flash!!! World Shoot shooter shot his foot!


New member
I just came from the range, and a shooter from Norway is practicing here in the Phils. for the WS, accidentally shot his foot (ouch!!) with his Super 38 by Tanfoglio..
he is rushed to the hospital for treatment..
3 days to go before the WS...

Hope he recovers OK. Accidents, equipment failure, Ad or ND can happen. He could just as easily been involved in a car accident on his way to practice, but the anti's don't seem to get that.

CCW for Ohio action site.
[snicker] With all his practicing... He will be a shoe-in! [/snicker]


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I feel like a heel for saying this, but ...

I guess his footloose days are gone ... he won't even get a foot in the door now, let alone get a leg over ... :)

(Please, someone, have mercy and kick this thread out!!)

Bruce, your leaving us a step behind! Leave some kickers for others!


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

Glad you're in step with me. I wouldn't want to appear too arch, so I'm glad I'm not the sole person playing. I'm not being insolent about it, I just wanted to establish that I'm not alone!

(I love this, even if it is corny!!) :)

Well, one advantage - he'll always know which is which when it comes time to put his best foot forward!


Vote Democratic! 1 Billion Chinese can't be wrong......
(shaking my head)

You people...sheesh!

:) :D

This reminds me of that part in Austin Powers where that guard gets decapitated by the ill-tempered mutated seabass, and then Austin goes on saying things like, "Not a good time to lose one's head", and "That's not the way to get ahead in life", and "He'll never be the head of a major corporation", and so on.
Owww! Bet that hurt. We have a saying in our office, "reload the gun, we still have toes left". It came out during a meeting on discussions of a past project manager's decisions that had great affect on the completion of the project.
Kids ,not to bring you down, but this is not in the least bit funny! When the "Pros From Dover" have any AD it is a big deal. They are the folks in the know with the best equipment. The media doesn't care if they shoot 10,000 rounds a year for 15 years without a mishap.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited October 28, 1999).]
I remember the words of His Highness Mas Ayoob, AD word is wrong, it should be UNINTENTIONAL DISCHARGE, coz it can be prevented....just use the 'safety' not found on the gun.....(did i hear brain?)


Yes this is serious - Uninteded or accidental discharges what ever... Yes these are a grave matter. As the TFL Range Master - It would be my duty to point out such things...
But - there is very little information available to go on. The shot could have been the result of a slam fire, or his finger on the trigger when he went to reholster... or some freakish thing... we dont know.

We do know he violated Rule #2:
Never point a gun at anything you do not wish to destroy.

But MAYBE - he did... Cinderella s step sister cut off her toes to put on the glass slipper...

There are plenty of possibilities here. If the shoe fits...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Yes, as a Range Officer myself, I know this is a serious event. And I do not agree with the "Accidental" part, either.

It was the wordplay I was enjoying, not the situation itself.

according to the range helper, the trigger finger is IN, when he is reholstering at the time..he is practicing to achieve a certain speed and maybe due to unknown, his finger forgets to get out....then ....POOR ADIDAS....surely his ammo passes the Maj. Load Power Factor...
Holey Hot Shoe Shuffle Batman ! :D
And along the same line, would the gun in question be a Smokin' Hole design? ;)

[This message has been edited by HS (edited October 30, 1999).]
I guess we can expect him to toe the line on range safety regulations in the future.

At the 1986 World Shoot, a member of the Spanish IPSC team put a round down his leg while reholstering 'hot' during a stage. It was the same cause: finger on the trigger.
Most guns - autos that is - have an "idiot button" Just above the trigger on the frame.
Always keep your finger on the button when your not squeezing rounds. This is to help you keep the basic rules of firearms safety. If you dont keep your finger on the button - you could do something stupid and you end up feeling like a big idiot.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
"You're faster to draw than me, but I place a deadly shot on target better than you".

Fastdraw to learn is not always the best to know. Every body should always have that safety awareness.

It is a lesson from this incident, not all experts can handle gun properly.