First revolver... 686+ 3" or 686 4" or...

Thanks for all the advice guys! I am definitively getting a Kimber k6s... I am outside the US and waiting for my store to have them available.

So because the 686 4" is cheaper and has the same round count of the Kimber I decided to pick that one of the first bunch I mentioned... but! recently I was a gp100 6" and what a beauty it is... plus a loooooot cheaper... prices are wacky here:mad:

686 4" (6 shot) $ 2013 (yeap... USD and $140 more for the 686+)

Ruger 6" $1409

So... considering those prices 686 4" or gp100 6" both six shooters?

I clearly see the difference and how the smith is a more refined gun... but the difference in price... wow!