: spin uncovered

*Yawn* This thread should be closed because the video lacks any credibility. It was made by a person who has a grudge against Fox News. Obviously some members here have their own motives to post this video. Doing some searching on this site, I have a sneaking suspicion that some people here are pretending to be something they are not. Anyone that claims they have no bias in political debates is full of BS, and is a person who is not to be trusted. Sorry I am only calling it as I see it.
That's what his job is, to make the polls say only what his bosses want them to say.

Say again??? :eek:

Luntz, Rasmussen, Gallup, and any other pollster who did this even once would be out of business pronto.

These pollster's reputation and thier continued business prospects depend completely on thier ability to do just the opposite of what you allege. They live and die by their ability to provide accurate, unbiased polling data to candidates and businesses.

I'm sigging Mr. Goering.

Will the eery, bone chilling ill favored parallels EVER stop? :confused:

Er...aren't all the big five "news" agencies about 98% spin and agenda? C'mon, don't make me go get the sites showing ALL of Fox's inconsitencies and blatant misrepresentations. They even changed that party letter (R) or (D) on that Republica that was gay, or touched little boys or whatever, to (D)! Damn molesting democrats!
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Er...aren't all the big five "news" agencies about 98% spin and agenda? C'mon, don't make me go get the sites showing ALL of Fox's inconsitencies and blatant misrepresentations. They even changed that party letter (R) or (D) on that Republica that was gay, or touched little boys or whatever, to (D)! Damn molesting democrats!

And CNN put a big X on Cheney, and did others things with Republicans. You see it goes both ways. Maybe it was an accident or maybe it was intentional. We will never know. And it is stupid to speculate.
I'm sorry but any video that uses that Rob D song as the background gets closed immediately. Yes we all know there's spin and that Hannity hates Paul but I'm not about to sit through yet another conspiracy video with that frakking song trying to make everything seem more ominous than it really is.