First Time at The Range: ADVICE WANTED/NEEDED

well... I'm going to the range with my little pistol (PT22-hey... its a chic gun, I'm a chic :D ) and I was looking for some seasoned veteran advice on:

1. what to be aware of (general and not so obvious stuff that others might do)
2. odd things that they don't tell you before hand
3. etiquette things that I may not think of (being a first timer).
4. tips on getting better target results
5. whatever you want to throw at me... I'm listening!

Basically anything that helps you or distracts you or just p*sses you off about the range... let me know!
Avoid the guys and gals who seem to think that they are the best shot in the world... you can generally hear them bragging about it around you. Also be aware of who is next to you and how they behave, if they aren't safe then move down or on.

I'm not sure on your range setup but make sure your brass isn't flying into someone's face... just a small thing that might piss someone off.

As for accuracy I'd bring a little sand bag and something to rest on to practice still shooting as well as lots of ammunition!

Have fun and good luck!

Here are some websites that might help with the 'general rules' of ranges. Yours might be different.

Most of them are self explanitory just make sure you understand your range rules and have a fun time and try to talk with others to learn more about the great hobby/sport of shooting.
The best advice I could offer would be to take a knowledgeable friend with you. Not the boyfriend.... unless he's the strong silent type the offers good info and positive encouragement. You don't need a bunch of criticism the first time out, just some guidance.

Pick a time that the range is pretty empty. Call first and they will give you an idea. If nothing else it will be less distracting and you'll have less interruption from the know-it-all's. Next to the last resort would be asking for the range to provide assistance. The last, but best resort would be to give me a call. :D I'm a cert NRA pistol instructor and about an hour from Pitts. :D
Keep the muzzle down range and over the bench. Be safe.

If you are not 100% comfortable with your firearm ask the range people or someone who appears low key to run the drill with you until you are comfortable.

By the way, how much experience DO you have? Don't want to load you down with things you already know.
1. Muzzle control.
2. Finger off the trigger except when actually shooting.

Watch for people who aren't following the above two rules and leave if it gets to be a problem.

Wear something with a high neck. Brass down the shirt isn't fun.

Think about what you will do if your gun fails to operate properly. Remember the two rules. If you can't make it operate properly, set it down with the safety on and the muzzle pointing downrange and ask for help. DON'T leave the firing line with a loaded gun.

Shooting glasses should offer full coverage and fit closely to the face. They're for protection, not to look cool, and brass down between your shooting glasses and your face/eyes is REALLY not fun.

Have good hearing protection and know how to use it. That will really make a big difference in how much you enjoy the outing--especially if other folks are shooting the magnum loads.

Have fun! ;)
Okay... I'll go respond in reverse chrono order to the responses that I got (and all are appreciated so thank you so much!)

Guy B. Meredith: I have absolutely NO experience at all! :D
This is my first gun and first time shooting!
The only experience that I have with shooting something is "the bird"!
So just take the assumption here that I "know nothing" (because its true!) :D
(thanks too)

Shamus: I'm going to be going with my Brother (semi-knowledgable), his buddy "Tim" (verrry knowledgable), my brother-in-law (marine... knows his sh*t), my stepdad (eh.. he knows a little), and my mother (who is shooting for the first time too). So there's going to be a few people around us who know what they're doing.
As far as "calling ya"... h*ll... why don't you just meet us!
I can probably use all the help that I can get! :p
(thanks for your offer there! ;) I do want to check into some gun safety classes in my area... I'm going to have to do some research along those lines as well).

n3twrkm4n: when you say to make sure that my "brass" isnt flying in their face... are you referring to my shells? (sorry.. I'm not down with all the gun lingo yet :D ). I told you guys... I know VERY LITTLE about this stuff.
In reference to the "sandbag"... is that to put my elbow on to help steady myself for just starting out? Good idea... I'll make sure to take something!

As for what the range looks like... I have no idea... I've never even been in this place! It's the one that my brother, his buddy, and my brother-in-law all go to... so this'll be my first time ever even stepping foot in the building!
The only thing that I know about it is that you have to buy thier ammo and that its $10/hour. that's it!
(thanks for your info... big help!)

Anyhow... everyone... thanks for all of the info!!!
I can't even articulate how helpful this site has been (and I've only been a member for 2 days!!!) :o
Just an after thought…. You didn't mention if the PT22 was new/used...

With a new PT22 you may have some problem with it feeding the first round from the magazines when loaded to capacity. If you do just drop down the mag capacity by one (to seven in the magazine) and it should function properly. At least until you have a few hundred rounds cycled.

Dry firing is bad for this firearm, whether the hammer block is engaged or not. They have been know to break the firing pin… (read the manual)

The trigger pull might be a little heavy, and that might affect how accurately the gun seems to shoot, you’ll get used to it I'm sure.

I’d recommend starting with the target closer as these guns aren’t real accurate at a distance.
Yuppers by brass I mean cases or shells... the empty ones ;), they are usually hot and annoying if someone catches them :rolleyes:
I'll second JohnKSa's comment on ear protection, particularly if you are at an indoor range. Even at outdoor ranges I double plug--foam ear plugs and headset. Many people don't think much of the noise, but if they go through a drill to inspect what is really happening they find out they develop a flinch in response to it. Enough else to pay attention to without that distraction.

