Flag seller kicked off eBay, refuses to sell to Californians

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Old TImer
That is not being "principled." That is just plain mean-spirited bigotry.

They are his principles. The fact that you somehow feel slighted doesn't make them any less so. He can sell his wares to only one-legged people with purple mohawks if he is so inclined. Get over it........

Ebay is enforcing their "principles", and they are both seemingly happy. So be it.....
Ebay is a public company by the way...

Not exactly. It's stock is traded on the open market and anyone is allowed to purchse the stock but it is not owned by the public.

Yeah...thats what a public company is.:rolleyes:

I could personally care less if this guy wont sell to California. I've seen many gun auctions where the seller refuses bids from people living in California. And if im not mistaken, Barrett refuses to sell their .50 BMG rifles to California as well.

Like others said...he took a stand and so did Ebay. Life goes on...
Keeping it friendly...

sholling said:
Soooooo if stereotyping people based on the ignorance of the loud and obnoxious is ok, I guess it's ok for me to assume the MAJORITY in Nevada in are loud mouths. Perhaps a better plan is for the People of California to boycott Nevada. Your economy would collapse in about a week.

I would challenge your assumption. You base your opinion and anger toward me, a single individual who has expressed a dislike of California. My dislike stems from the FACT that the MAJORITY (not a vocal minority) continue to vote for politicians who continue the policies that people like me bash California for having. It is a majority of the People of California who have led the state to it's current political position, and make old Right winger's like our flag salesman choose to do business elsewhere. What ever happened to "We [business owners] reserve the right to refuse service to anybody". Ebay has every right to stop this man under the same quote above, I just don't get why people are so upset that one little old man doesn't like your state.

You, however, are attempting to "assume" that Nevadan's are all loud mouths because of your one run in with me. Assume what you want, I'm not assuming anything. I'm sorry you happen to be in the vocal minority of California who is Pro 2A and would like to have an American flag. If you drive a truck and eat steak, then you're probably my kind of guy. :D You just happen to be surrounded by people who I wouldn't trust in a million years.

You're right, the Nevada economy would collapse without California tourism. It already is crumbling because the MAJORITY of Californian's would rather buy a Prius rather than drive over the hill to gamble.
Yeah...thats what a public company is.

By common definition but it is still controlled by private individuals rather than the general public. The US Postal Service is a Publicly Owned company even if they don't think they are. The TVA is a publicly owned company. Both are controlled by the government hence the public or at least in theory.

Microsoft stock is offered for sale to the public but is owned and controlled by those who own the stock thus it is a privately run company. Just a matter of semantics but still different.
If I only knew what I saw off the t.v of California I wouldn't sell to them either. The fact of the matter is that California citizens don't get to choose most laws that are passed. gay marriage is getting voted on again this election but it is only to repeal it. to me it seems that any law needs to be voted on by the citizens because that is who it will effect. mainly all the liberals live on the coast, and the bay area. if you look up the state of Jefferson (where I say I live) really the only major liberal city is Chico.

p.s. most of the college hippies here arn't home grown there here from out of state. They just like the fact that California state universitys will hire radical left wing wackos.
How is this any different then the MANY buisnesses that post a sign in their private establishment saying: "we reserve the right to refuse service to ANYONE, and that includes you"?

The guy stuck his neck out, and got cut. Do I respect his fortitude, yep, maybe not his ideaology, but he stood for what he believes in.
Sasquatch said:
The fact that you somehow feel slighted doesn't make them any less so.
You either did not read what I wrote, or you failed to comprehend my point. I don't feel slighted. The opinions of a bigot have absolutely no effect on me or my self image. What I actually said was not to call his bigotry "principles." Being a bigot is not being "principled." It is just bigotry.
He can sell his wares to only one-legged people with purple mohawks if he is so inclined.
Again, if you go back and read what I wrote I essentially said they same thing. They are his flags and he can sell them, or not sell them, to any one he pleases. But, again, that does not make him "principled."
Get over it........
There is nothing to get over. The idiocy of a bigot is irrelevant to me and my world view. I have been on this earth far far too long to allow the ravings of a bigot to bother me. :)
"You called the man retarded. You labeled him a whore. Aren't those indications enough of something else?"

