Bought my first revolver back in June, a 6" stainless steel GP100 in excellent condition for $425. I love it! Pay the extra $100 compared to a Rossi or Taurus because in the long run the cost of ammo and accessories will far outweigh your initial investment and you will be much happier with a Ruger or S&W.
So Young and so Wise, Grasshoppah.......
I've heard alot of hate towards Taurus on these forums, and I want to ask why? What exactly is bad about them? My grandfather owns 4 taurus' and hasnt had any problems with any of them...
How much does your G'Pa actually
shoot them?
Unless there are tens of thousands of Interwebz Kommandoes out there giving false reviews of Taurus products ....... it's either that, or S&W/Ruger takes better care of their customers.... they are not as good.
I don't know of anyone I shoot with that shoots a Taurus. Folks I have seen that have them are generally young, and have not shot them much yet, or older, and don't shoot them much anyhow.
I have never owned a Taurus product ......and never will after seeing their Judge marketing videos, suggesting that the Judge is just the Bee's Knees for personal defense- dishonest, IMO...... though if you are ever attacked by a bunch of watermelons on sticks, hey, it might be just what Gallagher ordered!
I have yet to see any "well worn" Taurus wheel guns in any of the funstores around here...... why is that? I doubt that it's because the owners love shooting them so much that they keep them forever......
because in the long run the cost of ammo and accessories will far outweigh your initial investment
Now, if you are on a budget, and you would like to shoot more (mind you, you won't save any money, because you will just turn around and buy more components ....yeah, it's like that.....), invest the cost of two or three boxes of .357 magnum and buy this and a set of Carbide dies:
A youtube review (not by me) .....