The problem with hot brass is only with autos. That's another benefit of hanging around revolvers shooters only. :D

Oh, yeah; with autos keep your thumbs DOWN away from the back of the slide or you will become a charter member of the scarred thumb society. Very simple, but this is something people often neglect to tell first time shooters until they've made the discovery for themselves like I did.

Sometime ask about the Zen of shooting.
First, make sure you understand the particular rules of the range. Each one is a little different, but the Range officer will happily go over them with you.

Try to get one of your more knowlegeable and patient shooter companions to just devote this trip to you and your pistol. You eally need someone watching you like an eagle to make sure you don't make a dangerous error. If your buddy decides to shoot, you watch, and vice versa.

A lot of the instruction, like safety, sight alignment, etc can be done at home, and more time can be spent shooting at the range.

Take lots of ammo, and don't be afraid to use it up. Have fun.
It sounds like the perfect party.

You've got three experienced people taking three less-than-experienced people on a family outing. With your Mom and Step-dad being introduced to the sport, the younger guys will be careful and sensible --- i.e. minding their manners -- so you can depend on them to be fair and helpful.

As long as you keep the muzzle pointed downrange, you can't really do anything "Bad" or embarrassing.
You can depend upon your mentors for the rest. They will get you through all the various rules, practices, amenities and the like that keeps the range orderly and everybody safe.

That .22 you've got is one fun piece --- my whole family lines up behind me to get their turn with it (well, not all of them -- the grandson only has eyes for the 1911).

When you are comfortable, I encourage you to try out some of the other items that are sure to be there. You may be surprised to discover what you like. Both my daughters alternate between the .22 and the .45, starting with their first range session, much to the dismay of my grandson. (He spent most of our last trip loading -- and grumbling.) The little grandaughter has informed me the .38 is "Coo--ull"

I rather envy you. A "first", with a congenial group.
It don't get much better than that.
Savor the moment, Missy.

etiquette things

I'm a relative newbie to ranges as well. Lots of open land where I grew up so there wasn't much need for a range. I'll share some of my observations. Hopefully they will be useful to you, although the standard disclaimer applies: Your mileage may vary.

If the staff at the range are friendly, polite and safety conscious, the shooters there tend to be as well. Choose your favorite range accordingly.

Some shooters think of range time as a social event and like to chat with other shooters. Some want to completely zone everything out and concentrate on their own shooting without distractions. Both are understandable. I like taking a break from shooting and chatting with people on occasion, but hate someone talking at me while I'm actually shooting.

With a large group of people such as the group you're going with, you'll probably be trying out each other's pistols and thus transferring pistols from station to station. When I have a firearm in my hand (i.e. not in a holster) and not actually on the line firing, I will take the mag out and lock the slide back leaving the action open as a courtesy to the other shooters. In other words, the other shooters can actually see that the firearm in my hand is unloaded. And always have your finger outside the trigger guard of course.

Hope this helps and have fun.
A couple of thoughts...

SAFETY is PRIORITY ONE. Think about it before every move you make.

Be at the line, looking down range, ready to shoot before you pick up the pistol, before you insert the mag.

Point/aim the pistol downrange before you put your finger on the trigger.

Put the safety on, mag removed, and put the pistol down, before you turn away from down range.

Esp for your first trip (and for every trip) SAFETY is PRIORITY ONE.

You'll love it!
I can't add a lot to what others have said, all good suggestions and advice. I will say, take everything you hear at the range from other shooters with a grain of salt. There's lots of BS flying, and I'm sure that being female, you'll probably get a healthy dose of it too. I personally like to shoot when it's not crowded, or away from others. My pet peeve is the know-it-all who feels like he just HAS to give me some advice of some sort, either on my shooting or my choice of guns. If I want advice, I'll ask for it, I came to shoot not talk to a tactical wannabe! If you run into someone like that, just pretend you can't hear (you got ear plugs in and all!), and say "what???" a lot. Hopefully they'll get frustrated and leave you alone. The best advice is to go with an experienced shooter who has patience and has been to the range you're going to before.

This thread got me thinking: Is it breaking an etiquette rule to shoot while the guy next to you is shooting? I know bowlers that HATE it when someone in the lane next to them bowls when they are lining up the throw. Does the same apply for guns? Last week there was a guy next to me at the range (indoors) who was shooting a .22 taget pistol. I had a .45ACP and politley waited for him to shoot a magazine before I fired away. What are the opinions on this?
There is no particular etiquette on waiting for another to shoot. In some circumstances it may be nice, but for the most part we all just put the hearing protection on to avoid the annoyance. Again I double plug even outdoors.
Bar Tender

Browsing through the responses offered regarding your question, seems as if you were offered some sound general advise. Pay attention to it.

If I might make so bold, it sounded as if you were bringing a crowd with you. I would suggest a sharp reduction in the number of people. Pick whomever is MOST KNOWLEGEABLE AND PATIENT. The others can follow later.

The following is a general comment on guns and people. Many speak and act dismissively regarding 22 caliber firearms. 22's are "serious arms", and people who fail to recognize that basic fact are fools, possibly dangerous fools.
"...22's are "serious arms", and people who fail to recognize that basic fact are fools, possibly dangerous fools"

Words of wisdom. Even though the .22 is not the most potent of rounds, it is still dangerous enough. The smart play is to treat all firearms as "serious arms". The smart play is to also treat any arm, including air rifles and BB guns, as "serious arms" as well. If anything, it builds good firearm safety habits. Anyway, even .22's can be quite deadly, so treat them all with the respect they deserve.