Yeah. That he's an idiot who doesn't really think things through...
us flag

I would like to take the time to thank those people out there that support my beliefs about the U.S. flag. I also would like explain what some of you do not know. EBay makes up a lot of their rules as they go along and what rules they do have are open to interpretation by whomever in trust and safety is on duty at the time. At least a 3rd or more of all eBay auctions have some type of buyer restriction and eBay itself allows sellers to set buyer restrictions. For example, the number of non paying complaints or feedback score and location. Many auctions state that an item is not for sale outside the main 48 states. I offer most of my items for sale worldwide.
For more than 5 years I have been selling vintage and antique flags on eBay restricting their sale to certain locations and have never had a problem. Let me state this I was told a while back by my senior account manager at eBay and I quote “You can state in your listings that items were not for sale in certain areas and the reason for that was there is a high amount of fraud being perpetrated in some countries and since eBay’s site is not set up to exclude shipment to some countries it need only be stated in the listing.” I would also like to state in this can be read in the usps shipping regulation book. Each country has different items that can not be imported to their countries. In Italy for example I can not ship edged weapons, clocks, jewelry and clothing. I can ship these items to almost every other country. Seeing I sell most items worldwide eBay’s system does not allow me to exclude Italy I can only state in the listing that these items are not for sale in Italy. Now does that mean those auctions should be ended as well? My surname is Italian does this mean I’m prejudice? Does not eBay want to cater to a worldwide audience?

In the past I have had auctions pulled because some kid at eBay’s trust and safety misinterpreted the rules. Last year this was the case when I had close to 500 auctions deleted by eBay in one day closing me down, this after I had the go ahead from someone at eBay to list an item that I questioned. The loss to me was over 30k in sales and a weeks worth of lost work. EBay did send me an email apologizing for their error.

The flag auctions were pulled because a few people complained. When I got the call from eBay’s trust & safety asking why I would not sell to California, France or the Middle East I explained why and that it was my right not to sell this item to them. EBay gave me the choice edit the auctions or have them ended. I chose the later. When I asked where it was stated in eBay’s rules that I can not restrict by location the person in trust and safety could not answer me. The reason is there is no such rule. They ended the auctions under 3 different rules and not one of them states that you can not restrict selling an item by location!

This is just another way in which eBay is trying to control the people who sell on their site. Just like a seller can no longer say anything negative about a buyer in the feedback forum no mater how true it is. It is my right as an American to refuse to sell my flags to someone in California. Why would they care, they burn them, they ban them from front yards, they ban them in public schools. My flag auctions being ended is just another assault on old glory herself. I did abide by their rules! As for France and the Middle East you need not be a rocket scientist as for why. And yes I did live in CA. once.
Mark E. Albino Sr.
It is his choice. Calling him an idiot because he missing on profit, now that idiot's remark. A man stands for his beliefs and values and he get cut down because he not thinking. :rolleyes: I stand behind him. I have meet some nice people in Kalifornia, but the gov't FUBARed. It is his choice plan and simple. And when a company does not allow you to sell to certain states because of your beliefs, than that Liberal BS.

By being Liberal, let clear what I am stating. Liberals want to control everyone into an utopia society. In simple terms if it does not fit their valuations than it is wrong and not allowed, and should be controled by laws unfit to force.

Ebay sucks I closed my account and told them why. I would love to see that company fold and hard. Idea behind free market is to keep it free, not with rules that do not effect me or other sellers (ie limit mag caps, no gun parts....) I do not live in a state than limits my freedoms. It is my choice. I also give those who fight to free the clearly inutile laws that only make lawmaker jusify in they existence.

I stand behind a man who in his heart stands for his beliefs. No harm is done and it is not peaching malevolence towards a group. So stand firm!!
I don't know what the problem is, unless he castigates the people who he will not ship to in his ads. Some people sell stuff PICKUP ONLY which precludes anyone not willing to drive to their home and get it. Some people refuse to sell to certain countries due to postal problems, hassles, etc. and say so in their ads. I refuse to sell alot of stuff overseas but idiots still ignore the listing and ask how much to ship the item to B F Egypt, etc. Some folks will not sell stuff that is restricted for sale in certain states or localities. I don't see a problem with specifying shipping limitations in a listing and you can find another listing that suits your needs fine. That is the technical side of the arguement. I have no opinion about his politics and I guess if he is being bumped for his politics, then that is something for him to hash out with them. But ebay has been making enemies right and left for some time. They should stick to kicking off crooked sellers and buyers more.
Freedom of speech only applies to censorship by the government. E-bay is a private business.

Not true. You are, for instance allowed to discuss your wages with another person. Your employer can not legally censure you for doing so. Now if you are the CFO and you discuss someone elses wages you became aware of b/c of your office, you are in deep.
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